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Nj: June 25th

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#26 VACC


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Posted 18 June 2005 - 10:31 AM

I didn't know any of that. Interesting. Well at least you know your way around here somewhat.

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#27 Famine



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Posted 19 June 2005 - 12:54 AM

Ok, we're one week out so I just wanted to run through an informal headcount to see where we stand. If I missed you let me know, if you see your name on the list but aren't sure if you can make it then speak up as well:

Horsemen -- 8
Mrs. Ash

LCM -- 6
Good Twin

LGLF -- 3.5
Langley's friend (Mr. Langley seemed confusing)
Leftnut (maybe?)

Other -- 4
Mrs. Hersh

Finally, if there's any other info that anyone needs just say so. I'll probably post a basic outline for the day's events in the next few days.

Edited by Famine, 19 June 2005 - 09:52 PM.

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of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2005: Step It Up.
East Coast Nerf 2006: That's more like it.
East Coast Nerf 2007: I'm not driving to Massachusetts again.
East Coast Nerf 2008: Day of Regret.
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!

#28 Kuhlschrank



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Posted 19 June 2005 - 03:31 PM

Guys, Vacc forgot to mention.

When you get off exit 105, at least going north, the exit splits. Head toward route 36(the left side), not route 18 after you get off the GSP.
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+Kuhlschrank+ of the ~Lawnchair Mafia~

#29 Talio


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Posted 19 June 2005 - 04:41 PM

And if your going to bring a map, make sure it's not Ocean County.
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#30 One Man Clan

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Posted 19 June 2005 - 04:43 PM

Sorry about missing the pre war, but I was unfortunatley kinda stuck too long in CT. However Me and the Mrs. will definitely NOT miss this one.
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#31 VACC


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Posted 19 June 2005 - 06:35 PM

Excellent. The prewar was really small, but it served it's purpose. I'm looking forward to deal war, or as I like to call it "Futility".
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#32 Langley


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Posted 19 June 2005 - 09:39 PM

You can add me to the list. I'm going to bring a guest if that's okay, he's nerfed with my group before but you guys haven't met him yet.

Hersh, have you got a couple pistols you can lend me for the pistol rounds?
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You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

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#33 Talio


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Posted 20 June 2005 - 08:56 AM

So we're meeting at Vaccs house at 10 correct, not going to the park at 10?

I'd like to give some advice and recap on points made already for guys who didn't make it last year.

First off, please be conscious of what you put on your feet. You will be walking and running all day long. There are no park benches (actually somewhere there is, but you won't get to sit on them), there are no chairs (unless you're going to carry it all day) and there are no resterants. You will be on your feet either walking or playing all day long, so be prepared.

Second off, brown bag your lunch, because unless you want to see every Horseman and a Viking go off the cuff, I would highly suggest you follow the rules. There is no lunch break, you eat between rounds when you can. Trust me, it's rather liberating.

Third, have something to drink for god sakes. I believe everyone was smart last year, but you must have water or something to keep you hydrated. It's gonna be hot and probably more so then last year. There also isn't alot of shade, so you're going to be hot as hell. The only way to live through something like that is to make sure you have enough water. Stay hydrated, stay alive.

Fourth, sunscreen. Blessed Nazarines ghost I got burned last year. I'd also where lighter colors. It's not my style, but I'll be doing it just for the fact that I'm too fat to be doing this shit and will be sweating out what I can only figure will be the weight of a small human being.

Lasty, be aware of whats on your feet. I swear if one of you guys hurts yourself or gets blisters the size of mexican cockroaches, no one is going to carry you. Wear good shoes. I couldn't tell you the exact location (but at the war I will), nor distance you will be walking, but it can be measured in miles.

Keep in mind guys that these things are extremely intense. This is the Nerf equivelent of getting your face ripped off. It's more fun then I've ever had in my life, but it's tough. I will tell you that the entire experience is liberating (as I said before). We nerf and keep it pretty casual. It's nice every once in a while to completely pull out all the stops and see how much you can do. Coupled with the intensity of actually Nerfing all the way through a park, the scenario games add even more to it, making it nothing like what we're used to. It's a rough ass war, but it's entirely worth it.

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#34 Famine



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Posted 20 June 2005 - 06:43 PM

Everyone must be at Vacc's house by 10am. As people arrive we will be transfering their equipment and assigning them to a driver. Once that driver's load is full he will depart for the park. All 5 vehicles should be leaving in pretty close succession (9:50-10:05) so if you miss the last shuttle you're gonna be SOL. I strongly suggest you contact Vacc or I to swap cell phone numbers ahead of time. If you know you're not going to be able to be at Vacc's house by 10am then let us know now so that arrangments can be made. That deserves repeating;
If you know you're not going to be able to be at Vacc's house by 10am then let us know now so that arrangments can be made.

Also, a continental breakfast will be provided at Vacc's out of the Horsemen's own pockets. Don't say we never gave you nothing...

Talio emphasized several key points as well, make sure to bring plenty of water, an appropriate brown bag lunch, and any other supplies neccessary to keep you on your feet.

Any other questions?
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of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2005: Step It Up.
East Coast Nerf 2006: That's more like it.
East Coast Nerf 2007: I'm not driving to Massachusetts again.
East Coast Nerf 2008: Day of Regret.
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!

#35 VACC


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Posted 21 June 2005 - 11:02 AM

You princes of new england, you kings of gotham, you.....sorry saw batman again. All the points above are very valid; this will be intense. However, it is my job to tell you it's going to be ok, so that's what I'm doing. Yes it will be hectic, yes you will be very fucking tired, but no one's died yet and the worst injury we've seen is a twisted ankle (which he fucking nerfed through). If you come I guarantee you'll have fun, all we ask is that you try your best to follow the instructions we provide. We do so to insure everyone has a blast. Alright, go get ready.

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#36 One Man Clan

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Posted 21 June 2005 - 09:57 PM

2 things from me

#1....Phil or Fred, bring 100ft of foam from your stash for me. I'm out and I love your stuff. Just let me know how much

#2.....Anyone who wants ammo from me, its micros or zeros only. Still 50 for 5, 100 for 10, but this is the absolute last time i'll be selling them at this price. Let me know ASAP who needs them.
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#37 Langley


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Posted 21 June 2005 - 10:06 PM

Phil or Fred, I'm 'out' and I love your stuff.

What about the pistols, have you got a couple extras?
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You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

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#38 Talio


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Posted 22 June 2005 - 08:15 AM

Mark me down for some Micro's Hersh.
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#39 The Fred

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Posted 22 June 2005 - 10:57 PM

Vacc or Chris,

What time can we expect to be finished? If it's after 4 pm, is it allright if I just follow one of your cars to the park? It looks like I'm gonna need to skip out at around 4 to make an appearance at my cousin's graduation party.

We'll be at Vacc's before 9:50 am on Saturday.

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#40 Famine



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Posted 23 June 2005 - 08:59 AM

48 Hours and counting people. I figured now would be a good time to run
through some of the basic rules that will be in effect for Saturday as well
as brief overviews of the special rule sets we'll be trying. These special
games will be discussed in greater detail before each match actually starts.

General Rules:

1) Hit Count- All Deathmatch games will use the standard 4:20 rules.
Remember, you can count from 0-15 as quickly and silently as you like but
the count out from 15-20 must be in a loud, clear voice. If you're in the
immediate area of someone counting in it is your responsibility to clear and
allow that person to rejoin the game without being immediately engaged.
Once eliminated you must immediately clear the active play area and place
your primary gun in the camp area.

2) Gun Hits- All gun hits will count. I know some of you think that's a
bullshit rule and I happen to agree but with 20+ people on the field it just
simplifies things. Yes, the Manta Ray will still be recognized as a shield.

3) Hit Disputes- Any dispute over a hit which cannot be quickly resolved by
a third party will go in favor of the person whom the hit would have been
on. The "spirit" of this rule is to speed up the game and to prevent
lengthy arguments over hits. I don't in any way anticipate this, but if it
appears that someone is abusing the rule appropriate actions will be taken.

4) Taps- Only one tap can be made per dart, per gun. This basically means
that if you come into close combat with more than one person you may "tap"
one but you must fire at the subsequent target. If you are carrying a
primary and a secondary you may then use the second gun to perform a second
tap but then must fire at any subsequent targets after that.

5) Game Area- Players will not be allowed to leave grass or pathed areas in
game. This basically means to stay the hell out of the brush. Dart loss
will be profuse and I don't want anyone having to fire directly into wooded
areas. Any shots made by a person who is out of the game area will not be

6) Dart Collection- All players who are counting in or have been eliminated
from a round will be encouraged to actively collect darts. The only
exception to this is collecting darts from an area where people are still
actively playing. Players who have been eliminated from a round are
expected to stay out of any immediate area where active play is occurring.

7) Sudden Death- Should a deathmatch exceed 45 minutes the players who have
been eliminated will have the option to vote for Sudden Death. Should the
majority decide that a Sudden Death is necessary it will then be announced
and one-hit-kills rules will go into play.

Special Game sets:

Juggernaut- Throughout the day one of the rounds played will be designated a
"Juggernaut" round which will use the following modified rules.
1) Players will be broken into 4 teams, each starting at a different
corner of the play area. Standard 3:15 rules will be in effect for all
2) In the center of the play area a token will be placed which, when
held, grants the ability of the Juggernaut.
3) Only one person may be the Juggernaut at a time and the
Juggernaut token may not be voluntarily passed to another player.
4) Any hits made by the Juggernaut will reduce the targets hit
points by 2 instead of the standard 1.
5) Any hit taken by the Juggernaut does not reduced his or her total
remaining hit points. Once the Juggernaut has been hit by any opposing
player the Juggernaut token must be placed on the ground where the hit
occurred and the former Juggernaut's ENTIRE TEAM must return to their
starting area while the former Juggernaut counts in. While counting in, the
former Juggernaut's team is considered out of play.
6) The team remaining with the Juggernaut token at the end of play
will be designated the winner.

Captain Falls- Throughout the day one of the rounds played will be
designated a "Captain Falls" round which will use the following modified
1) Players will be broken into two teams with each team having a
designated Captain. All non-captains will use standard 3:15 rules.
2) Each team captain will be granted 6 hit points which will be
represented by 6 flags on their person.
3) When a Captain is hit they must surrender one of their flags to
the opposing player who scored the hit.
4) The match ends when a team has collected all 6 of the opposing
Captain's flags AND returned them to their Captain.
5) Special boundaries will be set which the Captains will be unable
to cross while in play.
  • 0
of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2005: Step It Up.
East Coast Nerf 2006: That's more like it.
East Coast Nerf 2007: I'm not driving to Massachusetts again.
East Coast Nerf 2008: Day of Regret.
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!

#41 Rambo


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Posted 23 June 2005 - 11:11 AM

Hey, sorry it's short notice, but I actually can't make it, but don't worry, I'll make the next war, even if I have to walk to jersey
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#42 VACC


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Posted 23 June 2005 - 01:51 PM

I actually can't make it, but don't worry

I'm not worried
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#43 Death


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Posted 23 June 2005 - 03:09 PM

I actually can't make it, but don't worry

I'm not worried

Well, fuck, dude-- if it hadn't been for his warning, I very well might have. You just don't know, man. I was about this close to worrying.
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Let a man never stir on his road a step
without his weapons of war;
for unsure is the knowing when need shall arise
of a spear on the way without.  --Hávamál 38

#44 Famine



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Posted 24 June 2005 - 01:17 PM

24-Hours to go ladies . I hope everyone's got their shit together. If there are any last minute questions I suggest you get in touch with Vacc or myself stat. That's about all for now.
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of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2005: Step It Up.
East Coast Nerf 2006: That's more like it.
East Coast Nerf 2007: I'm not driving to Massachusetts again.
East Coast Nerf 2008: Day of Regret.
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!

#45 Talio


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Posted 24 June 2005 - 11:40 PM

Bright and early bitches. I'm more ready then I'll ever be.

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