Your Combo
Posted 04 June 2005 - 09:26 PM
Primary: TItan or at3k singled I broke the turret or dual at2k's
and sspb in my pocket jut in case
I'm useually a loser and use my Rf20 to Rush
Posted 04 June 2005 - 09:36 PM
QUOTE (Talio) |
Catagory 5 hurricanes are the mighty dick of God. You don't mess with that! You don't mess with Gods dick! |
Posted 04 June 2005 - 09:42 PM
Posted 04 June 2005 - 09:57 PM
Primary: BBB carbine with 25 rounds or Powerclip with several clips
Sidearm: Defender T3 Battle Pistol or heavily modded Sharpshooter 1 with 15 rounds
Artemis Arms Armory
Posted 04 June 2005 - 10:04 PM
My Spupermaxx (haha) 1500 and oh wait - that's it. Maybe a Nitefinder. Either that or my other combo would be a singled Airtech2000 and a Nitefinder.
Why all the gear?
Haha, I love it. "heavily modded." Ok, then...
Umm just so you know if you're a "loser," you can probably get a couple shots off *if you're lucky* before you're spotted (seeing as, you know, how far nerf guns really shoot), keeping an RF20 along with that gun is like wearing loud obnoxious bells on your feet. Your agility will be less, an RF20 won't really serve your purpose well (honestly, just quad an at2k or something and stick with that) unless you can't aim or something.
Seriously, you don't even need combos. A single gun will often suffice. Maybe a pistol if the battle ain't over within the first few shots.
Posted 04 June 2005 - 10:18 PM
Haha, I love it. "heavily modded."
Hey, once a Sharpshooter 1 is fully modded, it's a killer.
Artemis Arms Armory
Posted 04 June 2005 - 10:48 PM
when i used stock guns in my base ment, I would use my Camo Shirt, Jacket, and Pants, packing a ton of heat with dual (oh daminit for the love of god) those single barreled mastter blasters i cant remember for the life of me the name of, 3 slung primaries (variety, varing all the time), and at least 4 pistols, with as much ammo as i could cram into my pockets.
I've come a long way since then:
Now I use -
3 strung machine guns (2 WF, 1 RF20)
1 Duffel Bag
5 or more pistols in duffel
As much ammo as I can find/have made
Soon to be adding dual primareies into the mix, and thats the truth, heres a pic
well damint, i can't find the pic, ask crankymonky for it if you care
Posted 04 June 2005 - 10:58 PM
Edited by fastkill, 04 June 2005 - 10:59 PM.
Posted 05 June 2005 - 01:38 AM
Code of ConductLol for some people like me cant not only bring 2 guns. We just feel that we need to have them all just in case cause you never know. But im tryin to pack light idk bout RAMBO though
I only use a primary, which as of late has been a maxshot. I expect to be using the Crossbow in its place shortly. I have never carried more than one gun into battle, because I can reload fairly quickly. A sidearm isn't a bad idea because it can be sometimes used to deter the other player and keep you alive.
<a href="http://www.albinobla.../flash/posting" target="_blank">Posting and You</a>
Posted 05 June 2005 - 01:46 AM
EaB and SSII akimbo (the SSII is the only gun I can accurately use left handed)
I don't get along well with holsters or guns in pockets as they tend to slow me down.
Posted 05 June 2005 - 06:13 AM
I know there are snipery weapons that don't need a bunch of pumping, like the max shot, but
1)SS2 is smaller
2)I can't actually find a Max Shot
3)I can't find any brass either
Joy. I've checked every hobby shop and Home Depot type place near my house without any luck finding brass. Well, there is a model train hobby shop I haven't checked but I'm not sure how brass pipes are related to trains.
This is irrelevant but if anyone has any petg they would be willing to sell, pm me.
Posted 05 June 2005 - 07:33 AM
Putting The Circus Out Of Bussiness Since 1990™.
I use the rf40.
But seriously, I go in with a ttg and a nitefinder.
I can't find Rambo's picture : /. Weird.
Posted 05 June 2005 - 09:50 AM
Posted 05 June 2005 - 03:54 PM
Posted 05 June 2005 - 03:55 PM
Posted 05 June 2005 - 03:59 PM
Posted 05 June 2005 - 04:34 PM
Posted 19 June 2005 - 10:25 PM
Posted 19 June 2005 - 10:36 PM
Posted 19 June 2005 - 10:57 PM
Posted 19 June 2005 - 11:15 PM
outdoor sets
Set 1(I use this set the most): Single Brassed 2k(really long-range), tri-barreled SS1, wildfire
Set2: Quad brassed 2k, brassed minimized NF,
Set3: Big Salvo, tri-barreled SS1
Set4: 5-way titan; it has 4 interchangeable barrels with 5 uses: 1: single crayola w/3-ft pvc barrel, 2: dremmeled out stock barrel for mega missle, 3&4: At2k pump shaft allows for single shot mega darts & Arrows, 5: Quad crayolaed At2k Turret attached to a second stock barrel that produces shotgun-style fireing. brassed minimized NF
Set5:Wildfire & Rf20, brassed minimized NF
Indoor set: Tri barreled SS1, brassed minimized NF,
As you guys can tell I <3 my Tri barreled SS1 & brassed minimized NF
Edited by baghead, 19 June 2005 - 11:17 PM.
Don't call it a comeback, I never left.
Posted 19 June 2005 - 11:25 PM
QUOTE (Talio) |
Catagory 5 hurricanes are the mighty dick of God. You don't mess with that! You don't mess with Gods dick! |
Posted 20 June 2005 - 07:35 AM
VGN: How are you going to carry nine missiles and a titan?
Bigger than rugby
Bigger than snowboarding
Bigger than surfing.......Paintball
Posted 20 June 2005 - 09:39 AM
i am going to use modded xbow (mabye soon with AT2k intragation) and a soon the be finishied RF20with a strap
maybe a night finder or an NF or a SSII
(I love cookies) (But not sugar cookies)
world domination (oh that was my 5th grade self in a straight jacket saying that)
Posted 20 June 2005 - 11:10 AM
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