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How Can I Get A Hold Of Andy Of Nerfcenter?

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#26 Davis



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Posted 06 June 2005 - 09:03 PM

This forum had a very high IQ when the membership was about 100. It's kind of gone to hell since then.


Am I smart, you may ask?
Nope. Yup, Yup! Going to the zoo.

This thread has turned into a flame war, I wasn't arround at the point, but from what I heard, Andy was an egotistic bastard, and his site was great.
As Talio said:
"Put up, or shut up."

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QUOTE ("Devious")
2. Laugh like a maniac as you pummel them with your balls.

#27 cxwq



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Posted 06 June 2005 - 09:46 PM

These damn liberals and their warped mentalities thinking other people's property, hard earned money, and lives should be interfered with.

What The Fuck?

I don't think liberals are particularly against copyright. You're making the same right-wing-asshole comparison that gives normal, non-retarded conservatives a bad name.

For the record: Liberal != Communist.
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<meta name="cxwq" content="mostly water">

#28 merlinski



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Posted 06 June 2005 - 10:14 PM

Andy's content is Andy's content. It's a thing we call private property. He has the right to all the property since he did most of the work. He has no obligation, moral or otherwise, to give it up. That's the beauty of capitalism. Last I recall, this wasn't a communist regime. He's not a pompous ass because he wants to retain the site he worked to achieve for so long. Why the hell should he feel one ounce of obligation to give it to any of you? See, what we do in capitalism is compete: go make your own site! He made his, now it's your turn. These damn liberals and their warped mentalities thinking other people's property, hard earned money, and lives should be interfered with. I hope he's sitting at the computer laughing at you because of your gross lack of creativity and ability. Do you really consider yourself so deficient that you can't recreate what he did? I hope so; I also hope Andy considers it a compliment that you love his site so much that you feel you have to take his property because you can't compete with its quality. Move to Cuba; your ideals might be better served there. Stop bitching and make your own damn site.

Holy Irrelevancy Batman!

Seriously, next time you want to rant make sure you're not repeating stuff that other people have been saying for the past few days. And make sure you don't sound like a complete idiot, that'd help too.
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#29 taita cakes

taita cakes


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Posted 07 June 2005 - 03:17 AM

You do understand that they are merely statistics? He "owns" statistics . . .

That's like copyrighting sin, cos, or maybe even that outsider, tan.
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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

#30 cxwq



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Posted 07 June 2005 - 10:13 AM

You do understand that they are merely statistics? He "owns" statistics . . .

That's like copyrighting sin, cos, or maybe even that outsider, tan.

Oh please.

He owns his measurements, his descriptions, and his photographs. We're not talking about natural phenomena here we're talking about him taking a plastic gun outside and firing it a few times at various targets, recording the results.

The NIC subsequently declares his work to be in the public domain because the NIC is comprised predominantly of lazy assholes.

Let me make this perfectly clear:

OKAY: Make a local copy of his reviews for your own personal use. This is exactly what happens when your browser caches files on the internet. It's an expected action when you place something online.

NOT OKAY: Make someone else's content available for viewing or download on your own server. This is a clear infringement of copyright law and is also just plain fucked up.
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<meta name="cxwq" content="mostly water">

#31 taita cakes

taita cakes


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Posted 08 June 2005 - 12:45 AM

Point taken, and hey, I'm not the one ripping them, but I think the large, predominantly lazy-ass population of nerfers who want to start their own website are the problem. When you weigh up the cost of hiring/building equipment to measure weapon velocity and such, and the general effort it would take to do it all, it is almost definite that they will "steal" someone elses information.

I understand that Andy put a fair bit of effort into testing the guns and developing the information, but it ended there. I currently regard him only slightly higher than Hal. But hey, you knew the guy[s]..
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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

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