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ok I need some help

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#1 jon



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Posted 04 May 2005 - 01:58 PM

Hey guys,

I know I have not posted in a long time. It's good to see that the nerfing comunity is growing, but to get to the point, let me say this. I currently writing a screenplay and I'm trying to make it into a generation studdy. Right now I have come down with a bad case of writers block. If you guys could help me and just poast what you love most about this generation and what you hate most of this generation.

Also for those in film school. Would any of you guys be willing to help me shoot this my peice when it is all written. If not could you give me some good contacts, books, advice, ect.

thanks for your help guys
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#2 Shotty Master

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Posted 05 May 2005 - 05:50 AM

I dont care for the music of this generation, and i hate how dis respectful they are.

But, thats just my opinion...
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#3 mayhem



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Posted 05 May 2005 - 06:31 AM

I don't like the way kids are getting subjected to movies/picture/music alot earlier than they should be and getting desensatized (sp?) by it.

f.e. My 6 year old brother watches movies that scared me when I was 10.
He sees stuff on TV, and you can say it's fake, but to the mind...it's as real as it gets. It really gets to me. Also, it's just way too easy to get acces to the pornindustry, it's messed up.
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#4 Jin Kazama

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Posted 05 May 2005 - 08:20 AM

Yeah, definitely the total loss of all moral decency is what I hate. There really is nothing to love about this generation unless you love crime, war, etc.

Seems to me like things just continue to get worse too.
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#5 LordoftheRing434



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Posted 05 May 2005 - 11:40 AM

Basically, this generation is all about $, drugs, and prostitution. The world has turned bad, and it will keep getting worse. I'm also on Shotty_Master's side. Music is now a bunch of swearing knitted together with "YO" and stuff. Also, you see live performances of bands now, and their live stuff sounds exactly like the CD. There isn't a unique performance for every audience. Back in the days of Zeppelin, Floyd, The Who, etc., people got their own special show. People would pay money to hear their favorite song with a twist. The world is screwy now, with wars and everything that gives our society a bad image. I would hate to see what's around the next corner.

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And when he gets to Heaven, to St. Peter he will tell, "One more soldier reporting sir, I've served my time in hell."

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#6 Evil


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Posted 05 May 2005 - 12:11 PM

I don't understand how negative you guys can be. There's plenty for this generation to pride themselves in.

Edited by Evil, 05 May 2005 - 12:12 PM.

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#7 merlinski



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Posted 05 May 2005 - 12:27 PM

Here's an idea: How bout looking at how all these kids who have been brought up in a ridiculously nice, conflict-free environment think that the world's hell and that it's cool to be negative.

Seriously guys, do you honestly think any of the stuff you named makes this generation special? The decline of morality? That applies to pretty much every generation ever. Goddamn you should take a class about the 1960's.

The world has turned bad? When the fuck do you think it was good? The 80's? The 70's? Do you have any idea how sheltered you are? "The world is screwy now, with wars and everything that gives our society a bad image." Here's a piece of shocking news - there's always been wars, there's always been crime, and poverty, and strife. That doesn't make you special, and you sure as hell don't live during "hard times".

And if you think that all music now is just cookie-cutter shit, then you aren't listening to the right music.

As for what's good about this generation? Well its sorta hard to look at accomplishments right now, but how bout the fact that we're growing up in a time of unparalleled technological innovation, and the first generation to have grown up in the world of the internet?
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#8 Evil


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Posted 05 May 2005 - 01:11 PM

Why not do your film piece on when Merlinski used to post about Nerf, instead of randomly posting about everything but.

I'd also like to note that Merl is correct about you kids not listening to the right music.

Edited by Evil, 05 May 2005 - 01:12 PM.

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#9 Davis



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Posted 05 May 2005 - 02:49 PM

1930's-The Great Depression. People were depressed. Life sucked.

1940's-World War II. The supposed war to end all wars.

1950's-(I believe...)Continuing World War II.

1960's-Hippies, drugs, the works.

1970's-More drugs, more hippies. Vietnam.

1980's-MORE drugs, a few minor conflicts.

1990's-Our world. A world that is fighting to kill terrorism. The internet is life. Science is advancing by leaps and bounds. Sure, the moral decency of our youth is dieing, but in my eyes, thats what made rock of the 80's so great. Sure, kids acted up because of it, but they didn't join gangs. We live in such a great generation, that you people who say this is horrible, and I am willing to draw the democrats into this, should shut the fuck up.
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#10 cxwq



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Posted 05 May 2005 - 03:21 PM

We live in such a great generation, that you people who say this is horrible, and I am willing to draw the democrats into this, should shut the fuck up.

What, exactly, do Democrats have to do with anything you're talking about?
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#11 Ash



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Posted 05 May 2005 - 04:12 PM

I have a better question, does any of what you people are saying have any sort of hard root in fact? You are all talking out of your asses like a bunch of prophetic fucking lunatics. Why don't you go walk around with bigass signs over your torsos about how the world is coming to a horrifying, immoral, filthy fucking end? Sometimes I read these boards and I truly feel alone in this world... you are all so swayed by everything everyone has to feed you. You should take a second to step away from all the propaganda that you have so easily accepted as fact and look at what's going on around you. Sure, the economy doesn't look great and large percentages of the modern generations are douchebags, but what the fuck else is new?

Shotty - Try listening to some modern music before you make vast assumptions and generalizations about it. Disrepectful is a word I might use to describe one or two specific genres of modern music, not all. Let me give you an example, since you could probably identify with this particular lyric:

"We could have had it all in our studio on 4th street
Every morning we rose with hope that we could change the world
or at least one mind
The songs came from Harvard Square and no longer were so rare
The poets strummed their strings at the thought of changing things.
It started wtih Woodie G and came strong with Bobby D.
At night the bearded boys fled
and all the lank haired girls came too
To converted sandal shops to hear the words

They came to hear the words
They longed for another cause
And when the next day came they took action
My beautiful blue collared army
With eyes buried in books
you never saw it coming
The day your cause would come crashing
Because soon it went pop
But you never asked for San Francisco
And all that came with it
God get us back to NYC, 1963"

I'm sure I don't have to explain the references for you. The song is NYC, 1963 by Nodes of Ranvier. If you heard the music you would probably just pass it off as "noise" and/or "crap" and move along. This is a metal/HC band, if you need to categorize them. They have nothing but respect for the people who revolutionized the music that they play. Much of the album, in fact, has references/soundbites/lyrics pertaining to previous generations and all the music they created. Close minded people like you are who fuel the disrespect that you so despise in our modern generations' music. Try actually listenening to it before you ignore it.

Mayhem - If you have a problem with your little brother's exposure to the graphic nature of television and such, why don't you talk to your parents about it? There are ratings on every movie, TV show, and video game out there. If people don't want their kids to see things they have that option. Heck, every TV out there still comes with a damn V-chip, but all the whining parents who can't stand how Graphic the media has become simply ignores the device. Keep the kid away from the computer and you've already solved the porn problem if you want to call it a problem. Most other countries don't really shun nudity as much as this particularly uptight one tends too, so that's really a perception issue. These companies go more than out of their way to create all these rating systems and shit and everyone just continues to complain about everything they dont' want their kids to see... possibly the current generation isn't the problem so much as the parents of the current generation.

Jin - That total loss of moral decency line is complete fucking bullshit. Sure, there's a decline in traditional "moral values" in the present, but possibly some of those values just don't mean what they used too. Possibly, if those moral values were instilled in the youth, they wouldn't be such a problem. Possibly if everyone didn't make such a big deal out of it, the "offenders" of these values wouldn't be blatantly pissing all over them. Possibly if everyone wasn't so damn uptight people would feel more free to express themselves in other ways.

Lord of the Ring - Again, people like you are the problem. If there weren't so many people making broad generalizations all the time about "today's music" or "today's youth", maybe they wouldn't play into it so much. Your example of music with YOs and prophanities strung together against a ripped off backbeat pertains to such a small little piece of today's music. Open up your damn eyes and see what's around you before you put on the blinders. I still pay money to see my favorite songs with a twist, I'm sorry all of your entertainment has died with the 60's, 70's, and 80's.

Merlinski - For once I agree with you.

Evil - Possibly the Nerf community doesn't really keep everyone stimulated enough and excited enough about Nerf. Possibly there just isn't that much to say about it. I am just as bad, I barely ever post about Nerf here anymore, and when I do what I say is usually ignored by a bunch of little pricks who barely know who I am. The 11 or so years of experience I have no longer matters. The mods and creations that we have all made over those years have simply been rehashed and other people have taken credit for them. I come here and see recent topics that have to do with nerf are all "a new Titan mod" or "RF50?", etc. I'm sorry, but there just isn't much to say about it all the time. We help when we can, but for the rest of the time, there aren't any monumental new things to say. If I want to come on here (or if anyone else does) and post a reply to a subject in Off Topic that someone else has created, I don't see why I should have to sit and wonder "will people think less of me if I talk too much about non-nerf subjects?" . Your blazing observations of the sort seem rather fruitless.


Jon - Good luck with your film. I also wish to someday be able to create film. It's great to see someone else interested in using their brain for some sort of creation. Feel free to PM me if you want any opinions on your stuff. I'm not trying to come off as an ass, but if you want any honest opinions, you can count on one from me.

Good day.
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Name's Ash, Housewares

#12 jon



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Posted 05 May 2005 - 06:10 PM

Well chums, I didn't think that you guys would be so cynical. I hate to say it but most of the things you guys are talking about have been traced back to the Bible. I would like for you guys talk about THIS generation. Some of the good ideas that you guys have talked about are that we are the first generation to grow up with internet. Some of the things that I have observed about our generation is there are so many genres and styles. Tell me what you think of punks, goths, ska boys, or the preps that buy all there cloathes from American Eagle. (I.E. I HATE EMO kids and punks are the coolest people) . Also,Why dont you guys talk about something more taboo. (I.E. The openess of the gay community, or the Christian Reich [pun intended].)

This movie that I am writing has mainly about a boy who is a movie buff and loves trageties. He is purposly holding himself back acidemically (and in writing contest) in high school so that when he becomes a directo,r that he has sort of a Cynderella story. he eventually wins a contest and then kills himself. You see the the actual tragety is him wining, not him killing himself. (note this is potentaly 180 pages rolled into a short paragraph)

Hey Ash- thanks for the encouragement. I would PM you but I don't know what that is. Aslo, could you put your personal observations of this generation. I think I have a feeling I would like what you would say
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#13 Shotty Master

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Posted 05 May 2005 - 06:22 PM

ok. Il try and be more open. First off, I dont get the Christian Reich thing. There Isnt one. Second, I think that this generation has seen several advancements in the world as we know it. Some of the things that make our generation ours include:
1. Sept. 11, 2001
2. Columbia explosion
3.Internet in most households
4.Increasing amount of obese people ( rent Supersize Me if you get a chance)
5.The fall of the Berlin Wall
6.The collapse of the Soviet Union and Communist Block
7. The Death of Ronald Walter Regan
8. The Bill Clinton Trial
9. Oklahoma City Bombing
10. Great leaps im medical technology and medicinal practices

Again, these are things that define our generation. These are events and occurences that will be read by future generations in history books.

Also, i like the deepness of you thought into that story. the tradgety was indeed his wining, not the death.
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#14 LordoftheRing434



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Posted 05 May 2005 - 07:07 PM

Ok, I was talkin out of my ass. Yes, the world has always been screwy, but I've been in a really pissy mood today. I needed something to rant about, so I came here. My friend keeps trying to introduce me to newer bands, and I just can't buy it. I guess that was why I ranted about it. I'm sorry for making the mistake, I get what you guys are saying. That was a horrible waste of a post. Things have always been down, and they always will be. I can get over that. I'm a constant pessimist, so forgive me for that. I got toasted, and I can admit that. My sincerest apologies for any personal anguish this could have caused. I guess that's a beautiful thing about today's society: we can argue. Back in the days of the Reds, freedom of speech wasn't so free. We've made great strides in taking American rights seriously. Once again, sorry, so let's all get along and eat a nice warm plate of fresh-baked cookies, and put our behinds in the past.

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And when he gets to Heaven, to St. Peter he will tell, "One more soldier reporting sir, I've served my time in hell."

"I bluff it. I don't throw my weight around and say I know what I'm doing." ~ Mick Jagger

#15 Evil


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Posted 05 May 2005 - 07:54 PM

If I want to come on here (or if anyone else does) and post a reply to a subject in Off Topic that someone else has created, I don't see why I should have to sit and wonder "will people think less of me if I talk too much about non-nerf subjects?" . Your blazing observations of the sort seem rather fruitless.

My observations aren't directed to insult you Ash, rather Merlinski who hasn't made a Nerf related post since... as close as I could find it, Jun 20 2004, 12:52 AM. I just remember a time when Merl had more to say and I respected what he said.

I'll just note that the forum is named NerfHaven and be done with it.
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#16 texmustache



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Posted 05 May 2005 - 08:11 PM

1930's-The Great Depression. People were depressed. Life sucked.

1940's-World War II. The supposed war to end all wars.

1950's-(I believe...)Continuing World War II.

1960's-Hippies, drugs, the works.

1970's-More drugs, more hippies. Vietnam.

1980's-MORE drugs, a few minor conflicts.

1990's-Our world. A world that is fighting to kill terrorism. The internet is life. Science is advancing by leaps and bounds. Sure, the moral decency of our youth is dieing, but in my eyes, thats what made rock of the 80's so great. Sure, kids acted up because of it, but they didn't join gangs. We live in such a great generation, that you people who say this is horrible, and I am willing to draw the democrats into this, should shut the fuck up.

You need to brush up on your history...

WWII was over in 1945.

1950-53: The Korean War. We didn't win that one either.

1965: Vietnam War starts. Where do you think the hippies came from?

1973: Vietnam Ends. S. Vietnam gets invaded later.

1980's: We were still in the Cold War. I'd say that's pretty important.
-1989: Communism is pretty much dead in Europe.

AND: From late 1940's to early 1991's we were in the Cold War. That was some scary shit going down.

So davis, before you're going to make partisan arguments that have nothing to do with anything...i think you have some studying to do.

As far as things go, people today generally live better than they did a half century ago.

Probably the most defining thing in our generation is the new technology. Personal computers, cell phones, the internet, etc.
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#17 jon



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Posted 05 May 2005 - 09:14 PM

Please less history and more present. Also it would be nice if you guys just stop going for someone else's jugular. Here is other thing I would like to bring up for you guys to express your opion on. Try talking about modern philosophy (I.E. objectivism and others. ), fashion, and new ovements.

Oh Shotty you should watch the John Stewart Show. He often makes fun of the Christian Right. From there I took the joke farther and made it into the Christian Riech. (after all, the Pope was in the Nazi Youth) :D
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