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Los Angeles, Mexico

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#26 LordoftheRing434



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Posted 28 April 2005 - 12:41 PM

HAHAHAHA!!! That is just another reason why Minnesota kicks ass. Sure, sometimes we get Canadians, but hell, everyone's pasty white up here anyway! We've got Swedes, Finns, Norwegians, some French, and a few of Native Americans. No worries about the Spanish population (if any, that'd be south MN). Ignorance truly is bliss. I do feel for you guys though; I would be annoyed too. Now, if you'll excuse me, me and some buddies have a date with the sauna! North pride biotch!


Edited by LordoftheRing434, 28 April 2005 - 12:42 PM.

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#27 Groove


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Posted 28 April 2005 - 12:43 PM

...Any opinion you may have about the Economic and/or Political state of our Nation is irrelevant*. This isn't the Dumbfuck Junior High Debate Team. You are not the Congressional Comittee acting on behalf of the NIC. If you want to have pretentious teenager political debates, find a forum that caters to pretentious teenagers, maybe comrad lobster can help you with that. We grownups have plastic toys to discuss.

That's getting added that hilarious quote to my signature, while playing with my butthole, I call it.

-Groove out.
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#28 Pineapple


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Posted 28 April 2005 - 02:49 PM

...Any opinion you may have about the Economic and/or Political state of our Nation is irrelevant*.  This isn't the Dumbfuck Junior High Debate Team.  You are not the Congressional Comittee acting on behalf of the NIC.  If you want to have pretentious teenager political debates, find a forum that caters to pretentious teenagers, maybe comrad lobster can help you with that.  We grownups have plastic toys to discuss.

That's getting added that hilarious quote to my signature, while playing with my butthole, I call it.

-Groove out.

Hey Groove, can I second it? Just the last line.

But then again, I really like Death's one too.

These off-topic "forum discussions" are interesting. You get a feel for what young, receptive minds think before they get a taste of real life out there.

Why don't you go work the fields so we can send them home to starve in their own country instead of here?

Listen to your elders...then discuss. Start by cleaning your rooms.

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-Piney- of White Dog Hobbies Armory

<!--quoteo(post=209846:date=Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM:name=boom)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(boom @ Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>




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Posted 28 April 2005 - 02:58 PM

I'm not going to pretend to know a lot of the situation, but if the Mexican/Spanish immagrants are whats keeping this country going, then keep them.

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#30 Ice Nine

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Posted 28 April 2005 - 05:43 PM

From Ice Nine's signature:

"Grinch for Prez, 2032!"

Sounds like if anyone here knew about Dr. Seuss genitalia, it'd be you. B)

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#31 Talio


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Posted 28 April 2005 - 09:18 PM

You wanna know what the worst part is? My building is full of mexican groundsmen. There is one lady who was born here and she doesn't do a quarter of the work those other guys do. It's amazing to see them work. I've been more careful about the mess I make, they're good, hardworking people. Are they legal? I don't care, because if they get canned I know where my ass will be working.

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#32 Grinch



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Posted 28 April 2005 - 11:34 PM

Grinch.  You're a kid.  Any opinion you may have about the Economic and/or Political state of our Nation is irrelevant*.  This isn't the Dumbfuck Junior High Debate Team.  You are not the Congressional Comittee acting on behalf of the NIC.  If you want to have pretentious teenager political debates, find a forum that caters to pretentious teenagers, maybe comrad lobster can help you with that.  We grownups have plastic toys to discuss.

Are you implying that my opinion is not relevant because of my age? If so, that's a pretty moronic statement you made. And to add, I'm not in junior high, and I've never been on the debate team. If you don't have a real point to argue besides insulting me with no substantial reason, don't even bother posting in this topic.

Talio, and others - you've got the message wrong. It apparently came off as that I despise Mexicans. In reality, my best friend is Mexican-American. She gladly accepts the fact that she lives in America and has fully assimilated - her entire family speaks English fluently.

Also, keep in mind that I said nothing in my post about illegal immigrants. I guess the topic of Mexicans and illegal immigrants are often linked, but that honestly wasn't the purpose of this topic. I really wanted to express my annoyance at pretending we live in Mexico. Once again, I'm proud to be an American citizen and I don't want to be represented as anything other than that.
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#33 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 29 April 2005 - 09:19 AM


I believe my good friend Langley meant that since you are under 18, and cannot vote, that your opinion does not matter at all. In reality, it doesn't because you have no power to actually vote on measures or candidates. As nice as it is for teenagers to have opinions, they don't count until you are of voting age. I came to realize this quickly when tha magical time finally hit me. Ever notice that news agencies never poll kids? That's because they can't vote yet and will have no bearing on an election.


P.S. Let this topic run its course into the bottom of the Off-Topic forum.
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#34 Bad Karma

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Posted 29 April 2005 - 10:34 AM

Here is what I think about Political disgustion on a forum where most everyone (except a handful) are to YOUNG to vote.

Leave Politics for the adults. There is nothing more frustersating then trying to argue a point that you can do NOTHING about. Sure it's good to be informed. But most of you aren't. Your just arguing to argue, and that's so freakin annoying.
So Shut Up!

~Da BK~
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Da BK 02: well...I just wanted to tell you...since your going to be dieing...I 've always hated you...and I mean that
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#35 Grinch



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Posted 30 April 2005 - 11:34 AM

Leave Politics for the adults. There is nothing more frustersating then trying to argue a point that you can do NOTHING about. Sure it's good to be informed. But most of you aren't. Your just arguing to argue, and that's so freakin annoying.
So Shut Up!

BK, that's a pathetic argument. You're saying that teens shouldn't express opinions simply because they cannot affect the government?

I'm sorry, I don't do that "children should be seen but not heard" thing.
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#36 IronRhino



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Posted 30 April 2005 - 12:07 PM

Then maybe you should adhere to the "Idiots should be seen and not heard" thing.
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#37 texmustache



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Posted 30 April 2005 - 12:28 PM

I think you mean "idiots shouldn't be seen OR heard".
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#38 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 30 April 2005 - 12:29 PM

I think you mean "idiots shouldn't be seen OR heard".

Then how would we laugh at them?
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#39 Langley


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Posted 30 April 2005 - 12:48 PM

BK, that's a pathetic argument. You're saying that teens shouldn't express opinions simply because they cannot affect the government?

I'm sorry, I don't do that "children should be seen but not heard" thing.

You say that like your inability to vote is the cause and your problem with being taken seriously is the effect. You've got it backward. Teens can't vote because they aren't mature enough to make an informed decision.
No one is saying people your age shouldn’t express their opinions. Expressing you opinion as a young adult is an integral part of forming an informed viewpoint, maturing and preparing yourself for when that opinion can really make a difference. But you shouldn’t expect your opinion to be taken seriously by everyone all the time. For example, people on a Nerf message board often won’t give a fuck. If there’s any time you shouldn’t expect to be taken seriously, it’s when you’re trying to stir up a bunch of other ill-informed teenagers.
The point is that there are places where you can share your views with other people of all ages on a wide variety of social, political, and economic topics, and learn and grow from hearing other people’s opinions and giving your own. But a Nerf forum ain’t one of them.

Edited by Langley, 30 April 2005 - 12:49 PM.

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#40 Bad Karma

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Posted 30 April 2005 - 01:03 PM

BK, that's a pathetic argument. You're saying that teens shouldn't express opinions simply because they cannot affect the government?

I'm sorry, I don't do that "children should be seen but not heard" thing.

You've got it backward. Teens can't vote because they aren't mature enough to make an informed decision.

Amen. I was simply saying that our job right now is our school, and maybe a part time job. We can't vote because we aren't informed enough, rational enough, mature enough to vote. A NERF forum is no place for political arguements by minors. If you wanna do that that's what a debate team or a government club is for. I'm not saying teens shouldn't be making opinoins at all, hell I'm the head lobbyist for Alabama's Youth and Government program. But Off topic for light humor and informed on what we are interested in. Not C-SPAN....Like I said. Get informed. Get your information straight. That way when your voice REALLY coundts, people will listen.
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Da BK 02: well...I just wanted to tell you...since your going to be dieing...I 've always hated you...and I mean that
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#41 texmustache



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Posted 30 April 2005 - 01:37 PM

I'd just like to say that there are a lot of adults that can't make informed decisions either (People who watch Fox News, anyone?) I'm not sure about maturity in all cases, because there are a lot of mature teens and a lot of immature adults. But the age limit is there because they hope that you WILL be mature by the time you get there. Not that you'd actually be mature.

But it is true that a Nerf forum isn't the best place to bother arguing. (of course, people here, i've noticed, tend to be a lot better educated about thier issues then most).
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#42 MattPaintballer



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Posted 30 April 2005 - 04:02 PM

BK, that's a pathetic argument. You're saying that teens shouldn't express opinions simply because they cannot affect the government?

I'm sorry, I don't do that "children should be seen but not heard" thing.

You've got it backward. Teens can't vote because they aren't mature enough to make an informed decision.

Amen. I was simply saying that our job right now is our school, and maybe a part time job. We can't vote because we aren't informed enough, rational enough, mature enough to vote. A NERF forum is no place for political arguements by minors. If you wanna do that that's what a debate team or a government club is for. I'm not saying teens shouldn't be making opinoins at all, hell I'm the head lobbyist for Alabama's Youth and Government program. But Off topic for light humor and informed on what we are interested in. Not C-SPAN....Like I said. Get informed. Get your information straight. That way when your voice REALLY coundts, people will listen.

We don't have the right to vote because THE MAJORITY of us aren't mature enough to handle it. But there are some exceptions. I personally feel that I am mature enough to have my own opinions (saying that makes me feel like a friggen 4 year old) on politics.

Me and two of my friends love discussing politics amongst each other, but not with anybody else. We live in a town where like 80% of the people are extreme hardcore republicans, and most people say their side then don't listen to the other person's argument. Almost every kid here listens to the crap their parents feed them, and actually believe it. I know people who will use immaterial, off-the-subject, irrelevant crap to promote the opinions they got from their mother. Almost everybody here has a biased opinion, and most of the opinions aren't even theirs.

Every election me and my two friends will watch the news for more time than we spend watching TV the rest of the year. We gather the stuff they say, then pull the information from the irrevelant stuff. We form our own opinions and research politics all the time. We have minds of our own. In fact, one of my friends comes from a family of six: a mother, a father, two daughters, two sons. His parents are republicans and voted for Bush, his sisters are democrats and voted for Nader, his brother and him are going to be democrats when they are old enough. So you see, the children are mature and smart enough that they don't go one way because their parents or friends did. They have minds of their owns.

All three of us are 13 years old. We debate fairly, we listen to the other opinions and perpsectives.

BK, Langley, you're being kind of stereotypical. We can't vote for a reason, but we can still discuss politics and form our own thoughts.
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#43 DJ Hurley

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Posted 30 April 2005 - 04:29 PM

In reality, my best friend is Mexican-American. She gladly accepts the fact that she lives in America and has fully assimilated - her entire family speaks English fluently.

Who are you trying to impress? Your saying that your only friends with her because she can speak English very well. But if she didn't, and if her family couldn't speak English well either, then you'd treat her differently?
Kinda fucked up.
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#44 Evil


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Posted 30 April 2005 - 04:32 PM

I think Grinch needs someone to untighten the lid on his sippy-cup. ^_^

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#45 Bad Karma

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Posted 30 April 2005 - 08:11 PM

Owned....Grinch, I think you need to stay at NHQ...where people actually talk about religion and politics. ^_^

BK, Langley, you're being kind of stereotypical. We can't vote for a reason, but we can still discuss politics and form our own thoughts.

I didn't say there was anything wrong with that. Just not on the nerf forums. Go find a local government club...please! Where people don't haft to pay for bandwidth!

Edited by Bad_Karma, 30 April 2005 - 08:14 PM.

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Da BK 02: well...I just wanted to tell you...since your going to be dieing...I 've always hated you...and I mean that
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#46 MysticNinja



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Posted 30 April 2005 - 08:34 PM

Your saying that your only friends with her because she can speak English very well. But if she didn't, and if her family couldn't speak English well either, then you'd treat her differently?
Kinda fucked up.

..Yeah.. he uhh.. most likely couldn't understand her. ^_^
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#47 MattPaintballer



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Posted 30 April 2005 - 09:15 PM

BK, Langley, you're being kind of stereotypical. We can't vote for a reason, but we can still discuss politics and form our own thoughts.

I didn't say there was anything wrong with that. Just not on the nerf forums. Go find a local government club...please! Where people don't haft to pay for bandwidth!

And that's where I agree with you.


Local government club is not gonna happen. Read my first post, you'll understand.

But yeah, politics don't belong on a Nerf forum. And plus, politicians are sleezy for the most part. Sneaky, sleezy, cheap. But that's just my opinion, and that's kind of generalized/stereotypical.
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"I think politicians are much more irritating than hippies."
Your member account at NerfHaven has been temporarily suspended because I don't like you."
If ignorance is bliss, our president must be ecstatic.

#48 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 30 April 2005 - 11:47 PM

I think we can agree that Grinch has an aptitude for digging his own grave deeper every time he tries to defend himself. Grinch won't agree with this of course, but it's just a casual observation of mine after reading this current topic again and drawing upon past memories.

Let's just let this topic die. I don't want to post this again.
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