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#1 Famine



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Posted 04 May 2003 - 01:47 AM

After seeing this movie I left the theater in complete awe......
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of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2005: Step It Up.
East Coast Nerf 2006: That's more like it.
East Coast Nerf 2007: I'm not driving to Massachusetts again.
East Coast Nerf 2008: Day of Regret.
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!

#2 merlinski



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Posted 04 May 2003 - 10:16 AM

I agree completely, the movie was absolutely amazing.

I can't wait for the third one, they set it up sooooo well.
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#3 Wads15



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Posted 04 May 2003 - 11:18 AM

Heh, I will see it in T-minus 4 hours...
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Pant rifle, wind sock, and bacon wand are funny words, eh?

#4 wtrent10



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Posted 04 May 2003 - 04:55 PM

I just got back form it and I think it sucked!!! It was only about one thing, and nothing was keeping me watching it. I mean I could of walked out of the theatre and not regreted it whatsoever. donkeybutter.
"This movie is the cause for all mental retardation. every kid I see walking down the street slamming their hand against their chest and yelling some incoherent sound I'm gonna point at them and yell, 'NO!!!!!!!! YOU WATCHED SKY CAPTAIN!!!!'"


#5 Ash



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Posted 04 May 2003 - 05:51 PM

It rocked, dude.

Wtrent, you are gay.

One of the best comic book movies ever. Yeah. Rock.
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Name's Ash, Housewares

#6 Batman



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Posted 05 May 2003 - 11:39 AM

Yeah, it kinda made me mad about the whole completely off the comic idea. But besides that, it was still a great movie! My favorite was of course Nightcrawler! I love that guy. He's got the coolest smoke thing going too! That was seriously awesome stuff.
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#7 Famine



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Posted 05 May 2003 - 02:04 PM

Favorite New Character: Nightcrawler, I think he completely dominated every scene he was in, the actor has his character down to a tee.

Favorite Old Character: Iceman, while I also have to give props to Famke and Rebecca for getting a better feel for their characters I think that Iceman showed the most notable improvement.

As for not following the comic continuity; what kind of cheap crack are you smoking? The X-Men's continuity is the most convoluted, contradictary, ass backwards story line in existance. If Brian Singer actually made a movie that followed the comic's story it would be the most confusing, outlandish, ridiculous crap movie ever made. If anything, the new movies are more closely mimicking the feel of the new Ultimate X-Men series (or vice versa probably) which is probably the best thing to happen to X-Men since Chris Claremont (the first time....). So, to all you comic n00bs.... STFU before you ruin a fucking amazing interprutation of The X-Men.

The only complaint I would even entertain is that Deathstrike's character (or lack there of) wasn't developed and really had no ties to her comic character. However I feel that she served her purpose well and Singer chose the best character to fill the role.
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of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2005: Step It Up.
East Coast Nerf 2006: That's more like it.
East Coast Nerf 2007: I'm not driving to Massachusetts again.
East Coast Nerf 2008: Day of Regret.
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!

#8 wtrent10



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Posted 05 May 2003 - 02:45 PM

I mean the action and stuff was cool, but I think that it was more about making a movie, than a seqal. It sucked dudes, accept it. I'd like to belive it was good too, but it wasn't it sucked.
"This movie is the cause for all mental retardation. every kid I see walking down the street slamming their hand against their chest and yelling some incoherent sound I'm gonna point at them and yell, 'NO!!!!!!!! YOU WATCHED SKY CAPTAIN!!!!'"


#9 merlinski



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Posted 05 May 2003 - 06:59 PM

I mean the action and stuff was cool, but I think that it was more about making a movie, than a seqal. It sucked dudes, accept it. I'd like to belive it was good too, but it wasn't it sucked.

"There are only two things that are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the former." -Albert Einstein

Seriously, that post made absolutely no sense, both the reasons you criticized the movie and the fact that you think that we shouldn't like it because you didn't.

Of course it was about making a movie, it was a goddamn movie, and a good one at that.

And if you didn't like it, does that mean that we should "accept the fact" that it sucked, because it so obviously did you great, all-knowing critic of movies?
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#10 Wads15



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Posted 05 May 2003 - 07:22 PM

Yes! THIS MOVIE TOTALLY ROCKED! It was kinda but not close to the comic (IMHO)....NightCrawler kicked sooo much ass! But then there was Toad, too! Heh, freaks are awesome! The weird thing with NightCrawler was when his voice fell about 2 octaves when he was talking th Mystique. That freaked me out... It's one of the best comic movies... ever... Spiderman ain't that bad either. Wtrent10 - What the hell are you thinking?! BaH! Gotta go.

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Pant rifle, wind sock, and bacon wand are funny words, eh?

#11 Ash



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Posted 06 May 2003 - 01:14 AM

Yeah, seriously Wtent, you should really just stop communicating with the rest of the world completely and lock yourself in a small shack away from civilization somewhere. Really, I mean that.
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Name's Ash, Housewares

#12 wtrent10



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Posted 06 May 2003 - 03:09 PM

I would lock myself in a shack.... But then I wouldn't be able to buy any krak from anyone.
"This movie is the cause for all mental retardation. every kid I see walking down the street slamming their hand against their chest and yelling some incoherent sound I'm gonna point at them and yell, 'NO!!!!!!!! YOU WATCHED SKY CAPTAIN!!!!'"


#13 Switchblade



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Posted 06 May 2003 - 03:35 PM

You're no addict! You can't even spell crack! You're just the famed "suburban dumbass troll"! I hear their breeding grounds are on forums...
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#14 Ash



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Posted 06 May 2003 - 06:24 PM

If you locked yourself in a shack, you wouldn't really be able to get much of anything from anyone... eventually you would wither away and die. Not that this was the intended idea... but then, maybe I'm not as nice as I seem.
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Name's Ash, Housewares

#15 Switchblade



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Posted 06 May 2003 - 07:45 PM

Gee sunshine, are you ever unhappy?
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#16 VACC


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Posted 06 May 2003 - 11:59 PM

Wrent you are simply wrong, and I can't even identify where you are coming from. I also had problems with the movie, but it seems that your arguments are the complete opposite of reality. It was only about one thing??? This movie was so full of side stories and subplots that my head was about to explode. Should I list them? Deathstrike (completely undeveloped) Pyro's betrayal, Iceman and Rogues relationship, wolverine's revenge, Professor Xaviar's regrets, Fucking Dark Pheonix (which worries me), Nightcrawler's plight, Gene grey love triangle, Magneto's scheme, Mystiques infatuation with wolverine (also way too little), and the list goes on. And the idea that it was not set up as or for a sequal? If you have not read the comics or have not seen the first movie this one is completely out of context for you...period. Hell half the plots were just fucking hooks. And these ARE the things I didn't like about it...you just seem confused to me.

On the upside, Night crawler was amazing and his introduction seen was nothing short ofbreathtaking. Aside from that Collosus's cameo was my favorite moment. I felt Wolverine's fight scenes were supposed to be a lot more entertaining than I found them and that continued to disapoint me. Oh, and I still hope Halle Berry dies. Over all it was a very entertaining flick despite the fact that it frustrated me at times. Go see it, I'm going to see it again.

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#17 Ash



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Posted 07 May 2003 - 01:11 AM

Who, me? I know I come off as this exuberant fellow and all, but I have my dark days. I know, hard to believe... but sometimes I am in a bad mood.

And I agree with Vacc, Hallie Berry should die. Slowly.
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Name's Ash, Housewares

#18 VACC


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Posted 07 May 2003 - 11:11 AM

And I agree with Vacc, Hallie Berry should die. Slowly.

She might try acting for you if it's too slow...or maybe thanking the academy.

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#19 wtrent10



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Posted 07 May 2003 - 04:52 PM

[QUOTE]Wrent you are simply wrong, and I can't even identify where you are coming from. I also had problems with the movie, but it seems that your arguments are the complete opposite of reality. It was only about one thing??? This movie was so full of side stories and subplots that my head was about to explode. Should I list them? Deathstrike (completely undeveloped) Pyro's betrayal, Iceman and Rogues relationship, wolverine's revenge, Professor Xaviar's regrets, Fucking Dark Pheonix (which worries me), Nightcrawler's plight, Gene grey love triangle, Magneto's scheme, Mystiques infatuation with wolverine (also way too little), and the list goes on. And the idea that it was not set up as or for a sequal? If you have not read the comics or have not seen the first movie this one is completely out of context for you...period. Hell half the plots were just fucking hooks. And these ARE the things I didn't like about it...you just seem confused to me.

On the upside, Night crawler was amazing and his introduction seen was nothing short ofbreathtaking. Aside from that Collosus's cameo was my favorite moment. I felt Wolverine's fight scenes were supposed to be a lot more entertaining than I found them and that continued to disapoint me. Oh, and I still hope Halle Berry dies. Over all it was a very entertaining flick despite the fact that it frustrated me at times. Go see it, I'm going to see it again.[QUOTE]

yes, there were many sub-plots, but they wern't continuous throughout the whole movie, also in the first one, all the subplots were continous, and in the end, they all came together for the real plot, if you know what I mean (which you problably don't).
"This movie is the cause for all mental retardation. every kid I see walking down the street slamming their hand against their chest and yelling some incoherent sound I'm gonna point at them and yell, 'NO!!!!!!!! YOU WATCHED SKY CAPTAIN!!!!'"


#20 VACC


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Posted 07 May 2003 - 10:06 PM

Agreed, I don't know what you mean because you're backpeddling here and making no sense. The fact the many of the subplots were short lived does not imply that they are not sequal fodder, but quite the opposite. If they had been taken through the whole film they would have been resolved, in not carrying them to their fullest Singer is OBVIOUSLY reserving them for the third film. Do you really think the dark phoenix is done? Do you really think Pyro's new allegience won't be taken advantage of? I'd tell you what I think but I don't want to be arrested.

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#21 Famine



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Posted 08 May 2003 - 12:55 AM

Why do all you guys keep throwing around Dark Phoenix? In current continuity Jean Grey's character has been rewritten with the the "Phoenix Power" being a staple part of her abilities. While the source of the power varies from continuity to continuity in every case it's basically represented by a sudden boost in power which is the result of Jean finally coming to realize/harness her full power. Hell... in Ultimate she just levitated a large Nuclear Power facility and then atomized it with her mind... bad ass. Anyways, I don't think Singer intends to play off the older "Dark Phoenix Saga" story arc but instead used the set up from the original "Phoenix Saga" to seguay into the more modern interprutation of the Phoenix. I'm sure there might still be a scene where Jean still looses it for a second and tries to kill the wrong person or something but her current "mood swings" are chalked up to her trying to cope with her psychic abilities and general chick bitchiness.

What else do I think is in store for X3?
Iceman's Ice form! Hell yeah, in X1 he could only make a little ice chunk, in X2 he could shoot frost and make a small ice wall, by X3 expect the full ice form w/ ice slides and crazy icicl projectiles.
Rogue learns to control her powers.... or something to let her and Bobby get it on.
Storm will fly.... because she hasn't yet and its a staple of her character, that elevator scene was just a tease.
Cyclop's optic blasts will start to come closer to their full power, he's been getting more powerful each movie, but given how narrow his powers are there aren't many ways you can demonstrate this.
Prof X might mind freeze a city... or something even more ridiculous.
Night Crawler could possibly teleport Colossus into mid air to pull off the famous cannonball maneuvar.
Pyro will become more creative with his powers,

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch - The children of Magneto! they have to show up for the final fight.
Other new villains: White Queen and Juggernaut would be nice additions, also Cameron Hodge would be interesting as another Goverment type villain (though I think part of Hodge's personality was used to create Striker)
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of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2005: Step It Up.
East Coast Nerf 2006: That's more like it.
East Coast Nerf 2007: I'm not driving to Massachusetts again.
East Coast Nerf 2008: Day of Regret.
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!

#22 Ash



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Posted 08 May 2003 - 02:24 AM

Yeah, or maybe rougue might learn to do something that would make her a useful member of the X-men since she has a uniform and all now... or not. Maybe they will just try to play her usefulness off as being able to temporarily steal someone's power and use it in a fight, or something... or just knock them out... I dunno, she just seems somewhat useless without all the Ms. Marvel powers or whatever.

Yeah, her and bobby will definetly get it on, this I forsee.

Maybe a Gambit cameo? Yeah, I know, no chance in hell. Fuck you guys.

Beast would be cool to see, and of course juggernaut. Oh, and way more of Collossus.
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Name's Ash, Housewares

#23 Black Blade

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Posted 08 May 2003 - 09:59 AM

I would want cabel to come back from the futrure.
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#24 wtrent10



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Posted 08 May 2003 - 04:17 PM

eventually , roge and wolverine are going to hit it, and bobby is going to get jelous, and become a bad guy. Beast would be awsome, and it really pisses me off that they just add random charachers(sp) to the storyline. Even if lady deathstrike is cool, she had no part in the comics whatsoever, and pyro he was just added in.
"This movie is the cause for all mental retardation. every kid I see walking down the street slamming their hand against their chest and yelling some incoherent sound I'm gonna point at them and yell, 'NO!!!!!!!! YOU WATCHED SKY CAPTAIN!!!!'"


#25 One Man Clan

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Posted 08 May 2003 - 05:00 PM

If you payed close attention, Beast was in the movie. There was a quick clip of a news report on TV and the guy speaking was Doctor Henry McCoy, beasts real name (it said Dr. Henry McCoy under his head in a by line like any newscast has). However he looked like a Human. Also, if you looked at the names flying by when Mystique was looking for the location of Magneto on Lady Deathstrike's (Yuricho's) computer, the name LeReau, Remy came up. That is Gambit. Lastly, I'm not too sure of this one but, the girl who fell through her bed when the Marines stormed the school may have been a young Shadowcat (kitty in X:Men Evolution).

As cool as Cable would be, Apocalypse and other such storylines would confuse the shit out of those non comic geeks out there.
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