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what do you carry

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#1 navy seal

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Posted 25 March 2005 - 08:13 PM

What do you carry in a war besides guns and ammo? I carry binoculars and an ammo pouch. I seached and couldn't find anything.
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#2 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 25 March 2005 - 08:19 PM

What do you carry in a war besides guns and ammo? I carry binoculars and an ammo pouch. I seached and couldn't find anything.

I find that pouches don't work well. You're much better off with cargo pants. They provide plenty of room for darts and other misecellaneous items you might have in your pockets. I've never really found much use for anything other than my primary and ammo. Typically, I leave things like water, a spare shirt, and a first aid kit back at a picnic table of some sorts. I usually leave any other guns there as well.

This is nerf, not paintball. I can't think of a good reason why you'd need binoculars. They sound like a terrible waste of space, weight, and would probably slow you down. If you need binoculars for a nerf war, you're either in a rice patty or you're guns are way too powerful to be used in a war. My feeling is you should simplify somewhat and leave the binoculars at home.

In regards to an ammo pouch, you don't the kids laughing at you because you carry a man purse, do you?. Just ask Langley about that. ;)
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#3 Nerforbust



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Posted 25 March 2005 - 08:25 PM

[off topic]I carry a "Man purse" as the peanut gallery says, its a laptop bag...[/off topic]

I carry said laptop bag, for my favorite gun, which they dont see until its too late.
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#4 navy seal

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Posted 25 March 2005 - 08:26 PM

I only carry the ammo pouch when we use stock darts so they don't get crushed.(stefans don't crush as easy) The binoculars are foldable so they fit in my pocket (they are 4" by 3"by 1" when folded), we play in the woods and they are so I can spy on the other team when their 200ft away.

Edited by navy seal, 25 March 2005 - 08:37 PM.

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#5 NerfMonkey



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Posted 25 March 2005 - 08:38 PM

I carry a primary, which is either a singled AT2K for outside or a Crayola barreled N-Strike Nite Finder, which is pretty weak, for indoors. I also only use a primary indoors, but outside as a sidearm, I use my better NF, which is all black except the plunger and tube, or my other AT2K, which is quad-barrelled. I also carry around 15 or 20 Stefans (I'm a skilled warrior, I only need one for each hit my enemy has ;), just kidding) in cargo pockets or a "fanny pack" around my waist. I see no need for binocs, unless you play in the woods, which you do, but I don't, 'least not in the early spring when highs are in the low 40s.

Edited by NerfMonkey, 25 March 2005 - 08:38 PM.

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#6 CaptainCC



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Posted 25 March 2005 - 08:49 PM

I have a whole backpack full of gear for longer wars (20 lives or more). It's one of those smaller, one-strap travel bags, and easily concealed under camo. I carry string and party poppers for stringing up booby traps on doors, scissors to cut string, sometimes one of those spy gear listening devices, walkie talkie or cell phone for comms betweem teammates, water (usually I do camp losing in some bushes), and depending on my role in the particular war, I carry those spy gear sensors that tell you when someone crosses by them and I plant them in key areas to keep track of the competiton. Usually I only carry a hold out pistol, extra ammo, and the string and party poppers in the bag. The other stuff is only for prolonged, stand-offish wars where the teams keep tabs on each other.
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#7 navy seal

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Posted 25 March 2005 - 08:50 PM

I've never really found much use for anything other than my primary and ammo.

They sound like a terrible waste of space, weight, and would probably slow you down.

I like to carry a primary which would be my cpvc crossbow/sm 750 integration. I also like to carry a sidearm in a holster which would be a cpvc nite finder. I carry about 20-25 darts. All of this does not even slow me down.(I play soccer and run alot)

EDIT; CaptainCC, those listening devices only work to about 40ft and I find hand signals work better than walkie talkies

Edited by navy seal, 25 March 2005 - 08:55 PM.

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#8 Bad Karma

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Posted 25 March 2005 - 09:44 PM

Foam, Glue, Weights, Hot glue gun, Change of pants and t-shirt, Food, and well..I can't think of anything else...really...

EDIT: OH! And a screw driver with some PVC cutters.

Edited by Bad_Karma, 25 March 2005 - 09:45 PM.

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#9 wookiekiller



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Posted 25 March 2005 - 10:00 PM

I just shove everything in my pockets...

it works for me
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#10 nerfspecialforces



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Posted 25 March 2005 - 10:14 PM

I carry a sling and holsters, as well as cargo pockets as ammo holders.
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QUOTE(Arcanis @ Apr 8 2005, 05:02 PM)
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#11 LordoftheRing434



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Posted 25 March 2005 - 10:23 PM

INDOOR: My PC, NF on the side, extra PC clip, maybe a household item to wear as camo (blanket, etc.), possible holster, and occasionally a small backpack holding an SM1500 for multi-weapon battles.

OUTDOOR: Since there is more space to frolick, just an SM1500, NF on the side, perhaps a holster (my pockets work well), a pic-a-nic basket, and my friend has a gilly-suit I would really like to wear :P
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#12 The Large Moose

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Posted 26 March 2005 - 01:08 AM

INDOOR: My PC, NF on the side, extra PC clip, maybe a household item to wear as camo (blanket, etc.), possible holster, and occasionally a small backpack holding an SM1500 for multi-weapon battles.

OUTDOOR: Since there is more space to frolick, just an SM1500, NF on the side, perhaps a holster (my pockets work well), a pic-a-nic basket, and my friend has a gilly-suit I would really like to wear :P

Guille suit I beileve, or Guile?

Anyway, I carry either:
Xbow + 2 LnL's
Holsters for LnL's
Ammo strap thing that you see heavy gunners use in movies and games and such around their chest
Sometimes in woods I use walkie-talkies.

Or same setup with BBB in place of Xbow
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QUOTE (Arcanis @ Apr 8 2005 @ 04:02 PM)
When I insert a dick, nothing happens. Wierd.

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Posted 26 March 2005 - 03:03 AM

Walkie talkies would work well if people would just damn answer when you talk to them! There good for communication w/o confrontation. C.W.O.C.....Hee Hee :P
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#14 Talio


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Posted 26 March 2005 - 08:27 AM

This topic should be called "Proof of who nerfs and who talks about nerf". Let me give you an example:

I only carry the ammo pouch when we use stock darts so they don't get crushed.(stefans don't crush as easy) The binoculars are foldable so they fit in my pocket (they are 4" by 3"by 1" when folded), we play in the woods and they are so I can spy on the other team when their 200ft away.

This man does not nerf. If he nerfed he would know two things:
1. There's no use spying on someone if they aren't doing anything, and in a Nerf war, all they're trying to do is kill you. Hence, if they're all standing 200 feet away, not trying to kill you, then they are just 200 feet away standing. What the hell is there to spy on?

2. You can't spy 200 feet away in the woods because if you had a clear line of sight for 200 feet, then your not in the woods. If you were in the woods, there would be a bunch of tree's and shit. So if they're on a path just standing there 200 feet away, what the hell are wasting time looking at them for? Go shoot them. They're not going to do anything to you, they're standing 200 feet away from any kind of battle in the middle of the woods.

In other words, you sir do not nerf, and don't argue with me.

I carry a primary, which is either a singled AT2K for outside or a Crayola barreled N-Strike Nite Finder, which is pretty weak, for indoors. I also only use a primary indoors, but outside as a sidearm, I use my better NF, which is all black except the plunger and tube, or my other AT2K, which is quad-barrelled. I also carry around 15 or 20 Stefans (I'm a skilled warrior, I only need one for each hit my enemy has , just kidding) in cargo pockets or a "fanny pack" around my waist. I see no need for binocs, unless you play in the woods, which you do, but I don't, 'least not in the early spring when highs are in the low 40s.

You sir, do nerf. You can tell he's honest because he knows that there is no reason for anything else. He carrys his gun and ammo, past that, he doesn't need anything during a round. He'll be the one shooting the guy looking at the rest of his team standing in the middle of woods 200 feet away through binoculars.

I have a whole backpack full of gear for longer wars (20 lives or more). It's one of those smaller, one-strap travel bags, and easily concealed under camo. I carry string and party poppers for stringing up booby traps on doors, scissors to cut string, sometimes one of those spy gear listening devices, walkie talkie or cell phone for comms betweem teammates, water (usually I do camp losing in some bushes), and depending on my role in the particular war, I carry those spy gear sensors that tell you when someone crosses by them and I plant them in key areas to keep track of the competiton. Usually I only carry a hold out pistol, extra ammo, and the string and party poppers in the bag. The other stuff is only for prolonged, stand-offish wars where the teams keep tabs on each other.

You sir, need to have a good dose of reality smacked into you with what I like to call the aluminum bat of truth. Seriously, some of us have quite a bit of Nerfing experience, did you think you were going to be able to get away with that raft of bullshit? First off, if you actually had time to set any of that crap up you must be playing some version of Nerf that would be suitible for the special olympics (<retard>Dart Tag Time</retard>). Seriously though, you must be playing with retards (or yourself (actually, that would be the same thing)), because you don't have your head in the game, by the time you have all that junk done, I'd have been able to shoot you a crapload of times.

Seriously guys, here's why you don't really need anything but guns and ammo during a round. I don't give a shit what else you bring with you and leave at the bench. At last years March war, we had a 3 on 3 at the beginning of the day. Fred, Langley and myself against Evil, Warlock and OMC. We yelled ready and started the round. Right away the three of us rushed, right off the bat and took all three of them out in a matter of minutes. We had a one up advantage the rest of the round, and they just couldn't possibly overcome that. There was very little they could do because two of them didn't even have their guns loaded yet. This is relevant because A. We didn't need one bit of gear, and B. If you have gear you're trying to use you will be owned before any of it can be used.

With that said, there is one peice of gear I think is super important in a round that everyone should have. Shoes. Wait, don't leave. Here's the thing, especially if your playing in the woods, it never hurts to have a good pair of boots, but either way, you're going to be doing alot of running and manuevering. Your body is going to be forced into situations and circumstances that it rarely ever gets put into. Because of that, a pair of shoes with ankle support is really important. I personally wear either a pair of tall work boots, or recently a pair of hunting boots that Walmart sells for relatively cheap. Remember kids, a pair of boots is only as good as the pair of socks that you have on. Shindig had to help me with this one.

To close, those of you who lied in this thread, remember, we know if you're bullshitting, so you're really only lying to yourself. Get out and actually Nerf before you start talking.

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#15 Arcanis



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Posted 26 March 2005 - 08:48 AM

I carry 21 items:

1x NERF Gun
20x Stefan Darts
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#16 Shotty Master

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Posted 26 March 2005 - 09:31 AM

i carry a holstered mav and a titan modded for micros. i do carry a 2-way radio, as my clan nerfs efficiently when seperated. not saying any of yours dont. :P
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#17 navy seal

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Posted 26 March 2005 - 10:16 AM

This man does not nerf. If he nerfed he would know two things:

I have only been in 3 wars so I'm not as experienced as you but I do nerf.
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#18 Pineapple


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Posted 26 March 2005 - 11:04 AM

This topic should be called "Proof of who nerfs and who talks about nerf"

Nah, Tally, this is what I look at it as;

There are some of us, like you and me, who like to NERF. Just get the heck out and Nerf. No gimmicks, no play soldiers.

Then there is the school of thought that plays "Army Men", but instead of just plastic noise guns (like the ones they sell at kapowwe.com, they use Nerf as their projectile weapons of choice. I think these are the ones who use camoflauge BDUs, tents, walkie-talkies, binos, booby traps, and all the other stuff. They have stand offs because they LIKE to have stand offs, and eat lunch with a Nerf blaster in hand. They're too young to join the National Guard or the Army reserves, so this fills the bill, I guess.

The only thing about the latter category, is that on these discussion boards, it's very very difficult to be taken seriously as a hard-core Nerfer if the conversation keeps turning to issues of which "flash-bang" grenade or Claymore mine works best, or whether or not a ghillie (that's the correct spelling) suit is better than RealTree camo, et cetera, etc.

Most of us just ****** Nerf.

Me? One primary, or one side arm. Not both. A fanny pack full of stefans (and some in the cargo pockets of my shorts). As Talio said, good, covered shoes (I use trail runners). And, EYE PROTECTION. We Nerf at "my" property so water, first aid, bathrooms, are not more than a few hundred feet away.

Shall we be nice, Talio? If they snap back at you, I'll pass you MY bat.

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-Piney- of White Dog Hobbies Armory

<!--quoteo(post=209846:date=Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM:name=boom)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(boom @ Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

#19 Talio


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Posted 26 March 2005 - 11:35 AM

You know as much as I value your opinion, I really refuse to believe that there are milsim nerfers out there. I don't doubt some of the guys who sit around and fantasize about it don't think with this mind set, but I think those who get out and do it end up realizing that it's useless and there is really no way in hell to simulate real combat with a nerf gun.

Although, now we're trying to simulate paintball obviously (<retard>Dart Tag Time!</retard>) so who knows, I might be full of shit.

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#20 VeggieBoy 3000

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Posted 26 March 2005 - 12:04 PM

Guns and ammo for me... sometimes I'll carry a holster, or some extra barrels for my breech-loading guns.

If we're playing a big game of CTF in the woods, My team;ll sometimes use those 2-way radio/walkie talkies, but I have found that they're only useful in CTF because of the amount of sneaking.
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#21 nerfspecialforces



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Posted 26 March 2005 - 12:24 PM

To everyone who thinks nerf is like really combat,
Have you ever played indoor with a huge building and huge amount of people? Because I personally would barly catagorize it with nerf. It's more intence, alot more realistic. Bullets travel across rooms in a straight line, and very quickly. I think its much more realistic. But you don't see me in camo or, other than those broke walkie-talkie nerf gun thing, no radio, etc. Why, because there isn't a need for it because, even with all the people and being inside, and this being the closest nerf is the real combat, Nerf isn't like real combat, at all, PERIOD!
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QUOTE(Arcanis @ Apr 8 2005, 05:02 PM)
When I insert a dick, nothing happens.

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#22 Pineapple


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Posted 26 March 2005 - 12:25 PM

...Although, now we're trying to simulate paintball obviously (<retard>Dart Tag Time!</retard>) so who knows, I might be full of shit.


No, you're not.

Or maybe I'd better cancel that order for a couple Bricks, a Snake, and a medium Dorito for the lawn around the pool. ;)

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-Piney- of White Dog Hobbies Armory

<!--quoteo(post=209846:date=Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM:name=boom)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(boom @ Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

#23 Renegade



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Posted 26 March 2005 - 12:26 PM

I carry my EaB, holster my LnL in cargo pocket , and hold stefans in my other pockets. The only "gadget" I carry is a ramrod to shove darts down some of my guns. I prefer to travel light in nerf wars, since I would like to be able to move and not be weighed down by unneccisary items.
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#24 One Man Clan

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Posted 26 March 2005 - 01:27 PM

Who here has seen me dressed for battle and wants to give everyone a good laugh?
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I hate you.

#25 AirApache



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Posted 26 March 2005 - 02:09 PM

Pfft, I was afraid I might have to give a rant but it looks like Talio carried it for me. Hell, I don't even nerf and I can tell how many of you are fantasizing a true blue battle and how many of you know what the hell your talking about.

I guess maybe for you who don't nerf b/c of distance/parents/etc, you could at least use a bit of COMMON SENSE like I like to use once every so often and PRACTICE outdoors to get a feel of what it's like, and what you need. Honestly, my first practice consisted of the shitty stuff you carry around and I was deeply upset with my performance because I couldn't run from one tree to the next without my equipment/holsters doing what they do best: creating a useless racket. So now I just practice with a primary and occasionally a pocketed pistol. God damn those birds react quickly.

THat's basically my advice to you if you can't go out and nerf. And watch the nerf videos that we have on this site to get a feel for what nerfing is really like.

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