The Lone Gunman, Not a New Idea
There are some of us that like to follow a group and work as one, but how can a group of entirely different people work in complete unison? Grant it, after many years of Nerfing together, a group can have an uncanny harmony, but for most of us, this is not the case. The concept of the Lone Gunman is exceptionally useful to those of us that either work better on their own or have particular styles that do not tie into teamwork. We are not the well argued Nerf losers, but we remain to be the Nerf one man armies.
Teamwork is in no way a bad thing, nor should it be abolished, but a one man army can achieve so many things. Many times have I found myself the sole survivor on my team. The Lone Gunman creates an annoyance tactic to the other team. The Nerfer essentially creates a hole in the other team's ability to work together. The opposing team must worry about it's enemy's main group, and the crazy SOB that likes to stalk them and then run away into the abyss of the field. This can create arguing and allows for a far better chance of victory. A psychological victory, ensures a physical victory.
The fact that you did something on your own pleases all of us. The Lone Gunman tactic allots for us to do just that. While keeping our team's objective in mind, those of us can make kills and know that they are not shared with the people that provided our cover fire, they are our own. The loners that many tacticians like to throw away because of their lack of teamwork can become extremely valuable. These players use their talents on their own terms to harass the other team in their own style. Remember, Nerf is what you make of it.
There have been many times that I have become one of the sole survivors of the battle. More often than not, team battles have caused an early death on my part. The Lone Gunman are not the malaric mosquitoes of the playing field, we are the West-Nile carrying mosquitoes of the playing field that carry a psychological edge.
Best of Luck,
The Infinite Shindig
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Posted 23 March 2005 - 08:38 AM
Shindig of the Lawn Chair Mafia
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