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News From Hasbro '05 Part 1

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#151 Oddball



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Posted 02 April 2005 - 10:31 AM



A stream of new guns, re-releases, and a toy company that listens to the NIC.

Ooh that's kewl. And here I was, thinking about leaving..
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#152 LiKnSmAkScOmIn



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Posted 02 April 2005 - 06:58 PM

Are those slots on the stock for the firefly dart holders?

I was away at camp, and this is what I see? Holy bejeebers!
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#153 Talio


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Posted 02 April 2005 - 11:38 PM

Why yes they are. Quite observant.

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#154 One Man Clan

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Posted 03 April 2005 - 01:29 AM

Why can't anyone ever read my quick notes under each photo. If one more of you fuckers IMs or PMs me about how they work, or what the switch is for, or something else about them that I ALREADY ANSWERED I swear to god I will go on a killing spree. While we are on the subject neither I nor Talio will tell ANY of you assholes what is being rereleased and when, until we get the go ahead from Hasbro. We WILL NOT BETRAY THEIR TRUST, and we are legally obligated not to. We told you it will blow you away, so get off our case. You know by that logic it won't be a pulsator or NB-1 so chill out and wait.
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#155 ItalionStallion



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Posted 03 April 2005 - 01:36 AM


I have a feeling its going to be the Crossbow..
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#156 pinhead52



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Posted 03 April 2005 - 04:02 AM

Let’s get one thing out of the way for GOOD. WE WILL NEVER EVER EVER SEE A RERELEASE OF THE CROSSBOW. NEVER, understand it. Done.

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#157 PissBacon



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Posted 03 April 2005 - 04:11 AM

I'm pretty confident he was being sarcastic.
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#158 Jlego


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Posted 03 April 2005 - 06:20 PM

Cut it the fuck out guys. I'm sorry for snapping, but there are so few really awesome suprises in life. This could be one if you would just let it be. They said it'll be awesome, suprising, etc.
So cut it out.
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liska: You snuggles?
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I've seen you use an arrowstorm!!

#159 Chaotic nerfer 202

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Posted 05 April 2005 - 07:58 PM

more news from hasbro is that they are going to bring back the crossbow and it will be attached to the top part of the titan rocket jk but word is that they are goung to release a new pump automatic like the powerclip

#160 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 05 April 2005 - 08:12 PM

more news from hasbro is that they are going to bring back the crossbow and it will be attached to the top part of the titan rocket jk but word is that they are goung to release a new pump automatic like the powerclip


You know, we do have a Code of Conduct for a reason. I suggest you read it.

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#161 Jakethesnake



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Posted 06 April 2005 - 12:24 AM

I'm curious as to where you heard that news chaotic, although I don't doubt that it's true.
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#162 pinhead52



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Posted 06 April 2005 - 02:26 AM

I'm curious as to whether guns will be released between now and the fall, because it'd be sweet if they surprised us with something. Actually I'm just impatient.

Hey, what if the re-released the crossbow and it replaced the titan in the setup. Then there was a re-released RF20 where the hornet would go. Add an NF and you've got a pro-arsenal-in-a-package.
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#163 The Infinite Shindig

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Posted 06 April 2005 - 08:18 AM

Hey, what if the re-released the crossbow and it replaced the titan in the setup.  Then there was a re-released RF20 where the hornet would go.  Add an NF and you've got a pro-arsenal-in-a-package.

I really can't believe how many people are unable to read the first post in this topic. Things have been clearly stated more than a few times that the crossbow will never be rereleased. Why can't you get that through your heads? Quit dreaming about it. Any little whim you had, or hypothestical hope is not going to happen. In fact, if they rerelease the crossbow, I'll buy one for every idiot that ever talked about them rereleasing it. That's how confident I am that it will never be done. So in short, NO.

Just in case you morons can't read the first post, let me quote the part that you morons didn't read apparently.

Let’s get one thing out of the way for GOOD. WE WILL NEVER EVER EVER SEE A RERELEASE OF THE CROSSBOW. NEVER, understand it. Done.

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Shindig of the Lawn Chair Mafia

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#164 Illadar



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Posted 07 April 2005 - 12:32 PM

In fact, if they rerelease the crossbow, I'll buy one for every idiot that ever talked about them rereleasing it

Just to hedge my bets: I think they will re-release the crossbow.
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#165 ShortShit



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Posted 07 April 2005 - 03:05 PM

the crossbow has been overrated forever anyhow ~who cares. Nerf is moving progressivly forward, -has been for some time now... get over it.
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#166 Evil


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Posted 07 April 2005 - 03:09 PM

the crossbow has been overrated forever anyhow ~who cares. Nerf is moving progressivly forward, -has been for some time now... get over it.

Do you think they'll ever rerelease it?
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#167 pinhead52



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Posted 07 April 2005 - 03:09 PM

Hey, what if the re-released the crossbow and it replaced the titan in the setup. Then there was a re-released RF20 where the hornet would go. Add an NF and you've got a pro-arsenal-in-a-package.

I really can't believe how many people are unable to read the first post in this topic. Things have been clearly stated more than a few times that the crossbow will never be rereleased. Why can't you get that through your heads? Quit dreaming about it. Any little whim you had, or hypothestical hope is not going to happen. In fact, if they rerelease the crossbow, I'll buy one for every idiot that ever talked about them rereleasing it. That's how confident I am that it will never be done. So in short, NO.

Just in case you morons can't read the first post, let me quote the part that you morons didn't read apparently.

Let’s get one thing out of the way for GOOD. WE WILL NEVER EVER EVER SEE A RERELEASE OF THE CROSSBOW. NEVER, understand it. Done.

You know, for someone who talks about reading the whole thread, you seem to have missed something important a few posts ago, it was where I quoted the original post in response to someone else saying they wanted the Crossbow to be re-released. I know this makes things confusing, but trust me, I was being sarcastic in the second post.

But yes, us morons will kee dreaming. :nugget:
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#168 CSMaclaren



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Posted 09 April 2005 - 09:08 PM

I think I understand the flash thing that makes the darts glow. Any kind of thing that is flouresscent will glow if exposed to light. If the foam darts are phosphorescent and there is a light source inside the gun that exposes the darts to light before they're fired, then when they shoot out they'll glow. You don't have to "recharge" the darts yourself... each time you put them back into the gun, the internal battery and light will "charge" the phosphorescece for you.


(Edit: I intended to say "phosphorescent" instead of "flourescent". Thansk Merlinski, for pointing that out.)

Edited by CSMaclaren, 15 June 2005 - 01:54 PM.

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#169 CSMaclaren



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Posted 09 April 2005 - 09:40 PM

I see a lot of questions along the lines of "Will they re-release XYZ" and let me share a marketing perspective as a Marketing Manager (no, I don't work for Hasbro).

Many a marketing decision is based upon market validation and competition. First, will people buy it, and second, what is the competition making?

Now I've "re-entered" the Nerf market after leaving my last nerf-warring company six years ago. There have been many products over the last 6 years, more than I can count.

Where the industry is today is that Hasbro has competition. From my brief observation of the Nerf industry I see competitors like Lanard, Buzbee, and Larami. I'm not sure if Buzbee and Lanard have some kind of connection. The "stick to all" cheapo Buzbee pistol (has some kind of gooey plastic on the end of the darts. Motif is green and black) seem to have similar packaging to the Lanard Blast Bazooka which is painted similarly.

Anyway, the N-Strike product family has a far more mature look to it. The others look like really bad plastic and shoddy workmanship. When I opened up my Nerf Maverick I was very impressed with the mechanics of the internals. A lot of thought has been put into thse N-Strike products.

The goal of any business is to make money. When you're a giant like Hasbro you have stockholders to answer to. You can't afford to re-release an old product without any prior market-validation (that is assessing the market to see if there is a demand), and if you do have market-validation it had better sell. If it doesn't, the shareholders will be somewhat concerned. Therefore in order to meet Wall Street expectations, Hasbro *must* be profitable. The best bet is to produce something that is new and attractive and "sticky" (i.e. keeps people coming back and buying more). The only way to do that is to be creative and innovative and market the heck out of the product.

One aspect of Marketing does look back on the original product line to see which sold best and to understand why. Just because we like the mod-ability of a certain gun doesn't mean it was a best seller. Heck, you may have identified the superiority of the accuracy and range of a certain gun, but the lousiest of the product line sold best because thousands upon thousands of little kids were attracted to their day-glo color.

Just food for thought for ya'll. Enjoy!

Edited by CSMaclaren, 09 April 2005 - 09:42 PM.

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#170 One Man Clan

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Posted 09 April 2005 - 10:39 PM

Finally, someone else on this board knows about marketing. My prayers have been answered.

Speaking in terms of competition, I think its safe to say that although Lanard, buzzbee, and others produce "foam lauching blasters" no one even comes CLOSE to the Nerf Brand. I may even be so bold as to say the current team has completely reinvented the brand. That is not just me sucking up to the Hasbro brass, but seriously think about it.

Maclaren is completely right. They have other important issues guiding thier decisions. However, this is by far the best the brand has ever been, and .........unless we get a crossbow rerelease :alien: ...........it is the best it will possibly get. The designs and engineering that goes into these toys, TOYS! mind you, is astounding, and the best things now are available for under $10 dollars. Look what you get in a NF or the Maverick compared to the $10 Double Shot. UNTOUCHABLE.

"The Goal of business" paragraph you posted there is completely right. The only thing I would add is that Hasbro is going above and beyond the call of duty and showing interest in all of its STAKEholders instead of solely its SHAREholders. Without kids to want the toys, and moms and enthusiats like us alike to buy them, there is no Hasbro; investors or not.
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#171 CSMaclaren



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Posted 09 April 2005 - 10:54 PM

OneManClan, thanks for the word of confidence.

I need to point out that I do believe NerfHaven and NHQ and sites like these are important to Hasbro not because we are all a majority but that we represent a demographic: we buy their stuff, and we are from different locations around North America and so we represent a healthy cross section of their target market.

Some of us here at the office are salivating over the Firefly REV-8.

We will be watching. We will be waiting. And we're going to come after you if you spend too long near the water cooler....
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C S M a c L a r e n
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#172 MattPaintballer



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Posted 09 April 2005 - 11:41 PM

When can we expect to know what is being re-released, or when it is going to be re-released?
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#173 CSMaclaren



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Posted 10 April 2005 - 12:11 AM

When can we expect to know what is being re-released, or when it is going to be re-released?

Generally companies like Hasbro has to be contacted or written to (i.e. their Marketing Department) with a specific request. When a large company receives 1 caller's feedback, for example, they count it as 100 people. So if 50 people called, they'll do the math: a theoretical 5,000 people want the product. If you want it badly enough, encourage people to do a letter writing campaign. Another idea is to write to a specific customer of Hasbro (e.g. Target, Toys R' Us, etc.) and do a coordinate campaign.

On a separate note, Toys R' Us claims on one box to have an exclusive of a certain Nerf gun, so it's not impossible for a re-released limited run of a specific requested model.

Another marketing thing is this: a manufacturer will not release a product if it's going to compete with an already-existing product being marketed by that manufacturer.
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C S M a c L a r e n
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#174 One Man Clan

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Posted 10 April 2005 - 09:45 AM

I'm going to dissent with McLaren here for one second. DO NOT BOMBARD HASBRO with letters and calls. Talio and I have a direct link with the company, how much more do we need?


The new stuff is coming out in the fall of 05. That could mean end of the summer, it could mean the beginning of winter. The main factor is China. Our toys are manufactured there and distributed across America. Think about when the NF and Nstrike came out. The west coast saw it a about weeks before the east coast. It would make sense if thats where China ships to and then distributes from. However, being that Newark, NJ is one of the busiest ports in the country, it may very well come in there. I do NOT know Hasbro's distribution chain, nor the chains of all major retailers. Even when it gets to the shelf, their lazy ass employees have to put it on the shelf. So an exact date is out of the question.

TALIO and I are not holding back information other than what the rereleases MAY be only because we were asked to by Hasbro. Believe us guys (and BK), the second I get an email from our friends at Hasbro that says we can tell you anything, we will bombard YOU with the info. If we are the "nerf ambassadors" as someone put it at our meeting with them, then how can we serve our role to keep quiet about new information. We are in a unique position and hopefully all will be revealed soon.
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#175 ShortShit



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Posted 10 April 2005 - 11:02 AM

anyone know why the Maverick is not in stock on ANY online venues?
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