Posted 09 May 2003 - 06:20 PM
Clearly a biological or chemical attack would be our best long-term option given a large infestation. While developing and testing this 'super weapon' the floating base option sounds strong. Hell, why not just take a smallish island off the coast? We'd be able to take and hold the island relatively easily and our attack options would expand considerably since we'd be able to launch crop dusters from a small airfield.
Catalina island is an obvious choice for the SoCal crowd. They have medical facilities, an airfield, and a good dock. There is tons of dive equipment on the island for staging supply raids on the mainland.
Posted 09 May 2003 - 08:27 PM
Good point C. Maybe we can just move to Hawaii.. We know who's safe there...
How's Bermuda sound guys?
but we do sh*t and F---"
~Webbster, Foam Improvement.
"I got four points... I sackled you"
Posted 10 May 2003 - 12:45 AM
Posted 10 May 2003 - 05:13 PM
Holy water? Even if these zombies WERE the spawns of satan (which wouldn't make any sense because generally the Lightbringer relies on guile, manipulation, and cunning, also I have already CLEARLY defined the only acceptable origins of the zombie hoarde) I seriously doubt that some tap water that has a pedophile's seal of approval is going to do jack shit.
Sarin Gas? We're fighting reanimate corpses here!! Death, decay, rot, all of this does nothing to slow down a zombie, so why would some feeble nerve gas be different? Not to mention that the virus/fungi which is creating these creatures was most likely engineered by the same government agency that developed these nerve toxins for government use, I'd think that if I was creating a retro-virus for the purpose of creating a "super-soldier" I'd make it resistant to all known bio/chem weapons in existance.
Now the island idea I like but you have to be careful when choosing the island. The best thing to do would be to choose a resort island that previously had no one living on it so as to minimize the number of zombies that you'd have to exterminate once you get there. You'd preferebly want an island that had little or no native populace. You also have to take into account the level of commercial development versus natural risks. While resort islands or vacation spots have such accomaties as transportation, electricity, indoor plumbing, climate control, and communication/information systems, they are guranteed to come with no less than a dozen zombies hiding in every basement, garden shed, or garage. All it takes is one zombie to go unnoticed to place the whole population at risk. Now we could go the other way and choose some completely deserted, wildly savage island where we could all run around like Brooke Shields or that guy who never did anything after Blue Lagoon. Now though we run the risk of allowing our society/culture to degrade even further thus loosing thousands of years of scientific progress, not to mention we could get malaria or some such jungle shit. The only hoardes I know more menacing than zombies are our winged enemy the mosquito, and they truly are indestructable.
Finally, while te alkalizing agent sounds cool it also sounds dangerous as fuck. Do you want to be the one in charge of handling some liquid shit that melts your skin off? Much less outfit the missles to disperse this shit? I don't. If we're going to use any type of AtG weapons, I'm gonna vote for plain old napalm or some similar, basic, trusty combustiable material. Let's keep the weapons as simple as possible, the less energy we have to put into killing these things the more we can put into keeping ourselves alive and salvaging something resembling society.
Now all of you, be more like Cx and post something usefull
of Mag-7
East Coast Nerf 2009: Quid pro quo, douchebags!
Posted 10 May 2003 - 11:39 PM
Therein lies the problem - ever hear of Easter Island? They cut down all the trees in order to supply their growing population, which negated several species from having a home. Thus, no trees, no animals - that'd mean we'd have to fish. Eventually, the island's ecosystem would collapse and we'd starve (trust me...I've taken environmental science and ecology). What if we somehow run out of resources to sustain us on the island, or even worse, exhaust the resources so that we could never get off the island? I don't like that idea. Isolating yourself will only keep you that way for a short period of time.This is getting rediculous.
Clearly a biological or chemical attack would be our best long-term option given a large infestation. While developing and testing this 'super weapon' the floating base option sounds strong. Hell, why not just take a smallish island off the coast? We'd be able to take and hold the island relatively easily and our attack options would expand considerably since we'd be able to launch crop dusters from a small airfield.
Catalina island is an obvious choice for the SoCal crowd. They have medical facilities, an airfield, and a good dock. There is tons of dive equipment on the island for staging supply raids on the mainland.
I'd always want to keep moving, preferably away from the zombies. Starve them out, isolate them. Just think - what if the zombies were (and trust me, this is a "were" situation) smart enough able to fashion a make-shift raft or aquire some sort of aircraft? I think we're missing the point here - the more firepower we have, the more flexible we are. We should divide ourselves up into squads - designate team leaders and specialized positions, and elect some sort of leader for all the squads in order to maintain some sort of order or sanity. Getting in arguments about whose in charge will only hurt us...
EDIT: Oh yeah, and Napalm is always a good solution to any problem...good thinking, Famine. Like I said, the more firepower we've got, the more flexible we are...
That's it, that's all I had to say.
"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"
Posted 11 May 2003 - 02:32 AM
So, zombies are best toasted. And gasoline is abundant. So I'm thinking lots of molotov cocktails, and perhaps an air launcher to accompany that. We could probably make a quick, simple little contact explosive out of a pop can, gasoline, and a basic lighter (common materials), which would be a lot easier to find materials for, or at least launch out of an air cannon.
I seriously doubt I could get my hands on any kind of heavy weaponry, the kind you kids are talking about... I'm Canadian, after all.
So improvisation is key. Anyone have any good ways to light zombies up that are quick, simple, material efficient, and launchable?
- Death
Posted 11 May 2003 - 02:41 AM
You'd get 100+ meter range and the propellant would light the payload for you. You'd just have to make sure to twist the rag in pretty tight so the gasoline doesn't eject during launch.
If you had one person making the bombs and another firing them you'd get about 5 or 6 rounds per minute.
Posted 12 May 2003 - 01:11 AM
Dammit you people, I mentioned Napalm several posts ago, pay attention.
Good idea with the molotov cocktail launchers. I like it. I like it alot.
Posted 12 May 2003 - 12:32 PM
Anyway, I agree with Ash, napalm could do the trick very easily. And since they're zombies they should go up like candles with all that dry flesh of theirs.
But seriously people when it comes to really getting the job done, we're going to need chainsaws and double barrel 12 gauges, you know, the cobalt blue steel kind right ouf Grand Rapids, Michigan. Anyone up for a pleasant stroll to S-Mart with me?
Posted 12 May 2003 - 05:12 PM
I was pondering the situation, and I came up with an interesting question. What makes a zombie seek out the living? It is not their sense of sight, since they hoarde the area from miles and miles away. So, it must be either their sense of smell, or some extra-sensory...sense. But if it is smell, what if we could make a zombie repellant, or something to mask our human-smelling-ness. Not just cologne, maybe airtight suits or hunting clothes that hold your stinkiness in.
If we could trick the zombies into thinking we were one of them, we could easily wipe them out, and not have to move anywhere.
Shots Fired: 2.1 x 10^4
Fun had: 97%
Posted 12 May 2003 - 05:35 PM
but we do sh*t and F---"
~Webbster, Foam Improvement.
"I got four points... I sackled you"
Posted 12 May 2003 - 06:58 PM
Posted 12 May 2003 - 09:37 PM
Sure, they wouldn't care about that zombie that's attacking them with a FUCKING FLAMETHROWER now would they?If we could trick the zombies into thinking we were one of them, we could easily wipe them out, and not have to move anywhere.
Posted 13 May 2003 - 09:48 AM
Posted 13 May 2003 - 01:26 PM
Maybe they would attack that person, but they wouldnt hoarde him. I think only the one being attacked would attack the attacker.Sure, they wouldn't care about that zombie that's attacking them with a FUCKING FLAMETHROWER now would they?If we could trick the zombies into thinking we were one of them, we could easily wipe them out, and not have to move anywhere.
Shots Fired: 2.1 x 10^4
Fun had: 97%
Posted 13 May 2003 - 03:40 PM
No thanks, I'm not going to wrap my head around that idea for a while...thanks for the invitation, though.
Now, going back to the weapons selection - may I suggest a few of these beauties?
Zombie Crowd Control (come on, no miniguns mentioned yet? I'm sure VACC and a team of monkeys could use this effectively):
Anti-Zombie Explosives (several hundred 'nades a minute. If the zombies were somehow resiliant even when they're sucking down flame, a large amount of explosives always work well.):
All-Around Zombie Whooping (the army's got these somewhere...we need these. Built in night vision scope, high-capacity mag, and pump action grenade launcher under the forearm of the rifle.):
"Too close for missiles, I'm switchin' to guns"
Posted 13 May 2003 - 04:50 PM
Posted 13 May 2003 - 08:26 PM
Hows about waterguns filled with sugarwater... Who doesn't like sugar? Who doesn't like water? It's a winning combination.
Posted 13 May 2003 - 09:56 PM
All I'm saying is that it takes some time to destroy an ecosystem. We have to have base up extreemily quickly in order to make it useful. Of course, using the military equipment we can find at abandoned/half abandoned bases will help in getting the base established as quick as possible. I really don't think that we would destroy the eco system all that quickly.
Howard, Shut up.
Posted 14 May 2003 - 05:21 PM
Shots Fired: 2.1 x 10^4
Fun had: 97%
Posted 14 May 2003 - 10:36 PM
I'm sure that there are places surrounded by walls. I mean, if it's necessary, we could always hide in the pentagon! No? No pentagon? Ok, then what was that zombie movie where they were in a mall? All that they did was put up a few pieces of plywood, and made their way around through the vents.
One large door is a smarter plan than having multiple doors. There would be only one way in, and the base of operations would be very easily defended. Just point guns at the door and you're ready for the zombies to smack into the door for hours on end!
And when we would find a place surrounded by these magical objects known to some as walls, I don't think the zombies will get in. Sheetrock yes, Thick Concrete... no. Dead things rubbing up against the walls won't make thewalls fall down. There would only be one way for this to happen... Mantis teaching the zombies his art ... being homo-erotic jackhammer engineers!
We could hit up a sandpaper factory, steal the coarse sandpaper, then line the outsides of the walls with it. Why do this you ask? Simply because the zombies won't realize that it will harm them if they rub against it. We could then dangle Mantis over their heads, and they would try and climb up the wall, which would sandpaper them into nothingness.
*End Sidetrack*
Some might be skeptical about the highly sensible wall method ... Mantis ... Well, there is also another failproof plan. We could all get on a bus, and go to Neverland Ranch. If normal people don't want to be there, The zombies might not want to either. We would have to attack the Michelle Jackson zombie but that shouldn't be a problem. After we "clean house" it's fun time! We can go through the petting zoo, go on all of the rides! Have popcorn and cotton candy, Oh My! And, as an added bonus... Golf Carts for all! It'll be like a teddybear picnic... without the teddybears or the picnic!
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