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Realistic And Dynamic Defense Plans

What would you do?

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#26 Mantis



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Posted 06 May 2003 - 10:20 AM

I agree with the ideas of isolating yourself and the other survivors, but melee weapons seem useless, even dangerous to yourself. Since zombie-ism is a virus, its transferred through the blood right? Or something along those lines, which is why they bite to infect. So, if you go 1 on 1 with a zombie, and some of his blood splashes onto a scratch you have, you might be infected.
What if, you set sail on a ship, and fished for your food and found a way to change salt water to fresh water? The epidemic would not affect you, being out in the ocean and all. Maybe even just the bay, assuming they cant swim. You could just bring about 500,000 Brita filters on board, some fishing poles and crab trabs, and you are set! Eventually the zombies may die, and then you could go back on land, who knows.
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#27 GunnedDown



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Posted 06 May 2003 - 04:50 PM

Heh.. we could find an old Galleon and convert the hell out of that. Or.. we could use a ship.. but not your ordinary ship..

an Airship... :-D
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#28 Ash



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Posted 06 May 2003 - 06:22 PM

...See, my friends, this is why the zombies always seem to win... or at least take a considerable chunk out of the human population.
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#29 Groove


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Posted 06 May 2003 - 06:30 PM

Good idea there Mantis..starving the zombies of our own flesh...hmm..then how would we repopulate? Oh wait, we'd all have tons of sex! Sounds like a plan. I'll bring the lube and my french maid outfit.
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#30 Zero Talent

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Posted 06 May 2003 - 06:46 PM

Apparantly some of you didnt' read my earlier post about a naval anti-zombies base. I already pondered the boat idea as well as the "anti-zombie pathogen" or whatever, I called it a cure.

Don't feel ignored, Ash, I did read that, I'm just asking if anyone has any lore or ideas that could help in the sense poisons or pathogens. As to the boat, I did read that, but I'd probably be excluded from your base, given how far you are from me.

Also, do we need to conceptualize zombified animals? "Zombie Whales" could cause huge amounts of damage, or at least major annoyance, to your ships. If anything, they'd waste the torpedoes, and make fishing mostly impossible. I've never heard of a zombified cabbage or anything from the plantae kingdom, so you could all become vegetarians, or ranch the last living fish (or other meats, pending your setup).

So are we including all animal infection?
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#31 GunnedDown



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Posted 06 May 2003 - 07:18 PM

an Airship... :-D

*cough* :-D

I could set up an on-board greenhouse...

If we ever want meat, the best thing to do would be to create some way to detect zombie viruses and whatnot. That way, we could scan animals before we kill them, and, we'd get our meat.

Zero, I think we could fly over and pick you up. Zombies aren't going to go to British Columbia anyways. Who the hell wants to go there? :-D
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#32 Mantis



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Posted 06 May 2003 - 08:12 PM

Well, it seems that zombies mostly enjoy humans. But in times when they are starved, they are seen eating smaller animals (Night of the Living Dead or Dawn of the Dead, cant remember). But if the virus would transfer over is the question. The virus seemed to affect humans only at first, so it may take thousands of years for it to evolve and be able to survive in other animal's cells.
My question is though, is it possible that someone gets knawed on so much by so many zombies that they simply die instead of becoming one? Sometimes huge swarms are seen eating one carcass.
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#33 Crest of Fire

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Posted 06 May 2003 - 08:25 PM

:) For the last time, the Zombie "Virus" is not a virus, it would have to be a type of fungi, a virous would just reproduce, and kill the cells, but it could never turn someone into a zombie, only some sort of fungus could do that. Now that i think about it, a bacterium couldn't cause it eather, because they are prokariotic, and need another bacterium to reproduce, but as long as they have food, and arent exposed to oxygen, the bacteria would not control the animal/plant because a bacterium is incomplete.
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#34 GunnedDown



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Posted 06 May 2003 - 09:16 PM

Viruses do not always kill the cells. They just take control of them. Usually they do kill them, but not always.
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"The occasional hell or damn is ok,
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#35 VACC


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Posted 06 May 2003 - 11:48 PM

Ok ok, enough with the hypothecis. There is a sure fire series of actions that must be taken in the event of any Zombie, or any other undead creatures for that matter, infestaion. Get a gun, and get the fuck to Tinton Falls.

As far as the Naval base goes, it is a good theory, but I feel it falls apart in practicality. What do we know for sure about Zombies now? That's right, they will get to us. In a living room, in a basement, in a shopping mall, in a super secret government facility burried miles below the earth's surface, they will get to us. How, well fuck we really don't know, they're just there. This leads me to believe that even if a Naval base is an adequate solution, we will not be able to construct or obtain it. Personally, the way I see it we need some sort of corrosive biological weapon that will only survive in the open air for so long. In this way we could crop dust zombies with this chemical/substance, and be assured that it would not permanantly damage our land. The question then is does it kill our crops? Well yes, but I think this is a small sacrifice in comparison with the Zombie doom we might otherwise face.

If by some miracle of non-movie logic our government is on top of this scourge in an organized manner, I might suggest quite a different route. We outfit tanks with bull-dozeresque zombie wedges with which to drive zombies into burnable areas. We then use high frequency sound waves to destroy any zombies in hiding. I've seen it a million times, you pump those sonic waves up high enough and their heads pop like grapes. I mean c'mon, Venom can't handle high pitched noises, and zombies are a lot like symbiotes...aren't they now?

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#36 Ash



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Posted 07 May 2003 - 01:19 AM

I think the naval base is fairly easy and requires no construction... go grab a couple existing naval ships (aircraft carriers, battleships, submarines, etc.) and set them up for sustaining a population. Requires some man power, sure, but it's feasible.

Hey Crest of Fire, shut it. What we know right now about what things can and can't do is just as feasible 10 years from now as what people KNEW about the world 50 years ago.
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Name's Ash, Housewares

#37 VACC


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Posted 07 May 2003 - 02:14 AM

Sure the navel base could be put together, but that was not my point. My point was that zombies would inevitably get there, and the helicopters would inevitably blow up, and then we'd be trapped with zombies.
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#38 One Man Clan

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Posted 07 May 2003 - 08:44 AM

Who would pilot those crafts? A sub or aircraft carrier is not at all like a little shitty dingy with an out-board motor. I think it's still a good idea.

Also, what about using an offshore oil rig as a base? We could helicopter in and out of mainland to get what we need as such. I think for a stable base out in the water, this is the way to go. Of course it will have to be outfitted with defense weapons. Plus it could be used to start various facilities like a chem lab, greenhouse, or weapons facility. It would also be a source of crude oil. Just an idea.
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#39 Famine



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Posted 07 May 2003 - 10:42 AM

An oil rig would work quite well. As far as who would pilot the vessels; there should be an adquate number of crews (especially submarine crews) who were spared the Zombie plage because they were at sea and isolated. Sonic Waves? While a nice idea we just don't have the technology to actually direct that powerful of soundwave without it also affecting us. As for operating the helicopters, I suggest you all go out and pick up a copy of Longbow now and start practicing boys and girls cause the truth of it is that only the people with the neccessary skills are gonna survive. If you or someone you know can't pilot that chopper or you don't know where to go to find someone to pilot the chopper you'd best just sit down and watch your old vhs copies of Baywatch until the hoarde gets to you. If you really want to try and wait it out the only recommendation I can make is to try and get your ass to like a secluded island on a lake.
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#40 VACC


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Posted 07 May 2003 - 11:08 AM

An oil rig would be a perfect and quite honestly neccessary resource, but it doesn't have the space for a poppulation larger than it's crew (I would personally suggest cruise ships for the populations, though we still will not have the room on sea vessels for the survivors by a long shot), and there would be no room for these hydroponic fields you seem set on creating. Also, the type of hellicopters that would be needed to transport all these people (death help me out here) could not land on a oil rig. We would simply need the carriers as well. As far as the sonic waves go, they would be created by remote devices that we could activate from a great distance. They might break some windows, but they would not harm the people using them.

Again, I would like to stress that unless you foresee the toll of these hoards ranging up into revelations numbers (the 144k survivors estimate, not the 1/3 of the world which could never be accomadated) then you WILL NOT have nearly enough room on these carriers/cruiseships/oil reigs, regardless of skill set prerequisites. Basically you'd just have to be in the Navy or you'd be fucked.

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#41 Crest of Fire

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Posted 07 May 2003 - 06:17 PM

Ash, sorry about being such a jack ass, but we will know more in 10 years than we knew 50 years ago, humans learn new things about everything every day, we just mapped the human genetic code, and in 10 years, we will know what parts do what. plus, the double helix was discoverd 50 years ago. But what about moving, we could set up colonies on the moon, we have the technology, its just not a priority. then we could just dirty bomb the zombies, and wait it out on the moon.
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#42 Ash



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Posted 08 May 2003 - 02:19 AM

Well, of course we would not be looking to accomodate all the survivors... just the ones smart enough and with enough survival skills to make it to an area where they could be helped. Of course, those who decide to quickly head to the nearest military/naval base, and manage to get there alive are first on the list... along with anyone with usefull skills. We are looking to set up our small survival outpost/colony until the zombie threat is annihilated and we can repopulate the planet... we are not looking to help our fellow humankind out of good will.

There are plenty of mass destructions weapons available to use which are not nuclear in nature... many could be used. There are bombs that disperse water molecules at high enough velocities to pretty much disentegrate anything in it's path. There's always napalm, as well. Of course, provided we may be lacking the equipment to launch certain types of these weapons, there is always the manual procedure as well as weapons of a smaller magnitude.
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#43 Evil


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Posted 08 May 2003 - 05:40 AM

Well, of course we would not be looking to accomodate all the survivors... just the ones smart enough and with enough survival skills to make it to an area where they could be helped.

...And all the stunningly gorgeous women we can manage.
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#44 GunnedDown



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Posted 08 May 2003 - 05:46 PM

I have found the ultimate zombie destroying weapon....

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#45 Ash



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Posted 09 May 2003 - 02:00 AM

No, dude, pop-rocks wouldn't work. Sorry. Valaint effort, however.
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Name's Ash, Housewares

#46 jon



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Posted 09 May 2003 - 01:05 PM

well first you would have to look how the virus/ fugi / whatever the hell it is came on this earth. If was spawned by some evil cleric that whatedt to take over the world then you could us super soakers! no joke fill them with holy water! a few drops on one summoned zombie Booom they explode. Also you could have all the preist that are sitll alive turn the hole ocean into holy salt water! the zobies would never go near the shors! if yous water molecue bombs with holy water you could kill zombies as fast as Bobit can get a boner!
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#47 Mantis



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Posted 09 May 2003 - 01:19 PM

Pop rocks could work. First, you fly overhead (in a hang glyder I would imagine) and sound a horn, then they all look up, and you carpet bomb the place in pop rocks. Then you do the same with tons of soda. (Note: This theory only works if zombies dont know how to close their mouths.)
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#48 GunnedDown



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Posted 09 May 2003 - 04:34 PM

No! If you spray a flesh-derived zombie with pop-rocks, they will become embedded in it's skin, where the small explosions will force the weak tissue to expand and pop out, killing the zombie.
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"The occasional hell or damn is ok,
but we do sh*t and F---"

~Webbster, Foam Improvement.

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#49 Ash



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Posted 09 May 2003 - 05:52 PM

Jon - Holy water doesn't work, it's not real. Even if holy water did work, I don't think it would work on zombies unless they were the direct work of Satan himself.

Mantis - The pop rock and soda thing doesn't work... I've tried.

Gunneddown - That's assuming that the zombie's flesh is weaker than mortal flesh, which it very well may not be. It may be stronger. Also, pop rocks don't really expand at all, if you haven't noticed, it just releases a small amount of CO2, which would only expand the skin were the pop rocks in an airtight seal under the skin.
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Name's Ash, Housewares

#50 jon



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Posted 09 May 2003 - 06:00 PM

actualy the catholic church has holy water, no joke! but i think your right with the satan part. so if wores comes to worse we all could up to mars and live there on a base and melt the ice caps for water and grow our own plants hydroponicaly for more air a food. then we would have enough time to plan on how we could win earth back. but next situation would be would are next threat be martians? :alien:
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