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My Next Big Project

building what you want me to!!!

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#1 duce



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Posted 16 March 2005 - 06:38 PM

Greetings to all. Seeing as I have an upcoming spring break in two weeks and absoutly nothing to do, I have decided to build a homemade surpassed only by Bolt loser's. I have thought long and hard about what type of things I want this gun to have. I don't really have that much. I've come up with several ideas. All of which would be pump guns, Im not nearly smart enough to try spring, though I'd like to.

Idea 1: Long range (130+ ft) rife, with a secondary shot for better RoF. I was thinking building 2 different tanks each connected to its own and to be able to switch which tank Im pumping to. Both tanks would also be connected to the same barrel. The secondary tank would be much smaller which would allow me to pump it more quickly with the sacrifice of range. I would also to make it have a spring fed clip, similar to Bolt's most recent creation.

Idea 2: Everything would be the same as the former only each tank would have seperate pumps and barrles. Breech loaded for both barrles, no clip. Basically an easier version of the first one.

Idea 3: A clip fed mid-sized blaster. It would be about the size of a AT2K and have ranges of around 100 ft.

Idea 4: A semi auto high powered rifle, clip fed. No secondary shot.

This is what I have so far. I'm leaning towards idea 1 because it would be more of a challenge and more kick-ass when finished. I am looking for what you people want. Tell me which idea you want first off, WHY YOU THINK THAT, and any suggestions on the specifics of each gun. I will also look into completely new designs from people. I hope to have an idea of what I'm going to do by this weekend so I can draw out some plans.

Im also planning on taking the latter chunk of break on making this thing look hotter than... a really hot girl? Ive already got an idea of what I want it to look like but suggestions are appreciated.

For those of you that have read this, thanks for your time and please make suggestions.

-the duce
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#2 NerfMonkey



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Posted 16 March 2005 - 06:48 PM

I think a high-powered clip fed would rock. I'd go for whatever has the best combo of rate of fire, range and accuracy. That would totally kick ass! They're all great ideas though.
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#3 duce



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Posted 16 March 2005 - 06:57 PM

Im not saying this to be a jerk, Im saying it to prevent confusion. From now on, if people could say specific numbers when discussing. It will just hopefully save some future confusion.

Edited by duce, 16 March 2005 - 07:04 PM.

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#4 NerfMonkey



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Posted 16 March 2005 - 07:05 PM

Sorry, number 4. The semi-auto clip rifle.
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#5 MattPaintballer



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Posted 16 March 2005 - 07:28 PM

They all sound too cool... How about option 8? This would be 1+3+4! Just kidding...

Make 'em all except #2? That's what I'd do. Spring break is almost here, you'd have time...

I don't really like the idea of 2, but 1, 3, and 4 sound pretty awesome to me. But I think if you make number 1 and it fails, you should try number 2.

And for number 4, what do you mean no secondary shot? Mod an SSPB and tape it on the side.

Edited by MattPaintballer, 16 March 2005 - 07:29 PM.

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#6 navy seal

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Posted 16 March 2005 - 07:46 PM

Didn't boltsniper already make number 1 and number 4. I think number three or four would be the best. Number one is no good because you don't need a rifle that shoots 130'. Number two would be even worse than number one because of the rof.
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Posted 16 March 2005 - 08:32 PM

If I were you, I wouldn't go for idea 4 because my freind is almost finished with something similar, and you would be left in the dust. I would go for 3, looks like a great idea, maybe make it air powered.
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Posted 16 March 2005 - 08:49 PM

Your friend? Who could this be? Ya I wouldn't go with numero quatro either because it would be very hard and you will hate yourself for hours and hours. I have. Ya three sounds good. I want to see something small.
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#9 Namm



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Posted 17 March 2005 - 04:02 AM

Idea #3, Although high power is cool, and fun to show to friends, it wont get much use in a war. (to powerful/and or takes too long to reload)
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#10 boltsniper



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Posted 17 March 2005 - 01:59 PM

I like the idea of having a secondary fire mode that compliments the primary. If you really want to go for an uber long range primary than the ROF is gonna suck balls for a pump weapon. Although you will have a secondary to go to between primary shots you way want to tone down your desired range to 80 or so. The convienience of a pump weapon is that you just "dial" in the range by the number of pumps.

A magazine really isn`t all that hard to do. I would say the hardest part is finding a good spring. i`d say give it a shot. If it proves to be too much of a bitch its easy enough to convert it to a breach loader. I do that anyway when I don`t want to use the mag.

I think autoloaders are just not practical in Nerf Homemads. It takes so much energy to cycle the actino that there is little left to propel the dart. Hasbro came up with their ingenious plunger system on the RF20 and PC but we could never emulate that with PVC. It would be too heavy. The spring in that system is what propels the dart and that is limited to how strong it can be.

I personally have plans for a fully automatic. They are a bit complicated and I don`t think it could be simplified much. i dunno if I`ll ever build it but it would probably not be handheld.

Best of luck on your project. Let me know if I can help you out any. And be sure to post pictures of it when your done......or before.
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#11 Sinfil



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Posted 17 March 2005 - 03:32 PM

I would have to say idea #4. A clip-fed gun that would have ranges of 100' sounds very promising. Plus, since it's medium sized,you can always integrate it onto a gun or a gun onto it. My...cent.

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#12 duce



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Posted 17 March 2005 - 05:31 PM

Woah, I didn't think I'd get this much feedback, thanks guys. Alright, I've heard the most interest towards #3, some positive and negative thoughts on #4 and a bit of interest on #1. From what I've heard, semi auto is hard to achieve without leaks and I don't feel like trying. So I think four is unlikely, but still possible. It looks like I'm going to end up doing 1 and 3 but nothings final until tomorrow. Keep on posting though. I want to know what everyone wants.

Bolt, fully auto would be sweet. I've been pondering it for some time and have come up with a slight modification of, I belive it was, Langley's modification of, I belive, the zero valve (that was confusing). I think it would work for automatic but am not ready to try. Good luck with that man, if there is anyone in the nerf community who can pull off a fully auto gun, its definately you. And yes, I will probably need your help some time during this project.

Keep posting everyone.
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#13 EleMenT



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Posted 17 March 2005 - 06:59 PM

This might have been a good topic for a poll, but i guess thats just me. I like number 3
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#14 gordon



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Posted 17 March 2005 - 07:06 PM

This is something I have thought about. You may or may not want to try it. It would be like number 2... but both air tanks would be the same size and there would just be one gigantic pump that pumps both tanks at the same time through split vinal tubing. Then, each is fired individually. It is kinda like a SF.

Edited by gordon, 17 March 2005 - 07:06 PM.

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#15 duce



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Posted 17 March 2005 - 08:27 PM

Gordon, thats basically what I'm talking about in both 1 and 2. I plan on having one pump that pumps to two seperate tanks. The two tanks will both be connected to one barrel and the barrel will have a magazine for better RoF. One tank will be fairlt large and will allow for a really powerful shot that takes a long time to prime. The second tank will be fairly small giving a weaker shot with better RoF.

This might have been a good topic for a poll, but i guess thats just me

I was going to but I want people to leave an opinion and justification, not just quickly push a button and leave.

Edited by duce, 17 March 2005 - 08:28 PM.

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"Thats so good it makes me want to kick my mom in the face." -Halfling

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