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Just In: Lanard Speedloader.

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#1 Talio


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Posted 15 March 2005 - 12:46 AM

Ok, first off I have to put all of the rumors to rest. The answer of why Lanard bought an Eagle Eye is completely solved in my mind. The cocking mech works exactly the same. It was the first gun I ever modded, so I know it pretty well. While they may have used it for inspiration for a light, anyone can put a lightbulb with a focus lense, the cocking mech would take a tad bit more study then that.

With that, onto my first glance review. First off, size. I noticed right off it's about the size of a maxshot if you don't do a barrel replacement, but it is a tad bit smaller then I imagined. It's definetely not a Tech 10 type gun...there is a significant sized plunger tube in this, but I'll get to that. I just wanted to put that rumor to rest.

Next thing I noticed was feel. I gotta tell you, it's super comfortable. The grip is really nice and fits my huge monkey hands quite well.it's slanted a bit more then what we normally get, and it's far more comfortable then the maxshot. The cocking handle is realy nice as well. Small, but it does the trick with only minor annoyance.

Of course being a modder, next thing I checked was the turret. First thing I noticed was that the yellow part of what you see is merely sheathing for the barrels, which are extremely short inside the yellow housing. The houseing will hold brass quite nicely with a little shaving, I compared the sizes. Also, looks like the pegs are extremely weak inside and should come out with a good tug.

I dry fired right off. Wasn't bad. Wasn't the crash that the maxshot gave off, but it wasn't the tech ten click either. It was a pretty satisfying thud. When you cock back the mech, you can hear clicking, such as when you cocked the maxshot and if you only pull it back half way, you can pull the trigger and it will fire.

Loaded the gun up and gave it a shot against a wall. Bounced pretty well, I was semi impressed, but it was average. Aimed it across the room and it arched quick, falling within 20 feet barely hitting the wall. I blame this more on the heavy ass darts with cheap foam that lanard puts out. Although I noticed one biggie. Unlike the 3k, the dart that fires is the one on top, not on bottom.

Last thing I did for the night, because I didn't get in untill 11 this evening, was compare it to a 3k. The similarities shocked me. First thing I noticed that unmodded, both guns are the exact same length from grip to barrel end. The only different between these two guns are fluff. Cut the liquitron off the 3k, and everything from the grip back and you basically have the SL. The barrels on it aren't crammed either. I compared nose to nose the SL to the 3k and they merely widened the diameter of the turret.

My hopes are that tommorow night when I open this gun, I will see a fat semi long plunger. This gun really protrudes on the sides well, and there is plenty of space for a maxshot sized plunger. I promise tommorow night I'll take a shot at some simple testing, but being as I'm fresh out of petg and I'll need to hit a few stores for brass first, a full scale mod may not get done for another night. I'll refresh my report tommorow.

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#2 Jlego


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Posted 15 March 2005 - 12:55 AM

Thanks for the scoop on the new shit. I can't wait for the pics, and to see how much mod potential it has, although from what you said, it should be very good.
Thanks again.
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#3 Airsoft999



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Posted 15 March 2005 - 10:18 AM

Damn, I gotta see a pic of this.
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#4 Talio


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Posted 15 March 2005 - 11:04 AM

Alright, everyone calm down. After I posted this last night I couldn't sleep so I opened the gun. First things first I have no idea how they attached the pump handle. I had to break it to get it off. Both sides of it were screwed in from the inside of the gun so you couldn't get the to screw, so I merely just had to pry one side off. Luckly, one you screw that side back onto the other, it doesn't change anything stucturally. The plunger tube is strong, but it's entirely housed. There is a peice that attaches to the back of the tube that keeps the spring in. That means unlike the maverick, you can put a beefy spring in this puppy. Just as I suspected, the cocking mech is just like the eagle eye, There are two gears inside that move the plunger tube back when you cock it. It's comfortable and should work well without breaking. Reassembly will be a tad bit tricky. Turret mods are going to be tricky. What I noticed is that inside the turret houseing, the actually barrels are exactly 9/16's, meaning they should replace well with some brass. I'm going to saw off the original barrels and put 4 inch brass barrels on it, shave down the housing and I imagine it will fire around 60 - 70.

Things I like about this gun and what I think it will mean to our game I do believe are significant, but this is no nub gun. The mod will be hard and take some general knowledge and experience of modification to get done effectively. What I think this gun will become on the field is the short game players spoogefest. Up untill now the only guns that a short player really have had are pretty much pistols. The rate of fire has always been rather dismal. This thing is small, light, should pack as much punch as a well modded night finder, and carry 8 solid rotating barrels to boot. While it does cary more size then a Nitefinder, it's still nice and compact, and for a close range dodgy player, it's pretty much just what the doctor ordered.

I think specifically with other guns that are on the market currently, this one will fit nicely to shape the mold. More to come, I'll actually try to mod the thing tonight.

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#5 Airsoft999



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Posted 15 March 2005 - 11:10 AM

That's cool. I just want to see what the gun actually looks like, though.
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#6 Talio


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Posted 15 March 2005 - 11:23 AM

Ok, I just realized sitting here, that the pump does not require to be broken. If anyone gets it, you have to take the screws out of the pump, then take all the other screws out of the gun, and pull it apart together. I feel pretty foolish now that I look back on it.

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#7 Airsoft999



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Posted 15 March 2005 - 11:29 AM

Where did you get it?
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#8 Pineapple


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Posted 15 March 2005 - 12:18 PM

Ok, I just realized sitting here, that the pump does not require to be broken. If anyone gets it, you have to take the screws out of the pump, then take all the other screws out of the gun, and pull it apart together. I feel pretty foolish now that I look back on it.

Aw, heck, someone had to do it, and we're glad you were the one to go in to tell us about it.

8-shot, spring powered compact? Pretty promising. I guess this is Lanard's answer to the Maverick.

Just curious, I may have missed it, is the turret auto-rotating off the cocking mechanism, or is it turned manually?

Nice find. Good to see all these manufacturers cranking out neat things to experiment with.

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-Piney- of White Dog Hobbies Armory

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It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

#9 Suave



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Posted 15 March 2005 - 01:24 PM

Wait this sounds like a spring gun, but you keep saying Pump Tube and Pump Handle.

I'm confused.

Thanks for the scoop on a new weapon though, are there pictures somewhere?

Edited by Suave, 15 March 2005 - 01:29 PM.

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#10 Talio


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Posted 15 March 2005 - 01:32 PM

Airsoft - Ebay.

Piney - Yeah I suppose your right. As far as it being compact though, thats a truely relative term, it's still only slightly smaller then the Maxshot, and slightly bigger then the triple shot. Make no mistake, this is a full size primary, and the plunger tube is huge compared to the maverick, it's not even worth it to compare the two, completely different guns. The feel of the gun is far superior to those other two.

Yes the turret is auto rotating. Works like a pump rifle. Pump, fire, pump, fire. It's nice.

Suave - If I used the term pump tube I was mistaken, this is a spring gun. Yes, it does have a pump handle and works like a pump rifle. You pump the handle back, which pulls back the plunger.

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#11 Airsoft999



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Posted 15 March 2005 - 01:59 PM

Do you have the link- I'm interested in what it looks like.
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#12 Talio


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Posted 15 March 2005 - 02:36 PM

Look for it, I found it on this site. I'm not your fucking runner.
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#13 cxwq



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Posted 15 March 2005 - 02:38 PM

Hey Talio, fetch me a beer.


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#14 Suave



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Posted 15 March 2005 - 09:44 PM

Thanks again Tals.
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#15 The Large Moose

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Posted 19 March 2005 - 06:48 PM

Any luck modding it Talio? Also, has anybody seen these in stores? Only place I have seen them is ebay. ;)
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#16 Talio


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Posted 19 March 2005 - 06:58 PM

Unfortunetly my local hardware store is fresh out of brass and the only other place that sells it is on the other side of town. Also I worked a 52 hour week and have a Nerf war tommorow. Not trying to make excuses but frankly, my time is super limited at the moment. My only night I had to work on it slipped through my fingers when the store didn't have any. I got some ordered and just need to find time to go pick it up.

Stay tuned, I'll get it done here soonish.

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#17 ItalionStallion



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Posted 20 March 2005 - 06:36 PM

So THATS why they bought my Eagle eye last year! I had been waiting for them to release something like that soon.

I guess its cool to see my guns go on to spawn something like this.

Edited by ItalionStallion, 20 March 2005 - 06:41 PM.

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#18 notorious oxide

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Posted 21 March 2005 - 05:47 AM

bought one today :rolleyes:
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#19 okto



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Posted 21 March 2005 - 02:21 PM

bought one today :D

eBay or store?
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#20 notorious oxide

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Posted 21 March 2005 - 04:39 PM

toys r us au$15 along with a switch shot max for au$6.40 which i have destroyed the casing for and reconstructed it out of pvc, its really small now
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#21 Pilkington



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Posted 21 March 2005 - 10:02 PM

If anyone is still looking for them I just picked one up at Media Play the other day, it only cost $7.99.
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#22 Nerforbust



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Posted 24 March 2005 - 08:01 PM

Can we have some pics?
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