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#76 Davis



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Posted 08 June 2005 - 09:46 PM

*oh shit*

I personally like Comedy, Action, and the occasional Sci-fi.
Personal Fav's (no particular order):
Harold and Kumar
Office Space
Mall Rats
The Godfather, Part I
The South Park Movies
Any SW movie but Episodes 1-2
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
Mortal Kombat

And the reason why I listed only comedies is probably a combo of trying to make my 2 dollar keyboard be silent, and running off an expresso with 7 Equals :P

Edited by Davis, 09 June 2005 - 06:05 AM.

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#77 AirApache



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Posted 08 June 2005 - 09:51 PM

I enjoyed Saving Private Ryan.
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#78 MattPaintballer



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Posted 08 June 2005 - 10:00 PM

The Goonies and Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle are the best movies EVAR!
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#79 cxwq



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Posted 08 June 2005 - 10:03 PM

By the way: I bet that the above will be deleted, but I noticed that the CoC says nothing about illegal activities, that is a bad loophole which people will exploit. :unsure:

You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this forum to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, hateful, harassing, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law.

Wow, you've irritated me twice in one day.
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<meta name="cxwq" content="mostly water">

#80 xedice



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Posted 09 June 2005 - 10:23 AM

1.) Scarface
2.) A Clockwork Orange
3.) Pulp Fiction
4.) No Mans Land
5.) Office Space

Most of Quentin Tarantino films are great, cool guy. No Mans Land is a foriegn movie, but the story is ironic (and entertaining)

Starwars episode 3 rocked, but not on my all time fav. list. It was awesome to see how Anakin transformed into Vader.

Edited by xedice, 09 June 2005 - 10:24 AM.

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#81 Handlethis



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Posted 09 June 2005 - 02:25 PM

If you wanna talk occasional sci-fi movies on a big screen i'd check out Chronicles of Riddick, I saw it, it was very medeocre in my opinion, but on a large screen tv such as that I would imagine it would be cool. Any star wars movie, discluding episode II, any LOTR movie,Spiderman 1 and 2, and S.W.A.T. would be some good movies to view on a huge screen tv.
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#82 VeggieBoy 3000

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Posted 09 June 2005 - 02:37 PM

For any of you who are into sports movies, or even any good movies in general, I just saw "Cinderella Man" last night and it is definitely one of my all-time favorite movies now. It's easily the best mobie I've seen recently, over "Star Wars Episode3", "The Longest Yard" (hilarious), and "Madagascar"(very funny) which are also all very good.
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#83 MattPaintballer



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Posted 10 June 2005 - 10:44 PM

You guys, The Goonies is the best god damn movie evar. I cannot strees how hilarious it is. The first two times I saw it I wet myself I'm not kidding - ask my brother or my neighbor, they were there. Kind of embarrassing but it's that damn funny.

It's a Steven Spielberg classic. If you haven't seen it, go rent it now, or hell just buy it. I'm not kidding it's cheaper to buy the DVD from a pawn shop than it is to rent the VHS. The Goonies was the best $4.79 + shipping I've ever spent.

By the way, how was The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? I've read the whole series and the local paper said the movie is more enjoyable after reading the series and extremely sucky if you haven't read it. I want to see The Longest Yard, I've heard it's hilarious, and it's got both Adam Sandler and Chris Rock so I have to see it. And how was Madagascar?

Edited by MattPaintballer, 10 June 2005 - 10:46 PM.

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#84 Davis



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Posted 11 June 2005 - 11:36 AM

I'm gonna be honest and say I really didn't like the Goonies too much. Too corny for my tastes.
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2. Laugh like a maniac as you pummel them with your balls.

#85 nerfcrusader



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Posted 11 June 2005 - 10:33 PM

Goonies is definately a classic. For a good sports movie, Rudy hits my top of the list (#23 on ESPN's Whos #1) and followed closely by Hoosiers. My most quotable movies are School of Rock, and Lemony Snickets A Series of Unfortunate Events. Top Gun is a good action movie and Spaceballs is one of my favorite comedies. Movies I want and/or need to see are:
1. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
2. The Longest Yard
3. Mr. and Mrs. Smith
4. Cinderella Man
5. Batman Begins

I know I missed a few movies that I want to see on that list, but you get the picture

Edited by nerfcrusader, 11 June 2005 - 10:34 PM.

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#86 Lukeinator



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Posted 25 June 2005 - 04:17 PM

Its not on DVD yet, but I saw Mr. and Mrs. Smith and it kicks ass. Gunfights, Car chases and Angelina Jolie. When it does come to DVD, you should definitely watch it, or just go to the theatre. Its the best movie I've seen in a while.
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#87 sonicyouth



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Posted 26 June 2005 - 01:16 AM

the rocky movies are always good .

Edited by sonicyouth, 26 June 2005 - 01:16 AM.

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rage against the machine rock

#88 euphemism



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Posted 30 June 2005 - 10:50 PM

12 monkeys and almost anything by Alfred Hitchcock. Also Brazil is good but crazy.
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#89 taita cakes

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Posted 03 July 2005 - 04:20 AM

Wow. I just saw War of the Worlds.

I must say, that was rather dark for Spielberg, because it wasn't just an Aliens come, bang band, attack Earth, instead its rather depressing with a more Aliens come and systematically diddle the world plot.

I must say, I don't think anything beats the original [the radio show, not the movies].

Edited by taita_cakes, 03 July 2005 - 04:22 AM.

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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

#90 Davis



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Posted 03 July 2005 - 05:25 AM

Wow. I just saw War of the Worlds.

I must say, that was rather dark for Spielberg, because it wasn't just an Aliens come, bang band, attack Earth, instead its rather depressing with a more Aliens come and systematically diddle the world plot.

I must say, I don't think anything beats the original [the radio show, not the movies].

I would have to agree.

The movie was wonderful because it took you for a 2 hour ride, and it wasn't always fun, but always entertaining. You find yourself subconciously leaning foward in your seat, emotional at points (even guys), and terrified shitless. I got out of my big stadium seat, wobbled down the stairs crowded by people, and felt kind of amnisiastic (if thats a word) as I walked onto the sidewalk.

I have expected to see Tripods on the horizon...

I, actually loved the simpleness of the explained ending, but why the fuck would Spielsberg make a 2 hour movie and explain it in 5 seconds with a sudden narrator?

Edited by Davis, 03 July 2005 - 05:26 AM.

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2. Laugh like a maniac as you pummel them with your balls.

#91 taita cakes

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Posted 03 July 2005 - 05:41 AM

The entire time I'm watching it I am thinking: "Half Life 2, Half Life 2, Half Life 2"
Tripods my arse.

But yes, I sort of posted that, looked up the spelling of Spielberg and realised, its not unusually dark, I mean, this is the man that directed the amazing Schindler's List. The special effects of course, reeked of Spielberg.

Everyone in the cinema of course hated the ending. Far too Hollywood.


The main thing that pissed everyone off, apart from the ending, was that he didnt mention why they were dying, and why the fuck the shields went down. Sure, "they were dying", but because of our "human spirit" and our "air"? They are an intelligent race, who have been planning this invasion for millenia, why the fuck would they fail?
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#92 merlinski



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Posted 03 July 2005 - 10:27 PM

Wow dude, you're way off.

First of all, it's not "our spirit and our air". It's our bacteria, which if you study history, is probably the most realistic reason for the failure of invasions of any kind. The line about how man earned his right to live here with a billion deaths refer to how many people have died in the course of our exposure to diseases that we eventually have become immune to. Just look at the common cold - that killed an uncounted number of Native Americans and barely affected Europeans, because they had become relatively resistant to it. There are millions of types of bacteria that could cause diseases if we were exposed to them for the first time.

Not only that, but the ending isn't hollywood at all. It's literature circa 1920, which makes it even more insane that H.G. Wells could come up with as realistic a cause for failure before we had even a fraction of the knowledge about bacteria that we do today.

Of all the alien movies I've seen, that's by far the most realistic ending.
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#93 taita cakes

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Posted 04 July 2005 - 03:37 AM

But this is a higher form of intelligence, that has been supposedly planning this for centuries/millenia/???. Do you think they can build lasers and fire fucking lightning bolts and not be able to cure the common cold? Do you believe that watching us for millenia, they have not learned to cope with the most simple of diseases and syndromes? And if they were drinking our blood to power themselves, don't you think that they would in fact inherit our immunities and strengths against certain bacteria?

I can understand that there are certain invincible strains of bacteria and such that could not be prevented or dealt with effectively, but this is meant to be the superior fucking race, who have forseen this day and its happenings for how long? That's the recurring point for me, this was meant to be perfect. You don't think a higher intelligence could not figure any of this out?

There were several plot holes, and general mistakes, as there are in any movie, but this particular movie got on my nerves more than any other. MovieMistakes. I also noticed that first error, with the EMP and the guy using his video camera. I almost got tricked with the guy with the other camera, but it was an old school analogue wind-on.

EDIT: My friend found this and does not want to see the movie at all because they believe it to be just lame 9/11 mourning and recreation. I laughed.

Spielberg said "War of the Worlds" is a parallel for 9/11 and serves as a "prism" through which to view 9/11, the War on Terror, and our presence in Iraq. The movie makes that very clear. People running from exploding and falling buildings, walls and kiosks covered with "missing" signs and pictures for those looking for lost relatives, people giving blood -- these are all 9/11 references.

I guess it really was 911 times 1000.

Edited by taita_cakes, 05 July 2005 - 05:11 AM.

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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

#94 Ash



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Posted 08 July 2005 - 10:48 PM

The EMP thing is barely a valid argument. The EMPs that come from high-energy lightning bolts are very different from EMPs that are a result of a nuclear explosion. Also, EMPs won't neccessarily disable ALL electronic devices. The more simple the device is, the less vulnerable it is. A flashlight, for example, wouldn't neccessarily be effected by an EMP. Also, as mentioned, the EMPs had limited range. Only in vicinities close to the actual lightning strikes would devices be disabled. The video camera could easily still be working... the cameras actually taping the lighting would be disabled for sure, but they could just as easily be out of the EMPs effective radius.

I found plenty of things about War of the Worlds to be a bit to convenient... and yes, there are a couple holes here and there, but the arguments about what the EMPs would and wouldn't effect are mostly speculation. I wouldn't slap the movie with a bat review simply because a few flashlights and cameras still worked. There are materials that will shield against such a blast, and plenty of devices wouldn't be effected.

As for the bacteria... well, that's how the damn story was written. Spielberg can only change so much of a story before it's not the same. Bacteria killing the aliens is a rather feasible ending. The aliens, while watching our species, were not acutally on the planet. They wouldn't know what sort of bacteria exist on our planet and what wouldn't. The may be immune to bacteria on their own planet, but since they had never encountered the bacteria on earth, they wouldn't have any immunities built up. Plus, there are far too many bacteria on the planet for anyone to really know of all of them. Bacteria can change and mutate in an instant, so regardless of how long they studied the planet, there is no way they could be ready for any or all of the bacteria existing on the planet.
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#95 taita cakes

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Posted 09 July 2005 - 03:00 AM

First of all, I loved the film, it was excellent, but I just had the odd problem with it here and there.

In regards to EMP, if I recall correctly, it was never identified that the lightning caused the EMP itself, but instead, it is highly likely that the aliens detonated an EMP bomb or some technological device. And yes, I understand the power that normal lightning holds, and its electromagnetic powers and such, but the EMP detonated doesnt have to be from the lightning itself. I actually researched EMP a bit, and found little specific information about protection. I don't believe simple turning off devices as someone else had suggested would be enough protection, as a lot of the cars were 'off' and their components were still scrambled. You would also think this intelligent race would have EMP bombed the entire world to ensure tis success.

The video camera, well, to make it to the exact site of a lightning strike that quickly, on foot, I would expect the guy was either an Olympic sprinter, or, well, a victim of a plot hole.

With bacteria and all, I only seem to hate the ending because of that one recurring fact:
This is meant to be a far more intelligent, supreme race
I think that they would have also visited the planet multiple times, because they have the power to do so without being detected, I'd expect at least. And perhaps that's what a lot of the 'sightings' tend to be?

Again, I love this movie[U], it was great.

Can someone clear something up for me, was the blood of our race the only source of energy/food for them? Because the way they fed the fields, and themselves [if you remember the scene inside the cages] was like they were solely dependant on us for a food source, in a very Matrix style way. Speaking of which, The Island is looking like a bit of a Matrix rip, no?
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#96 merlinski



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Posted 09 July 2005 - 04:15 PM

Regarding the EMP - a lot of devices are magnetically shielded. Most home stereo speakers are because of the large magnets they contain - an unshielded speaker could cause interference in a Stereo receiver, DVD player, or TV. I don't believe that car electronics are shielded. So theoretically the camera could have been shielded to prevent normal magnetic fields from interfering or damaging it.

And although the aliens were a far superior race, that doesn't mean that they would have fully considered the ramifications of bacteria. Even though they did visit the planet, we're led to believe that they did so a long period of time ago, and bacteria evolve at a fast pace. Additionally, they might have overestimated their potential to resist the bacteria or could have assumed that it would be the same as it was millions of years ago (or whenever they visited). Just because they're more intelligent doesn't necessarily mean that they're omniscient.

For me the most unrealistic aspect was the aliens being buried. With the amount of construction we do on a regular basis, it'd be almost impossible for us to never discover one of those things, considering their massive size and placement in cities. That's a plot device that worked in 1920 but not now.
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#97 taita cakes

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Posted 10 July 2005 - 04:52 AM

For me the most unrealistic aspect was the aliens being buried. With the amount of construction we do on a regular basis, it'd be almost impossible for us to never discover one of those things, considering their massive size and placement in cities. That's a plot device that worked in 1920 but not now.

God yes. I forgot to mention that one. That sucked :P

Narrator: No one would have believed in the early years of the twenty-first century that our world was being watched by intelligences greater than our own. That as men busied themselves about their various concerns, they observed - and studied. With infinite complacency, men went to and fro about the globe, confident of their empire over this world. Yet, across the gulf of space, intellects vast, and cool, and unsympathetic regarded our planet with envious eyes... and slowly, and surely, drew their plans against us.

Even the narrator, who's cool and calm voice itself portrays a higher intelligence, speaks of their greater intellects. To master space travel, to harness or create lightning, to sleathily spy on our world from such a distance, to build the machines they have [ages ago as well], to build lasers that are capable of incinerating human beings [that was an honest effect, I liked that], and to build shields that were capable of blocking our most sophisticated military equipment, and yet not defend itself against bacteria and disease, seems a bit, contradictory almost. And yes, I know of the Mouse and the Elephant.

But they were fueled by blood right? Or did I misinterpret that? :D
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#98 Ash



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Posted 11 July 2005 - 07:18 PM

Regarding the EMP - a lot of devices are magnetically shielded. Most home stereo speakers are because of the large magnets they contain - an unshielded speaker could cause interference in a Stereo receiver, DVD player, or TV. I don't believe that car electronics are shielded. So theoretically the camera could have been shielded to prevent normal magnetic fields from interfering or damaging it.

No, man, those are devices are shielded, but not against something like an EMP. They are sheilded against geveral electromagnetic interference. To sheild against EMP, devices need to be "Hardened" against it. Hardening is basically like mega-sheilding. These things are sheilded at every possible point of electromagnetic penetration. Vehicles are effected due to the ignition systems and all the dense coils of wires (i.e. Alternator, Starter Solenoid, etc.). Most of the info on EMPs is theoretical and highly speculated so it's quite difficult for anyone to make a very valid argument on what would and wouldn't happen. Different devices are effected differently because some are more sensitive than others. Communication devices are the most sensitive as well as anything with very long running wires.

And yeah, I know it wasn't specified that the EMP effects came from the lightning. I made the assumption based on the frequency of the lighting and the vacinity of the strikes. I know that lightning strikes have similair effects to EMPs so I just made the assumptive leap there.

And no, turning off a device won't save it by nature of what an EMP is, but turning off a device may save a battery from destruction since it is out of the curcuit. Cameras really would be low on the list of most vulnerable devices to EMP, but as I said, there is a lot of theory involved with it all. Also, cars are never "off" so to speak. There is always constant power running to several devices in a vehicle, so there are always completed circuits in a vehicle at all times... so they are never really "off" all the way.
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#99 taita cakes

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Posted 12 July 2005 - 01:04 AM

Yeah, I know cars are never off, it was real stretch, its much the same as internal clocks in everything like computers and televisions [and nearly everything in a way]. But that was based off the false reasoning that turning it off would save it from EMP.

Wow, this has really blown out. And I must congratulate you all on valid, consistant arguements without resorting to comments about my mother or my penis size.
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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

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