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I Love Gw!

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#1 Viper



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Posted 15 February 2005 - 09:15 PM

Great news guys! Everyone by knows that China is poised to be the next great superpower, but the source of all this wealth has been unknown. In a recent attack by the dems they unleashed the fact that at least 1/3 of the borrowed money to compensate for the deficit is from CHINA. This gives China leverage against the United States, since without the foreign investors to depend on after Bush's unilateral show he put on in Iraq and reluctance to CREATE new jobs without making cuts on tax incentives for overtime pay. But wait didn't he give us tax cuts? He only removed the 1% tax bracket tax set up by Clinton that could generate as much as 1trillion in revenue, eliminating a deficit altogther even without cutting spending from medicaid and other "inefficiencies" that when all the programs are added up, only account for 6% of the deficit compared to more than half of the deficit coming from the tax cut to the wealthy. The wealthy are screwed too, with rising inflation the dollar is worth 0.65 of the euro, compared to a dollar's advantage during the Clinton years their money isn't worth shit. I love those who are willing to cut the pay of soldiers down from the average private salary of $13,000 per year during a conflict, while reducing pensions by 60% and cutting vetern's funding by $1billion. Don't forget that "No child left behind act" which is an implicit apology for earlier cuts in education with one provision: "During times of foreign conflict or war, the money is diverted to military funding." Comforting eh? No civil liberties,no money, over 11,000 casulties in a war for oil companies and investments directly tied to him,the only president to lose jobs, and common comments that he doesn't read the work of historians like his predessor Clinton, because, "They wouldn't vote for him anyway." Is that REALLY why they won't vote for you,because of some common predjudice among intellectuals? Or is the fact that a chimp can run the nation better than GW! Honest to god! My post is very tangential but I think it mentions some keys facts that show we elected the wrong guy.

Edited by Viper, 15 February 2005 - 09:20 PM.

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#2 Chrysophylax



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Posted 15 February 2005 - 09:25 PM

The last two sentances reminded me of MC Paul Barman. Anyone ever listen?

Anyways, yeah. We elected the wrong guy, but everyone here already knows that. Want to stir up some controversy? Go to the HQ.
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#3 3nerfiteers



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Posted 15 February 2005 - 09:25 PM

Bush's retirement plan is a joke in my opinon also.
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#4 Viper



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Posted 15 February 2005 - 09:49 PM

.Oh, you mean the privitization of social security which will cost us $4trillion we don't have.
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#5 Jangadance



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Posted 15 February 2005 - 10:53 PM

The last two sentances reminded me of MC Paul Barman. Anyone ever listen?

Yeah, I can see that. He's a highly educated Jewish rapper.
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#6 NerfMonkey



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Posted 15 February 2005 - 11:21 PM

I happen to be Pro-Bush, however I respect your opinion. I just don't think it's appropriate to post something like this if it could start an argument among members. I'm not trying to be rude, just saying what I think.
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SexD Warves

#7 AirApache



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Posted 16 February 2005 - 12:23 AM

Shut the fuck up.

The election is over. Maybe we did elect the wrong guy. But notice the tense. Hint: it's PAST TENSE. So, shut the fuck up.

Can we close this topic?
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Indiana '11

#8 Inferno



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Posted 16 February 2005 - 02:25 AM

Shut the fuck up.

The election is over. Maybe we did elect the wrong guy. But notice the tense. Hint: it's PAST TENSE. So, shut the fuck up.

Can we close this topic?

YES! I've been waiting so long for someone to just come out and say it. As well as with the Kerry/Edwards '04 bumper stickers. Time for those to be taken down as well.

AirApache, you rock.
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#9 merlinski



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Posted 16 February 2005 - 03:00 AM

The last two sentances reminded me of MC Paul Barman. Anyone ever listen?

Anyways, yeah. We elected the wrong guy, but everyone here already knows that. Want to stir up some controversy? Go to the HQ.

Holy Fucking Shit. I thought me and my group of friends were the only one that knew who he was. Cock mobster is like our anthem!!

BTW, he went to Brown University (where I am right now), so I gotta represent.
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#10 Chrysophylax



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Posted 16 February 2005 - 11:31 AM

Barman is the greatest, really. What's that line where he lists all those rappers in palindrome?
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#11 cxwq



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Posted 16 February 2005 - 11:38 AM

AirApache, the fact that the election is over does not remove the importance of keeping the guy honest. I'm obviously not a Bush fan but I'd like to think that even if Kerry had won I would argue on behalf of your right to criticize his job as president. That is one of our most precious freedoms you know - nobody is above reproach here. One of the few things that can be done now by people who disagree with his policies is talk about the worst ones and work with their representatives to put an end to them.

Just so you're aware, your knee-jerk reaction to criticism of the president comes across as very defensive.

Inferno, those Kerry/Edwards bumper stickers that are still up are a message to the president that ~48% of Americans voted for the other guy. I think it's important for him to know that a whole lot of people don't agree with his policies. Of course it's become rather 'patriotic' to just force your moral/political/religious views on people anyway so what do I know.

I should post up the picture Julie took last week in London of the Iraq protest signs outside their parliament building. Most people there hate Bush and they're our strongest allies.
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#12 Viper



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Posted 16 February 2005 - 03:29 PM

Out of all of Europe, only Poland preffered Bush in mock elections. Cxwq summed it all up. We are stuck with him unless he screws up in his personal life or actually get charged with any blatently illegal activity. One of the main reasons for Europe's hatred of Bush and support of Kerry was more common in Europe is that they have uncensored news, with people really dying during battle and getting injured. Over here we simply post death tolls which desensitize us to war. Both my mom and stepdad voted for him unfortunately and my dad voted Nader, so I'd like to get the message out that Bush is horrible. It'll take us probably 5 years after he leaves to realize just how bad a president he really was.
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#13 NerfMonkey



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Posted 16 February 2005 - 04:01 PM

Like I said, I don't care who you support, but other people might, and those are the ones who will start an argument. I don't care who is President now, 'cause what happened in the election has already happened.
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SexD Warves

#14 cxwq



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Posted 16 February 2005 - 04:10 PM

Like I said, I don't care who you support, but other people might, and those are the ones who will start an argument. I don't care who is President now, 'cause what happened in the election has already happened.

Was there a thought process involved in that post? You say some of the lamest things.
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<meta name="cxwq" content="mostly water">

#15 NerfMonkey



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Posted 16 February 2005 - 04:12 PM

I'm sorry.
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SexD Warves

#16 rusty



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Posted 16 February 2005 - 04:41 PM

This is an internet forum not a chatroom, if you make a mistake and someone points it out, you don't make a one line post saying "I'm sorry" you leave the thread, or make another intelligent post that fixes the mistake.

Viper is right about censored news desensitizing america. Show anyone anywhere in any language the numbers for Iraq, and show them pictures of troops getting blown to bitz by suicide bombers, and see which one they react more to. Someone might argue that we need to protect the kids and showing images of horrible gruesome death will make them think that it's okay. Well, if you honestly think your child is of such a low mental capacity, and lacks any behavioral examples outside of the fucking evening news, get a V-Chip. Otherwise, I think we need to jam it into people's heads that everyone in the world doesn't avoid public transportation for the same reason as us. After all, getting gum stuck on a bus seat on your pants is miniscule compared to getting your legs blown off your torso by a man in a suicide vest.

I'd like to see the math that says by increasing taxes 1% would end the budget defecit.
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#17 NerfMonkey



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Posted 16 February 2005 - 05:00 PM

This is an internet forum not a chatroom, if you make a mistake and someone points it out, you don't make a one line post saying "I'm sorry" you leave the thread, or make another intelligent post that fixes the mistake.

I'll do that from now on. Thank you. I agree with you and Viper about the media desensitizing us to war. People can be eating breakfast and hear on the radio "Twenty Americans were killed in a suicide attack" and not even push their cereal away. Hopefully there are enough Americans who don't just think numbers and do think human lives.

Edited by NerfMonkey, 16 February 2005 - 05:04 PM.

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SexD Warves

#18 cxwq



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Posted 16 February 2005 - 05:29 PM

I'd like to see the math that says by increasing taxes 1% would end the budget defecit.

I could have given you just that 3 years ago.

Now, given what the total cost of our aggression in Iraq will likely be, we won't erase the deficit for at least a decade. Many of you will still be paying for the 'liberation' of Iraq when you're in your thirties. Hope you enjoyed the show.
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#19 rawray7



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Posted 16 February 2005 - 08:31 PM

The last two sentances reminded me of MC Paul Barman.  Anyone ever listen?

MC Paul Barman is the shit. Aside from Immortal Technique, MFDoom + MFGrimm, Cage, and Deltron - MCPB is top of the list.

Edited by rawray7, 16 February 2005 - 08:34 PM.

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#20 Viper



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Posted 16 February 2005 - 09:40 PM

Sorry for the confusion, I stated the tax the Clinton administration placed on the top 1% that could generate an estimated 800(bush)- 1.2 trillion(Kerry) dollars in revenue. It's funny that Bush calls it the "liberation of Iraq" because translated Hitler called his initial invasion "The liberation of Poland." About desensitizing america with our censored news, its funny that many of these same parents would watch some cheesy war film with their kids and the kids grow up to be infatuated with war, or at least the idealized form of it. In truth reality should be shown to everyone, there's nothing less grand than living a delusional existence thinking Iraqi's love us and America is there to stop world hunger and some how the iraqi's have rubber bullets and bow down to the american troops.

Look at our resons for going to war:

Connections with Al-Qaida (totally fabricated)

and WMD's?
The fact that the media makes this a non-issue in an effort to remain politically neutral is astounding. All we have left is oil and humanitatrian relief. :lol: It's almost an ethnic cleansing effort, ridding america of poor to middle class individuals that we use to fight wars for us and replacing them with old money morons who love Jesus. :blink:
I think it should be a law that a president should have to be at least near the troops planning these operations if he's going to put people at risk like this.

Why do you think so many of Bush's cabinet stepped down after he stepped in for his second term? Including a great man like Colin Powell?
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#21 IronRhino



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Posted 16 February 2005 - 09:48 PM

Viper: If it makes you feel better, keep on writing 1 paragraph jumbles of skewed, ultra-Liberal shit. Just know I'm laughing at you.

Look. The thing is, neither party is right 100% of the time. Just try not to get such a boner over things that can't happen (getting rid of Bush). He isn't perfect. With all the different aspects of being a president these days, good luck finding someone who is.
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#22 Viper



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Posted 16 February 2005 - 10:17 PM

I don't ask for a perfect president, I merely ask for one with a brain. If it were up to me, I'd appoint a renowned economist, irreleveant of party ties. Either that or I would get Clinton, John McCain, Arnold or just about anyone who would not jeopordize this country over interest in personal oil profits. I list sarcastic phrases in regards to Bush, but all the facts I list are completely objective and transparent.

Edited by Viper, 16 February 2005 - 10:18 PM.

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#23 merlinski



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Posted 16 February 2005 - 10:43 PM

Look. The thing is, neither party is right 100% of the time. Just try not to get such a boner over things that can't happen (getting rid of Bush). He isn't perfect. With all the different aspects of being a president these days, good luck finding someone who is.

Since when is difficulty an excuse for mediocre performance? Obviously no one is perfect, but that doesn't mean that whatever Bush does is justified. I for one believe that we should hold the President of our Great Nation to higher standards than "well, nobody's perfect".
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#24 AirApache



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Posted 17 February 2005 - 12:46 AM

^^ This is why I wanted it closed, cx. I may have my opinions for who I think should be in charge (I personally wouldn't want either candidates on top, but we don't have a choice, do we?) but it really really is annoying me that every 2 weeks, someone needs to bring up yet another political "I hate so and so."

If you really feel compelled to do this, post in the 10 political argument threads that we've already had and have covered everything with.

Venting your frustration for our political situation to a mainly middle school/high school forum will get you no where. Most of the kids here anyway don't even do their own research and are stubborn because whatever their mom/dad/friend thinks is true.

Merlinski, don't be idealistic. You're not going to get a perfect president. And don't give me this "well he could be better" shit, because he sure as hell could, but all presidents could.

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Indiana '11

#25 merlinski



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Posted 17 February 2005 - 02:36 AM

Merlinski, don't be idealistic. You're not going to get a perfect president. And don't give me this "well he could be better" shit, because he sure as hell could, but all presidents could.


Show me where in my post I said the president should be perfect. No really.

My point was that the fact that no one is perfect has absolutely no bearing on this discussion. We're not asking for a perfect president in the future, just one who is better than this *expletive deleted*.
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