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Cheap Smoke Grenades

new idea (i think)

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#1 notorious oxide

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Posted 09 December 2004 - 01:31 AM

all i done was get a half inch of 15mm pvc, with a peice of cardboard on one end, and fill it with the powder off of party sparklers, then cover the open end with a single layer of stickytape (make sure that nothing is on the sides of the pvc) and get 1 inch of a sparkler and stick it through the tape.
all you have to do is light the sparkler and step away, or throw it (careful not to breath the smoke).

i also made a barrel for it out of 20mm pvc
Posted Image

the 15 mm pvc is the grenade.
light the sparkler and place the grenade inside the hole in the barrel.
when the sparks are about to go through the tape quickly cover the gap with the 20mm pvc and hold it with your hand, or make something better, so that when you shoot the air wont come out of the hole. if you are too slow to do that.......
you will have to make another barrel because it will warp, but dont worry, pvc is sorta heat resistant (as i found out when i done it cus i forgot to pump first)


there will be a lot of criticism bout safety and stuff, but im open

Edited by notorious_oxide, 09 December 2004 - 01:46 AM.

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#2 taita cakes

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Posted 09 December 2004 - 02:37 AM

there will be a lot of criticism bout safety and stuff, but im open

Yeah, that's inevitable, but you're going to cop even more shit if you dont post pictures or video of this, so we can see the overall effect.
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#3 The Inventor Guy

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Posted 09 December 2004 - 04:10 AM

Anyway, that looks like a good idea. But there's only one question that arose when I was reading that - does your 15mm fit nicely in the 20mm, or did you wrap it in something to fit? My 15mm fits loosely in 20mm.

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#4 notorious oxide

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Posted 09 December 2004 - 04:27 AM

i think it was conduit or electrical pvc
but i found that 15mm pressure pvc you need to tape it a little so that it get a bit of a seal.
im still trying to perfect it
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#5 The Inventor Guy

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Posted 09 December 2004 - 06:42 PM

Yeah, my 16mm electrical conduit fits in 20mm electrical conduit. It's strange though - the 16mm EC fits loosely inside 15mm plumbing pipe.
Well, good work.

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#6 Ender



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Posted 10 December 2004 - 09:41 AM

The sprinkler thing is all fine and dandy; however, a smoke bomb can be made through mixing a few ingredients found in any high school chem lab. The basic ingredients are potassium and nitrate found in cedar chips and fertilizer, you’ll have to excuse my vagueness it has been a while. Just do a search and you’ll come up with it. But they do sell smoke bombs for paintball and other outdoor sports. Also they do have trip wire firecrackers for sell that are really cheap. They are the tiny ones that you pull apart in your hand, very safe but it does make a loud noise, oh hell here is a link http://www.selfdefen...ts.com/misc.htm . You know it would be pretty cool to do this in a wood area where you not only have to look out for your opponent but trip wires too, could bring an interesting element to the game. Just make sure the trip wires don’t actually trip anyone though, don’t want people falling all over the place.
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#7 notorious oxide

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Posted 10 December 2004 - 05:05 PM

for starters, i live in adelaide, australia where that stuff is completely illegal.
and the ones i make are a lot cheaper than them
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#8 nerfboi



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Posted 10 December 2004 - 08:24 PM

i got an idea but i think it wont work but here i go, get a perferbly size pvc and fill it dry ice and spite. then cover 1 and only 1 end of the pvc and thorw it(but i think it wont work) heres another 1. get a buket of water and drop a chunk(not really big or small)of dry ice inside the h2o. :nugget:
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#9 Shwifty



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Posted 10 December 2004 - 08:56 PM

One thing? Your idea sounds llike it is just oozing with all sorts of fun carbons, like the ones that are deadly. It gets smoke by burning something, sparklers dont give up very much smoke so it will be the tape and pvc melting that create it. It would probably be best to use pottasium, suger ect. Just dont blow anything up or kill anything/anyone.
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#10 Ash



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Posted 10 December 2004 - 08:59 PM

Oh, I remember the days when this seemed like a great idea... oh man...

Anyway, I'll let you in on a secret: How to make smoke bombs. Ender was right, Potassium Nitrate is the main component and is easy to find, however, I don't suggest trying to get it out of cedar chips or fertilizer. Rather, go to your local Pharmacy, go to the Pharmicists counter, and ask for Salt Petre. The best way to go about this if you are young is to say that your mother told you to ask for it or something to that effect. In any case, Salt Petre is 100%potassium nitrate. All you need after you get this is sugar.

Mix 60% Potassium nitrate with 40% sugar. Now most will tell you to melt these into a goo and insert a fuse then allow to dry. That's all fine and dandy, in fact that works best, but if you do this procede with EXTREME caution. Melt it at a very very low temperature and SLOWLY work the temperature up until you hit the melting point. Why you ask? Potassium nitrate is one of three ingrediants in gunpowder... so yes, it is combustable. Don't worry, though, when you make the acutal smoke bombs it isn't going to explode or anything of the sort, I just don't want any of you making this on your kitchen stove, hitting the combustion point, smoking your house out, getting in trouble, and then saying "well, Ash on Nerfhaven.com told me how to do it". Just be careful kiddies.

If you don't feel like taking this risk, go ahead and just mix them together as best as you can and wrapping them very tightly in something (cardboard tubing with duct tape seems to work) and inserting the fuse... just make sure it is tight enough that you aren't leaking powder everywhere. This will produce a red flame and a nice white smoke... so enjoy.

Oh, and you can usually pick up fuses (waterproof even) at a hobby shop.

This concludes Ash's Smoke Bomb tutorial/flashback to childhood. Now be careful and have fun.

(Ash will take no responsibility for any forest fires, house fires, car fires, hair fires, pool fires, or any type of fires that could possibly come from experiments with this recipe. perform at your own risk. Please ask parents to assist you if you are under the age of 21 or mentally under the age of 21. Ask a legal guardian to assist you if you are still living in another's home, and please use extreme caution if using said "smoke bombs" in wooded areas. Remember the bear. Forest fires = bad. Dry leaves = Flammable. Please contact Ash with any other bomb recipe inquiries or plans for any sort of attacks so that he may report you and have you sent to the authorities. All rights reserved. I like pants. I am finished speaking in the third person now. Goodnight.)
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#11 nerfspecialforces



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Posted 10 December 2004 - 10:32 PM

I'm not sure it was wise to everyone on this board the exact(actully the formula varies a little because some %'s work better than others) formula to makeing smoke bombs. And to tell them exactly were to get each ingreadinat, too. But since it's already out there, a little clearification if your not sure and worried, the sugar is the stuff that you buy at the grocery store, you put it on alot of food, and it tastes sweet(Pue Cane Sugar is one brand).
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QUOTE(Arcanis @ Apr 8 2005, 05:02 PM)
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#12 taita cakes

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Posted 11 December 2004 - 05:51 AM

i got an idea but i think it wont work but here i go, get a perferbly size pvc and fill it dry ice and spite. then cover 1 and only 1 end of the pvc and thorw it(but i think it wont work) heres another 1. get a buket of water and drop a chunk(not really big or small)of dry ice inside the h2o. :D

Seriously, how old are you? Or, are you just plain, oh fuck it, i wont flame, just, stay the fuck away from dry ice, because of both health issues and cost.

Notorious, i'm still waiting on some sort of proof. I dont for a second doubt what you've done or anything, i want to see proof of it's effectiveness.
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#13 Shwifty



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Posted 11 December 2004 - 10:55 AM

But since it's already out there, a little clearification if your not sure and worried, the sugar is the stuff that you buy at the grocery store, you put it on alot of food, and it tastes sweet(Pue Cane Sugar is one brand).

Thanks for clarifying that for us.
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#14 nerfspecialforces



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Posted 11 December 2004 - 01:34 PM

Oh, I just remembered, If you want very easy smoke, go get some ping-pong balls(My Target sells them 6 for $1.50). Go get some foil(In your house somewhere or at the store). Cut the foil into 7" by 7" squares. Then take on and wrap it around the ping-pong ball. Repeat three more times. Light at the bottom, and the smoke comes out the "tail". Don't use a match, because it takes forever to catch on fire. It's not that reliable, and only puts out smoke for a few seconds, but at stre brand grade.
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QUOTE(Arcanis @ Apr 8 2005, 05:02 PM)
When I insert a dick, nothing happens.

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#15 Renegade



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Posted 11 December 2004 - 02:20 PM

At http://www.xinventions.com they have directions to making smokebombs and other stuff. They also have instructions to making pneumatic cannons. :D
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#16 Ash



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Posted 11 December 2004 - 02:50 PM

I'm not sure it was wise to everyone on this board the exact(actully the formula varies a little because some %'s work better than others) formula to makeing smoke bombs. And to tell them exactly were to get each ingreadinat, too. But since it's already out there, a little clearification if your not sure and worried, the sugar is the stuff that you buy at the grocery store, you put it on alot of food, and it tastes sweet(Pue Cane Sugar is one brand).

Actually, the %s don't really vary much if you know what you are doing, that is the formula that works best.

Edited by Ash, 11 December 2004 - 05:12 PM.

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Name's Ash, Housewares

#17 notorious oxide

notorious oxide


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Posted 12 December 2004 - 12:55 AM

im sorry but i have decided not to set off anymore of my 'smoke/sparkler bombs' in my area. because my neighbors complained about it.
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#18 AirApache



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Posted 12 December 2004 - 01:19 AM

Oh, great smoke bomb story. So I was in Door County, WI with a bunch of friends for 4th of July, and we were at a big beach (fireworks, etc.). We thought it would be fun to bring a few 'sparklers' along. So after firing off a few packs of bottle rockets, (oh, don't stick a whole pack of rockets all the way into the sand..the effect is rockets blasting in every direction except for up), we thought it would be fun to light a couple smoke bombs (we had 2).

The label read: "blinding white smoke." So naturally, we had to do something fun with it. The first one we just kinda lit, and then we realized we didn't know what to do with it. So we set it on the ground. About 10 seconds later, we realized that due to the wind, ALL of the smoke was pouring into this Ford SUV, where a couple families were tailgating (sp?). That was funny in itself, it was funnier because the people started swearing, etc.

The second one...well basically we sat at the port-a-potties until nobody was in them (there were 4). We each went into a separate one, and one of my friends lit the smoke bomb in one. We quickly left the scene.

This was SWEET. Smoke was literally pouring out of the stall, as if someone had lit a mega-fart inside, or something. We heard the radio of a fireman: "Somethin's happenin in the shitter." It was SO friggin sweet, just because EVERYBODY stopped what they were doing to check out this port-a-potty that had blinding white smoke just fuming out of it.

Ok that's my story. Slightly off topic, but, well, yeah.

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Indiana '11

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