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Nerf Semi-automatc Pistol

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#26 riceboi247



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Posted 27 November 2004 - 09:32 PM

lol...i love arguments in forums. anyway, did ne one here bout that one new nerf maverick? ive never seen it yet, so if neone has a pic they could show me, that would be awesome.
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#27 Lee



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Posted 27 November 2004 - 09:49 PM

Who's arguing? But anyway, heres a pic of it.


If that doesn't work then just go to www.nerfhq.com and go to previews.

Edited by Lee, 27 November 2004 - 10:01 PM.

I'll shoot you with my gator you fuckface.

#28 Viper



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Posted 27 November 2004 - 10:05 PM

The best way is to use either a spring at bottom clip or a gravity-fed clip with a breech like ompa stated. The breach secured each round from interacting with one another while gravity or the spring advances the next round automatically, without any source of power. It is essentially "free" energy. That's the only really practical nerf-type clip that hasbro hasn't already tried. What you must realize is these machine guns and semi-auto pistols/ shotguns use the gas from projectile launching to advance to the next round, just as the neft powerclip uses air to advance to the next point in the clip.
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#29 riceboi247



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Posted 27 November 2004 - 11:45 PM

I know how a semi-auto works, the spring, the breech block, the clip release, the whole nine yards. I'm not really an expert, per se, more of a newbie. But I'd really like to see someone, maybe even me, make this semi-auto. This would be like, a revolution in Nerf history...maybe...
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#30 cxwq



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Posted 28 November 2004 - 12:37 AM

This is forum- no body cares about grammar, spelling, or capitilization, as long as we understand each other we'll be okay

Well, actually you're completely wrong.

If you want to continue typing like a retarded monkey go elsewhere.
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#31 MattPaintballer



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Posted 28 November 2004 - 02:11 AM

I've used the Hornet already, and to be completely honest, ITS CRAP. The scout is probably the closest nerf could get to a semi-auto. maybe a combonation of the Scout and the Powerclip could work, except the clip would be internal, as opposed to it just stickin out there...

Are you INSANE?!?!?! The Scout IX-3 completely and utterly SUCKS! My stock NiteFinder is better than my friend's modified Scout. My modded NiteFinder would eat a Scout for lunch, having more than DOUBLE a Scout's range! My Scout gets about 20 feet, my stock NF gets more than 35. You think the Hornet sucks? Ompa's Hornet shoots 80 feet average. Let's see, 20 feet single shot or 80 feet 6 shot/semi auto... hmm... I'm going with the Hornet.
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#32 taita cakes

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Posted 28 November 2004 - 03:05 AM

You do realise that in nerf guns, the firing mechanism has to be behind the gun.

Posted Image

Therefore, you would have a backwards pistol, that operates like a powerclip.

Your only other option is that you use Zero's pre-presurised shells that come in a PVC case, ready to fire, but then you need to sort out opening the cases valves quick enough, and the ejector sequence for the casing.

Oh, and stop bitching about the guns for christs sake...
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#33 AirApache



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Posted 28 November 2004 - 04:00 AM

They're selling N-strike's at our Target for 25 bucks now. I should get one, and see if I can make your 'utterly useless' Scout's perform a little bit better.

Guess what. We have semiauto pistols. That was brought up earlier. Automatic pistols (THIRST) are already being made, as well. If you're talking about clip-feed, that's a different story. We've yet to make the perfect clip system.

Your comment on how speeding up the general ROF of nerf will make it more fun doesn't really make sense. The reason why people play nerf is because this is one of the few shooting games where we actually have to use each shot to our advantage, unlike most PB'ers who just fire away and hope they hit something. The disadvantage of most semiauto guns for Nerf is that they have less distance. For those that don't lose much (at3k, hornet, etc.), these mods take some time and patience to be clean and effective.

The semi-auto idea has been pursued countless times; in most cases people don't ask 'what should we do,' but first come up with a concept and ask 'how should we improve on this, and is it doable?'

However...reliable sources tell me that a functioning, reliable semi-auto gun is in the making...
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#34 Arcanis



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Posted 28 November 2004 - 07:21 AM

Is it just me, or is NHQ down? I can't get access to that preview page earlier on in the thread.
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-i hate the yankees as much as the next guy, but i'm only sixteen and i'm not ready for the ice age, or the apocalypse...whichever the great bambino has destined for us. -Rawray7

#35 Talio


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Posted 28 November 2004 - 09:33 AM

Wow, there are a number of corrections that need to be made to this thread. I'm hard pressed to think of another thread EVER to be filled with so much bullshit. It's astounding really, that so many people talk, and so few people said anything worthwhile or true. Let me pick some things apart.

[quote]Think about it... I currently own a very decent Nite-Finder. It shoots pretty well. But it takes a while to reload, especially if you're in a damn war or something. Using clips or magazines or something, Nerf wars could be more fun- not having to take an extra 6 seconds to take a bullet from the holder and hastilly shoving it into the barrel. Instead, more rapid shooting and more fun.[/quote]

Guess what dude, this is part of the game, and if it changed, many people would probably stop playing. It doesn't take a long time to reload a nitefinder. Pop in a dart, pull back and fire off. If you practice and get good at it, you could essentially get two or three shots off in your "6 seconds". The answer is not to put a clip or magazine onto a nerf gun, the answer is practice. If you want to play a game where you can pop in a case of ammo, go play airsoft, cause nerf isn't for you. Skill is more important than your gun in nerf.

[quote]It is possible to make a blaster like that, though...right? [/quote]

Even if it is, where is the fun? Part of nerf is having to take good shots. You'll notice the more rof a player has, the more that player sprays, the less he hits. Sooner or later it's going to turn into a high ROF game, which in that case, go play airsoft.

[quote]no reloading, no bullcrap. Just ram a magazine into the pistol and youre good to go

How much do I have to pay you just to go play airsoft?

[quote]Who cares about bulk, no one ever uses their sidearms anyway. Just get a big ass fat fuck of a gun and shoot the shit outta people.[/quote]

Take a good look kids, your looking at someone who has never nerfed in his entire life. You also looking at someone who would get eaten alive on the battle field. I don't know what I have to say that will convince you of this, but EVERYONE uses their sidearms. It's essential, especially if your using a spring gun. If you miss, and your opponent misses, and you pull out your pistol and shoot him, you've one. Or in most cases, you want a sidearm thats faster to reload, in which case, if you get completely surrounded, you can just drop your primary, and fight with your side arm. It's cool when it works, and most guys can survive quite a while with just a pistol if for the sheer reason that they're more mobile and alert. They may not get alot of kills, but if you can live to fight another battle, whats the point in hastily getting into a fire fight. Oh and that kind of language is reserved for people who already gone through puberty, I don't think your mommy would like you to talk like that.

[quote]I've used the Hornet already, and to be completely honest, ITS CRAP.[/quote]

Guns only as good as the player my friend...remember that.

I've seen dudes hold their own with unmodded Hornet, and it's easily the best unmodded gun ever made. High rate of fire and outragous range. Put Nitefinder darts in that thing, angle it so the pump is parallel to the ground, and squeeze off a few. If your getting bad results, you've done something wrong.

[quote]The scout is probably the closest nerf could get to a semi-auto.[/quote]

Did anyone else hear this or am I dreaming? Closest thing meaning exactly the same as any other spring gun ever made?

[quote]that is EXACTLY what im talkin about! nerf should develop some kinda bad ass sidearm... the size of the Scout that could hold clips or something, with about like...4 or 5 darts in there...this is just too damn insane. Nerf really has to come up with shit like this!!! [/quote]

So airsoft right...it's pretty cool.

[quote]lol believe it or not, I've noticed that most people will take the bullet out of their sidearm and stick it right in their x bow.[/quote]

Yeah, cause remember, this guy has played with the hardcore of the hardcore.
I've had many times where I've seemingly disarmed my second shot to fire off a round with my primary, only to now render myself completely unarmed, it's such a good strategy, and a guy my size could use the jog.

[quote]true...that does work, but i mean come on! if nerf were to make a handgun like this...wouldnt you buy one? what i was thinking was that nerf could like make more crap for it- silencers, laser attatchments, scopes, empty magazines...the list goes on for-frickin-ever! [/quote]

Forgive me, what you really want is the military. Maybe you could join the mob, they'll call you the funny man. Remember...keep the safety on around household pets. Nerf isn't a war game...give it up.

[quote]the whole n-strike system, 2 nite finders, a rapid fire 20 and... a lock n load... thats about it..i need more junk in mah arsenal. any suggestions? [/quote]

Fossil fuel and a lit match would be my suggestion. Honestly, you are never going to be satisfied with nerf if this is the stuff you want. I know your going to be pissed off about this, but you really may want to look into other war games or milsim.

[quote]''big 4'' overrated[/quote]

Can we possibly kill people who use these words? Overrated...coming from a true nerfer. Cause powerful spring weapons are just crap right?

[quote]Are you shitin me? I can't make a damn gun by myself![/quote]

I'm going to let that one go.

[quote]would be like, a revolution in Nerf history[/quote]

More like the end of it...Airsoft.

[quote]Are you INSANE?!?!?! The Scout IX-3 completely and utterly SUCKS! My stock NiteFinder is better than my friend's modified Scout. My modded NiteFinder would eat a Scout for lunch, having more than DOUBLE a Scout's range! My Scout gets about 20 feet, my stock NF gets more than 35. You think the Hornet sucks? Ompa's Hornet shoots 80 feet average. Let's see, 20 feet single shot or 80 feet 6 shot/semi auto... hmm... I'm going with the Hornet.[/quote]

I agree with you...even the best modders I know have yet to come up with something useful for this gun. It's cool for unmodded though.

[quote]You do realise that in nerf guns, the firing mechanism has to be behind the gun.[/quote]

Everybody taking notes?

[quote]Oh, and stop bitching about the guns for christs sake... [/quote]

A - fucking - men. Nerf is putting out some of the coolest shit I've ever seen and people are pissing and moaning about it. Really if your not happy with what's out now...you really are never going to be happy. Granted that the N strike isn't amazing for unmodded, but the airtech series is still availble. I just picked up a 3k from kohls for 10 bucks friday, and Ebay is crawling with stuff. Not to mention there are affordable, NIB crossbows on EBay. This is a fucking renosaunce, shut the hell up about this garbage already, because someday, you may look back and wished you had taken advantage of what was around you.

[quote]Your comment on how speeding up the general ROF of nerf will make it more fun doesn't really make sense. The reason why people play nerf is because this is one of the few shooting games where we actually have to use each shot to our advantage, unlike most PB'ers who just fire away and hope they hit something. The disadvantage of most semiauto guns for Nerf is that they have less distance. For those that don't lose much (at3k, hornet, etc.), these mods take some time and patience to be clean and effective. [/quote]

Thats the first time I've ever agreed with AirApache on anything. Good stuff though.

Honestly, I'm not trying to drive people away from the game, but I am trying to keep it intact. From what I've read in this thread, it sounds like we have a lot of guys who want Nerf to simulate realistic combat in the way paintball, airsoft or video games do. In that case, your best going to those things, because nerf was not meant to be a realistic game in any sence. It's almost just an advanced game of tag. Now I'm all for modifications, but I think at some point we need to stop and think whether what we're making will be fun to play with, or if others will have fun playing against it. I'll prove it to you. Yesterday, we had a nerf war. OMC has a crossbow with a 1500 attached. One of the twins has a small super soaker. OMC's 1500 shots pretty damn quick, and stings when you get smacked with it. The super soaker has a rediculous range advantage. It's fun to play against OMC's crossbow, it's not fun to go against the super soaker. When Thirst uses his semi auto 2k, and I get hit with it after he's fired 3 shots, landing the 4th, I really don't feel it's an impressive hit. When I get hit with a super soaker...I'm not impressed. When I get snuck up on and hit with a maxshot modded with pvc, Langleys arrowstorm, or in one case a completely unmodded Hornet...I'm impressed. OMC also has a big salvo, which I was having a blast with. The term became..."Salvo him". That gun was alot of fun. No one used it much though because it took so damn long to reload.

Moral of the story...nerf was never meant to fire over 100 feet or put out 30 rounds without some kind of compensation. I really really really think some of you should consider airsoft only because I think it offers you more what you are looking for. If you want to stay with nerf, it's better if you just live with what you have in the interest of keeping the game fun for everyone.


Edited by Talio, 28 November 2004 - 09:35 AM.

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#36 Lee



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Posted 28 November 2004 - 11:15 AM

lol believe it or not, I've noticed that most people will take the bullet out of their sidearm and stick it right in their x bow.

Yeah, cause remember, this guy has played with the hardcore of the hardcore.
I've had many times where I've seemingly disarmed my second shot to fire off a round with my primary, only to now render myself completely unarmed, it's such a good strategy, and a guy my size could use the jog.

I only said that because this was at the time before the nite finder, when you were lucky if you had a sm250 as a sidearm. This would also be at a time when you were not surrounded and needed a farshot at some guy. Of course if you were surrounded you would pull out your 250, but you probably woulda been shot a long time ago.

And about the swearing I did, my mom is the one who taught me all those words so she really couldn't give a SHIT.

Edited by Lee, 28 November 2004 - 11:17 AM.

I'll shoot you with my gator you fuckface.

#37 ompa



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Posted 28 November 2004 - 11:21 AM

Before the Nitefinder, there was the Splitfire, Sharpshooter II, Secret Shot, Secret Shot II, Lock'n'Load, etc. There were plenty of sidearms before the Nitefinder.

Talio, I agree with you. That has to be one of the first I've seen in a while from you that long sans any really harsh insults.

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#38 Lee



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Posted 28 November 2004 - 11:33 AM

Before the Nitefinder, there was the Splitfire, Sharpshooter II, Secret Shot, Secret Shot II, Lock'n'Load, etc. There were plenty of sidearms before the Nitefinder.

Yes I know that too, but there was a big gap between the secret shot,sharpshooter II and the splitfires and ss2's. So when I STARTED nerfing the year was about hmmm maybe a year before the airjet line came out and right after the hypersight. So getting your hands on any of those guns was impossible for me at the time. Oh wait! I did have a ss2, but I always had to share it during my newb wars so I never really got it. I'm mad I broke that. O shoot, I broke 2 of them, in the same day. I have a pic of my old arsenal somewhere, I think the only guns that still remains today is the PC and a tornado x2.
I'll shoot you with my gator you fuckface.

#39 1313



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Posted 28 November 2004 - 11:44 AM

I agree with mattpaintballer on the hornet, but the scout is okay, mine is modified and I get 35' with it using micro stefans. I can get off 30 shots per minute with it, I actually like it. I know that a NF can shoot much farther, I brassed mine and get 84' angled ( yes i do own a tape measure ). But I can only get half that many shots in a minute if i get lucky. I think the scout deserves some credit, I mean its not horrible. I think its pretty good. Like Talio said, nerf has been very good to us lately and all some of you guys have been doing is whining, saying its not good enough, if your not happy now you never will be.

Edited by 1313, 28 November 2004 - 11:45 AM.

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#40 ompa



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Posted 28 November 2004 - 11:49 AM

In short, put it this way. If you're not happy with what nerf has given us now, go make your own weapons and be a pioneer in the nerfing community. Otherwise, don't complain unless you're going to do something about it- Nerf is at it's best at the moment, at least for us.

1313, I love your sig. I think I'm going to submit it to our chess club president so we can put it on our shirts.

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#41 Talio


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Posted 28 November 2004 - 01:18 PM

Before the Nitefinder, there was the Splitfire, Sharpshooter II, Secret Shot, Secret Shot II, Lock'n'Load, etc. There were plenty of sidearms before the Nitefinder.

Yes I know that too, but there was a big gap between the secret shot,sharpshooter II and the splitfires and ss2's. So when I STARTED nerfing the year was about hmmm maybe a year before the airjet line came out and right after the hypersight. So getting your hands on any of those guns was impossible for me at the time. Oh wait! I did have a ss2, but I always had to share it during my newb wars so I never really got it. I'm mad I broke that. O shoot, I broke 2 of them, in the same day. I have a pic of my old arsenal somewhere, I think the only guns that still remains today is the PC and a tornado x2.

I'm sorry dude, you really have no idea what your talking about. The Eagle eye is even a side arm. Anything thats small is a side arm, and everyone has been using them, even effectively. And the LNL...come on, it's arguably the best sidearm ever made. I mean really...I think it's time to admit defeat.

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#42 Lee



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Posted 28 November 2004 - 01:22 PM

So I made a mistake in saying that everyone never uses sidearms. I just personally don't like using them. B)

Edited by Lee, 28 November 2004 - 01:24 PM.

I'll shoot you with my gator you fuckface.

#43 Pineapple


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Posted 28 November 2004 - 02:36 PM

So you be OWNED by Talio, huh. Just kidding.

Anyway, I watched this topic for three pages, and I've come to a conclusion similar to Talio's sentiments.

Face it, everything that riceboi is looking for is found in airsoft; rapid fire semi, clip fed, authentic in firearm appearance, fairly long range...smells like airsoft to me.

Lee did refute riceboi's initial comments from the original question, about the abundance of multiple-shot Nerf blasters to fill the need for a backup weapon. Where it went away from there I don't know.

So rather than talk about how "Nerf should make this or that...", you could make/ modify your own, like THIRST did with his AT2k, or scratch build one (good luck), and if you still aren't happy, there's always the WCLP. It is clip fed, after all.

I may be wrong, but it appears that riceboi is new to the Nerf game, and Lee, while he's been nerfing awhile, is new to the NH forum boards. Yet you two are among the top ten posters for the day, and a lot of repetitive/ chat stuff. Your exhuberance is appreciated, but take it easy. Don't get all burnt out in a week or two, then disappear. You've just been on a couple days.

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-Piney- of White Dog Hobbies Armory

<!--quoteo(post=209846:date=Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM:name=boom)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(boom @ Feb 5 2009, 06:27 PM) View Post</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->
It's to bad you live in hawaii I bet there are not many wars there.Wait what am I saying<b> you live in hawaii you lucky bastard.</b>

#44 LiKnSmAkScOmIn



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Posted 28 November 2004 - 03:15 PM

Now that you mention it Talio, when I used my arrowstorm at a war a few days ago, it did feel kinda cheap just standing there and firing instead of the classic shoot then run like hell.
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#45 Talio


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Posted 28 November 2004 - 07:20 PM

Eh, I don't mean that. I think where the arrowstorm makes up is the complete lack of accuracy and range. It's fun gun though, Langleys been known to do pretty well with it from time to time. I like the gun, wouldn't use it myself, but I like it.

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#46 Langley


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Posted 28 November 2004 - 09:26 PM

Wait, I didn't say..........arrrgh. AVATAR CONFUSION!

complete lack of accuracy and range

Not to mention the occasional jamming and the need to hold the damn handle half cocked when you're going to fire it at someone. But it's a fun gun and good for rushing. But if I still had a working blastfire I would be using that.
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You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

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#47 Lee



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Posted 28 November 2004 - 10:58 PM

The arrowstorm was my second gun I ever got. Those things are great, very durable. I've dropped mine down the stairs, left it outiside in the rain, spilled soda on it, hell I've even thrown it at someone but it will never ever break. Not that I'm trying to break it or anything :rolleyes: It will be a sad sad day when my good 'ol Astorm breaks.
I'll shoot you with my gator you fuckface.

#48 taita cakes

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Posted 28 November 2004 - 11:59 PM

Thanks Talio, someone actually took my post seriously. Considering the firing mechanism has to be behind the darts, your pistol will either be backwards, a revolver, a turret, or self propelled darts [if in magazine format].

But seriously though, this is a post about making a semi-automatic pistol, not about what the best nerf gun is or any shit like that. Get back on topic ...

And i thought i hijacked . . . :rolleyes:
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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

#49 The Inventor Guy

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Posted 29 November 2004 - 12:15 AM

If Hasbro could make one, don't you think they would have already made such a type of Blaster?

Yes, they can, but it would sorta be against the standards they have to meet.

Hasbro are trying to get the message to parents that their kids are playing with toy blasters, not guns. If they made them clip-loaded and such, it would appear to operate like a firearm.

And if something like this has alread been posted, sorry, I couldn't be bothered reading them thoroughly.
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#50 taita cakes

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Posted 29 November 2004 - 12:37 AM

It has been.

Mind you, K-Mart Australia no longer sells nerf because it wants to keep the image of a "family" store. Fuck that. I want guns.
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Oh Kentucky, you are so fuggin awesome...

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