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Election 2k4

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#126 Lemmypoo



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Posted 06 November 2004 - 02:06 AM

Jesus Christ that's a lot of Red, like a fucking Zombie movie. Wanna know what I am disappointed about? One county in Idaho actually went blue and it wasn't mine! Some little pisshead county, Blaine county or somethin'.... No! The strongest democratic presence in Idaho-- Bannock County-- had to go RED! Nevermind we are a college town, by damn we have to keep the filthy left-wingers outta office!

I was invited by my state representatives Edgar Malepeai, Elaine Smith, and Donna Boe (all 3 democratic reps that sought reelection and won it, wooo!) to the campaign helper's post-voting shindig. Granted, I helped with the campaigns of all of them, and had the pleasure of shitting my pants with everyone else when Ohio crapped out. Good times man, good times.

Hope you enjoy the ass-wipes CX', because I'm gonna be living like a king! A king with a water fixture hosing my bum down!


Hell yeah! Beam me up Scotty, I have to go to the bathroom!

Now on the T-shirt, I sent the idea into T-shirt hell, we'll see if I get a response and a shirt out of it!


Edited by Lemmypoo, 06 November 2004 - 02:08 AM.

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Conner MacManus: Jesus! He brought a six-shooter!

Murphy MacManus: There were nine of them, you retard! What were you going to do with the last three, laugh them to death? Funny man?

-brothers Macmanus, Boondock Saints

#127 cxwq



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Posted 06 November 2004 - 02:08 AM

For AirApache's amusement, some prominent politicians and their military service...


Spencer Abraham: Did not serve
Eliot Abrams: Did not serve
Richard Armitage: Navy, three tours in Vietnam
John Ashcroft: Did not serve
Roy Blunt: Did not serve
Michael Bloomberg: Did not serve
George H.W. Bush: Youngest Navy pilot in WW II; awarded DFC
George W. Bush: Texas Air Nat. Guard; didn't take physical; suspended from flying
Jeb Bush: Did not serve
Saxby Chambliss: Did not serve. Attacked Cleland's patriotism
Dick Cheney: Did not serve
Christopher Cox: Did not serve
Tom DeLay: Did not serve
Bob Dole: Army in WWII, Bronze star, two purple hearts
Bob Dornan: Enlisted after fighting was over in Korea
John Engler: Did not serve
Douglas Feith: Did not serve
Gerald Ford: Lt. Commander, Navy in WWII
Bill Frist: Did not serve
Newt Gingrich: Did not serve
Rudy Giuliani: Did not serve
Lindsey Graham: National Guard lawyer
Phil Gramm: Did not serve
Chuck Hagel: Served in Vietnam, two Bronze stars and purple heart
Dennis Hastert: Did not serve
Tim Hutchison: Did not serve
Jack Kemp: Did not serve. "Knee problem," continued in NFL for 8 years
Jon Kyl: Did not serve
Trent Lott: Did not serve
Richard Lugar: Intelligence officer in Navy 1957-60
John McCain: POW in Vietnam, Legion of Merit, Silver star, DFC, many more
Mitch McConnell: Did not serve
John McHugh: Did not serve
George Pataki: Did not serve
Richard Perle: Did not serve
Colin Powell: 35 years in Army, 4-star general
Dan Quayle: Journalism unit of the Indiana National Guard
Ronald Reagan: Served in WWII making movies
Tom Ridge: Army in Vietnam, Bronze star
Dana Rohrabacher: Did not serve
Karl Rove: Did not serve
Don Rumsfeld: served in Navy (1954-57) as flight instructor
Rick Santorum: Did not serve
Arnold Schwarzenegger: AWOL from Austrian army base
Richard Shelby: Did not serve
JC Watts: Did not serve
Vin Weber: Did not serve
Paul Wolfowitz: Did not serve


David Bonior: Staff Sgt., Air Force 1968-72
Leonard Boswell: Lt. Col., Army 1956-76; Vietnam, DFCs, etc
Jimmy Carter: Lt. Commander in the Navy 1946-53
Wesley Clark: Army 1966-2000, Vietnam, Silver star, purple heart
Max Cleland: Captain, Army 1965-68; Silver/Bronze stars, Vietnam
Bill Clinton: Did not serve
Tom Daschle: 1st Lt., Air Force SAC 1969-72
Gray Davis: Army Captain in Vietnam, Bronze star
Michael Dukakis: Army 1955-57
John Edwards: Did not serve
Richard Gephardt: Air National Guard, 1965-71
John Glenn: WWII and Korea; six DFCs; Air Medal w/18 Clusters
Al Gore: enlisted Aug. 1969; sent to Vietnam as journalist
Tom Harkin: Lt., Navy, 1962-67; Naval Reserve, 1968-74
Howell Heflin: Silver star
Fritz Hollings: Army officer in WWII; Bronze star
Daniel Inouye: Army 1943-47; Medal of Honor, WWII
Ted Kennedy: Army, 1951-53
Bob Kerrey: Lt. j.g. Navy 1966-69; Medal of Honor, Vietnam
John Kerry: Lt., Navy 1966-70; Silver/Bronze stars, purple hearts
Tom Lantos: Served in Hungarian underground in WWII
Jim McDermott: Navy 1968-70
George McGovern: Silver star & DFC during WWII
Zell Miller: Marine Corps, 1953-56
Walter Mondale: Army 1951-53
Pete Peterson: Air Force Captain, POW. Purple Heart, Silver star, etc
Charles Rangel: Staff Sgt., Army 1948-52; Bronze star, Korea
Jack Reed: Army Ranger, 1971-79; Captain, Army Reserve 1979-91
Chuck Robb: U.S. Marine Corps, 1961-70, Vietnam
Pete stark: Air Force 1955-57
Mike Thompson: Staff sergeant, 173rd Airborne, Purple Heart


32 Did not serve
8 Army/Navy/AF/Marines
8 Natl. Guard, military lawyer, etc

2 Did not serve
27 Army/Navy/AF/Marines
1 Natl. Guard, military laywer, etc
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#128 AirApache



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Posted 06 November 2004 - 11:15 AM

Straight A's in Texas Public School? Damn, they really do have an excellent education program.

Both Candidates went to Yale. Bush "served" in the National Gaurd. And by serve, I mean skip the draft and get out of all work...And a Cocaine Problem.
Can I see Bush's transcript, or is this information not backed up?
And, sources for Kerry's information... I would like to see the Purple Heart Injury report, not your take on his duty.

Cranky, he failed to meet any positive expectation?
What about dissolving the Taliban? What about the removal of a twisted dictator who killed his OWN people? What about the democratization of Iraq?

Dissolving the Taliban, what about releasing Osama right when he had the chance to capture him?
Removing a twisted dictator that did nothing recently. In America, we have no permission for Ex-Poste Facto laws. Now, we can't punish the man for something he did in the past. He went in for oil, also, the Deulfer Report proved Saddam had no WMD. I love how the reason we went into Iraq changes every few months.

Kerry made no empty promises, he wasn't elected, so no promises are valid. Bush failed to do nearly everything he said he would in 2000.

I hope you were joking about your cheating in Florida comment.

No. Bush cheated in 2000. I am not sure about 2004, I still am reading voting problems and machines that were 5% pre-loaded for Bush. (Information on 5% pre-laod from
Webster Bosley
Campaign Manager and Treasurer
Kenneth T. Bosley
Democratic Nominee
6th Congressional District of Maryland
United States House of Representatives)

Here are a few sources, something you prefer not to list.


FAHRENHEIT 9/11: “Make sure the chairman of your campaign is also the vote countin’ woman and that her state has hired a company that’s gonna knock voters off the rolls who aren’t likely to vote for you. You can usually tell them by the color of their skin.”

“The vote total was certified by Florida's secretary of state, Katherine Harris, head of the Bush campaign in Florida, on behalf of Gov. Jeb Bush, the candidate's brother.” Mark Zoller Seitz, “Bush Team Conveyed an Air of Legitimacy,” San Diego Union-Tribune, December 16, 2000.
The Florida Department of State awarded a $4 million contract to the Boca Raton-based Database Technologies Inc. (subsidiary of ChoicePoint). They were tasked with finding improperly registered voters in the state’s database, but mistakes were rampant. “At one point, the list included as felons 8,000 former Texas residents who had been convicted of misdemeanors.” St. Petersburg Times (Florida), December 21, 2003.
Database Technologies, a subsidiary of ChoicePoint, “was responsible for bungling an overhaul of Florida’s voter registration records, with the result that thousands of people, disproportionately black, were disenfranchised in the 2000 election. Had they been able to vote, they might have swung the state, and thus the presidency, for Al Gore, who lost in Florida. Oliver Burkeman, Jo Tuckman, “Firm in Florida Election Fiasco Earns Millions from Files on Foreigners,” The Guardian, May 5, 2003 http://www.guardian....,949709,00.html. See also, Atlanta-Journal-Constitution, May 28, 2001.
In 1997, Rick Rozar, the late head of the company bought by ChoicePoint, donated $100,000 to the Republican National Committee. Melanie Eversley, “Atlanta-Based Company Says Errors in Felon Purge Not Its Fault,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, May 28, 2001. Frank Borman of Database Technologies Inc. has donated extensively to New Mexico Republicans, as well as to the Presidential campaign of George W. Bush. Opensecrets.org, “Frank Borman.”
FAHRENHEIT 9/11: Gore got the most votes in 2000.

[A] consortium [Tribune Co., owner of the Times; Associated Press; CNN; the New York Times; the Palm Beach Post; the St. Petersburg Times; the Wall Street Journal; and the Washington Post] hired the NORC [National Opinion Research Center, a nonpartisan research organization affiliated with the University of Chicago] to view each untallied ballot and gather information about how it was marked. The media organizations then used computers to sort and tabulate votes, based on varying scenarios that had been raised during the post-election scramble in Florida. Under any standard that tabulated all disputed votes statewide, Mr. Gore erased Mr. Bush's advantage and emerged with a tiny lead that ranged from 42 to 171 votes. Donald Lambro, “Recount Provides No Firm Answers,” Washington Times, November 12, 2001.
“The review found that the result would have been different if every canvassing board in every county had examined every undervote, a situation that no election or court authority had ordered. Gore had called for such a statewide manual recount if Bush would agree, but Bush rejected the idea and there was no mechanism in place to conduct one.”   Martin Merzer, “Review of Ballots Finds Bush's Win Would Have Endured Manual Recount,” Miami Herald, April 4, 2001.
See also, the following article by one of the Washington Post journalists who ran the consortium recount. The relevant point is made in Table I of the article. http://www.aei.org/d...eatingPaper.pdf
FAHRENHEIT 9/11: Congressional Black Caucus members tried to object to the election outcome on the floor of the House; no Senator would sign the objections.

“While Vice President Al Gore appeared to have accepted his fate contained in two wooden ballot boxes, Democratic members of the Congressional Black Caucus tried repeatedly to challenge the assignment of Florida's 25 electoral votes to Bush…. More than a dozen Democrats followed suit, seeking to force a debate on the validity of Florida's vote on the grounds that all votes may not have been counted and that some voters were wrongly denied the right to vote.” Susan Milligan, “It’s Really Over: Gore Bows Out Gracefully,” Boston Globe, January 7, 2001.
The Congressional Black Caucus effort failed for “lack of the necessary signature by any senator.” Sen. Minority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) had previously advised Democratic senators not to cooperate. ‘They did not.’” Robert Novak, “Sweeney Link Won't Help Chao,” Chicago Sun-Times, January 14, 2001.

Don't rip on my siggy, it has humorous qualities to it.

Don't rip on Bush's war, it has humurous qualities to it...Is this what you are defending?

I just want to clarify something before I start: I don't think either candidate is as qualified as either party is trying to make him seem. I think the most qualified people aren't striving for a political position anymore. Those people are doctors, scientists, computer experts, and students (in the future).

The point I'm trying to make here is that there isn't a good thing that can be said of John Kerry. You have given me a crapload of why Bush sucks (and I've countered that), but nothing as to why Kerry is good. That should tell you something. I don't think Bush is as qualified as some people make him out to be, what I'm trying to show you here is that he is more qualified than Kerry.

Tex, I doubt his father paid his way into college for him, but even if he did, that doesn't explain how he got straight A's in College, you know that? Yeah, I think that makes him more qualified than Kerry (education wise).

Is this comment supposed to help me? See, Bush volunteered to help America whereas Kerry just got forced into it. And he was a wuss, at that. And a liar.

Yes, I know about Bush's problem, and I didn't say he had a perfect history did I?

Kerry's purple heart record: Not my personal opinion. It was witnessed by people in the Swift Boat veterans (in his company) and he even wrote it in his secret journal which was recovered. As far as the silver star, there was another man who was MUCH more qualified to receive it than Kerry. He was the man who had had the first shot on the cong.

THe fact that Kerry was so arrogant to parade his silver star tells you something, too. There are several other men, whose experiences were much more courageous and worthy, and the only people that know about their stories are themselves and God, they don't even tell their family. It's called being humble.

Oh, and Fuse: funding from the Reps? I've heard of that. But did they get funding from the Reps when they were in Vietnam or right when the returned to America? Read the following.

Tex, they're not sure? People saw it first hand, dude. And also, I have a friend whose mother worked in the hospitals when the veterans came back. She still hates Kerry because of the stories that THOSE veterans told her. They hated Kerry also because they he told people of the deeds that they were doing (which were not that honorable, btw), while Kerry was among them, doing those things! Several of his fellow vets got killed because of this action. So, he is a wuss and tries to get 3 purp hearts as fast as possible, lies about his silver star in his transcript-thingy that let him get this.

(Did I not mention this? His transcript thing says that he bravely breached the boat through crossfire and such, and was so brave as to not mind the bullets that he charged on land and killed the guy. Guess what? Yes, he killed the guy. But the breaching of the boat had been pre-planned in advance ["If anything shoots, we're breaching the boat"] and he WASN'T the brave man who charged up and shot the guy. He simply finished off a wounded man running away. That's SO brave!)

FYI, We didn't "just let Osama go." When he saw what was happening, he fled to the mountains. Ok, put yourself in the presidents or the soldier's position. "Ok, now a single man is hiding in one of all those mountains over there, and he knows all the tunnels and secret hiding spots. I want you to find him. Go." We're trying, yes, but God knows how long it will take. We got lucky enough finding Saddam Hussein.

Kerry made no empty promises? What about promising to "return your boys home" from Iraq, but at the same time saying "we need to double our effort in Iraq to finish"? Did someone say contradict? What about raising taxes only on the rich, and lowering 'em on the others? Do you really think America's economy will benefit if only 5% of the nation is supporting it? During the reign of James I and Charles I in England, they tried the same thing. They were supported mainly by the nobles, and because they were doing this, the nobles became angry. Why? Because they had a to pay a huge amount of money, whereas if everyone in the country paid a little bit, the nobles' payment wouldn't be so much. Do you know what this resulted in? The English Civil War.

I'm not saying that America will end up in another civil war. What I'm trying to say here is that by thinking that only 5% of the nation can support it, he's making a huge mistake. Many of those 5% are small business owners. Their business gets hurt, which leads to even smaller businesses getting hurt because all of them are interrelated.

Now I understand that some companies are huge and can afford to pay this, but from there on down, everyone gets hurt. Even you. Because if small businesses can't sustain themselves, then they have to make cuts in their businesses. Which equals loss of jobs which equals you and your relatives are jobless. Good work kerry!

What about minimum wage? That should do it, right? Wrong again. Raising minimum wage does nothing. It may help the first year or two to employEEs, (not to mention that the companies will suffer), but soon after that, prices will start to inflate. Big time. You may be earning 7 dollars an hour, but a hamburger at Micky D's will cost ya 2.50.

Bush "cheated" huh? I was under the impression that he couldn't do a thing about it in Florida. If your going to say someone cheated, say the attorneys "cheated." Even if Bush somehow cheated in 2000, there is no way he cheated this year. Bush has won the MOST popular vote in the HISTORY of the United States in this election. Just look at that map. That should tell you something.

Cx, several of those Reps didn't serve in the military. So, what are you trying to say? That you aren't qualified for office unless you were a field man at one time? Here's some news: SEVERAL of our presidents, especially in the recent decades, weren't field men. Yes, there are exceptions, like Dwight Eisenhower, etc...but you get my drift. Those men worked to be in a political office. They may not be as qualified as some field men, but they are the people who we've elected.

Siggy=signature? That has nothing to do with the election pal. It was a quote that I found one day, and I thought it was pretty funny. Don't rip on it.

Hey, interesting fact for the day: Some researcher had enough time to find out the Bush and Kerry are related: Ninth cousins, twice removed. Kinda weird, huh.

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Indiana '11

#129 Lemmypoo



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Posted 06 November 2004 - 02:33 PM


So what your saying is, Kerry is unworthy because he was drafted into something he didn't want to do and wasn't sporting in killing Vietnamese? Forget the medals, do you even have the slightest idea how rediculous that sounds? War isn't pretty, Kerry was very careful in bringing up his service but didn't like touching his war record for the very reason I just mentioned, war not being pretty. Considering him as less of a man because he didn't do enogh to kill people is the words of somebody who's already been heavily biased by slander.

There is no refuting his service, he is an American, he was a soldier, and he fought for our country. You, those veterans, and everybody else you mentioned should all be ashamed for considering one of America's soldiers so low because somebody thought it would be a good idea to give him a medal. Though I'm entirely sure others are more worthy but never recieved medals, that is no reason to devaluate Kerry's service.
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Conner MacManus: Jesus! He brought a six-shooter!

Murphy MacManus: There were nine of them, you retard! What were you going to do with the last three, laugh them to death? Funny man?

-brothers Macmanus, Boondock Saints

#130 Fuse



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Posted 06 November 2004 - 05:22 PM

Listen AA, Im going to say this nice and loud, since you seem to have completely missed it every other time Ive poitned it out. KERRY'S QUALIFICATIONS ARE NO LONGER OF ANY RELEVANCE. Wake up, open your eyes, and at least read all the way through a god damned post.

Talk to me about economics once you get out of highschool, because you are simply parroting what you have been told and know little about the way things actually work.
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#131 AirApache



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Posted 06 November 2004 - 06:33 PM

Holy shit fuse, shut up! I learn all my politics and history OUTSIDE of school, because our school can't teach jack shit. I learned the stuff by researching, asking people, and getting information from people who took university courses on politics and the history of our candidates. I take that information and put together reasons why I am for or against a candidate, the pros and cons and such, and piece together arguements. Yes I know you don't care. Yes I know I have no life. But your frickin idea that I'm uniformed goes against everything I've posted. At least I can post a decent argument. I've counter most everything that I read in the last 5-10 posts and if there is something that I agree with, I state that.

Being older doesn't necessarily make you more informed in all areas.

Kerry's qualifications are of no more importance, eh? Then why do you guys keep rambling that "Oh, now we're doomed because Bush is Prez, we should have Kerry as prez."? What I'm trying to show you here is that you guys should really quit your whining about the fact that Kerry lost. I started with "accept it, and move on, and try to do something helpful." But since you guys don't know what that means, and had to keep saying that Bush sucks (basically meaning that you'd rather have Kerry as prez), I had to show you guys why you were wrong.

You haven't proved me wrong yet, Fuse. As far as nerf, you're awesome, but if your gonna argue against me, use just that, an arguement.

Lemmy, your right. It's OK for him to get a medal. I'm glad Kerry served. You know what? That would have placed him higher on my list, as far as histories go. I am dropping the arguement where I thought Bush was better because he volunteered. I think your right, that Kerry rightfully did his duty by going to Vietnam, and he didn't flee or whatnot. And, when Kerry got back, and ran for prez, and PARADED the fact that he was in Vietnam vs. the other candidate, even that was OK! But it's not OK to pretend that you were a glorious hero, and parade that. Kerry used his experience in Vietnam (and his silver star) as a huge reason as to why he was good (Remember me asking you guys to tell me ONE good thing about kerry?), and thats when the other veterans got mad and decided to tell the world about what REALLY happened in Vietnam.

Whoever it was that was trying to use their histories as a reason why BUsh is not very qualified for the job...be glad you have Bush and not Kerry.

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Indiana '11

#132 Fuse



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Posted 06 November 2004 - 07:47 PM

You may disagree with me on this, but in my oppinion stating faults in a leader is not the same as saying "damn, I wish otherguy had won". As I think I have said here (I may have not, I honestly have lost track of what I've said to who politically, obviously its a busy time in this regard <_< ) I believe that staying informed and informin others is a form of working for a change. Not necessarily as in trying to oust a leader, but in working with him as well. Information is the most important thing when trying to improve anything, including a country.

About "letting Bin Laden go". Yes, we did. We were in a position where, had we moved, his capture or elimination was almost certain. Bush issued an order for our troops to hold and give the indigenous forces an opportunity to capture Bin Laden. Great idea politically, would have made great headlines, but it didnt work. If capturing Bin Laden was as important as Bush used to say it was, then that was definitely a wrong decision. Our forces should have captured him when we had the chance, but the President chose not to.

I will never agree with Bush's economic policies. He is content to spend spend spend without trying to work off any of the debt. No one likes it, not even his own advisors. Im not saying taxing the rich is the solution, but Bush has offered tax breaks that are more likely to benefit the wealthy by drafting bills full of ambiguity. We need some serious economic reform, or the country will not do well. Our national debt has always been a serious issue, and it is growing at an alarming rate under Bush's policies. It will seriously hurt our nation if the debt continues to grow at the current rate.

Oh, and I apologize. I should not have brought age or educational level into it.

Edited by >Fuse<, 06 November 2004 - 07:48 PM.

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Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.

#133 Lemmypoo



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Posted 06 November 2004 - 09:47 PM

You may disagree with me on this, but in my oppinion stating faults in a leader is not the same as saying "damn, I wish otherguy had won". As I think I have said here (I may have not, I honestly have lost track of what I've said to who politically, obviously its a busy time in this regard <_< ) I believe that staying informed and informin others is a form of working for a change. Not necessarily as in trying to oust a leader, but in working with him as well. Information is the most important thing when trying to improve anything, including a country.

About "letting Bin Laden go". Yes, we did. We were in a position where, had we moved, his capture or elimination was almost certain. Bush issued an order for our troops to hold and give the indigenous forces an opportunity to capture Bin Laden. Great idea politically, would have made great headlines, but it didnt work. If capturing Bin Laden was as important as Bush used to say it was, then that was definitely a wrong decision. Our forces should have captured him when we had the chance, but the President chose not to.

I will never agree with Bush's economic policies. He is content to spend spend spend without trying to work off any of the debt. No one likes it, not even his own advisors. Im not saying taxing the rich is the solution, but Bush has offered tax breaks that are more likely to benefit the wealthy by drafting bills full of ambiguity. We need some serious economic reform, or the country will not do well. Our national debt has always been a serious issue, and it is growing at an alarming rate under Bush's policies. It will seriously hurt our nation if the debt continues to grow at the current rate.

Oh, and I apologize. I should not have brought age or educational level into it.


What's up now bitch?!?! It's like wearing a "Howard Dean '04" t-shirt... Tad late for relevance.

Now questioning heroism, that can only be answered by his comrades, a few of which are big fat fucking liars, were never there, or a combination of the two:

http://www.myleftbra...ocs/swift.shtml *

The election is over and Friends is canceled, what the FUCK am I gonna do on Thursdays?!

*Yes it's a Liberal-biased article, but who the hell on the GOP payroll would write this? McCain? Maybe Arnold Shwarzenegger? His wife?
  • 0
Conner MacManus: Jesus! He brought a six-shooter!

Murphy MacManus: There were nine of them, you retard! What were you going to do with the last three, laugh them to death? Funny man?

-brothers Macmanus, Boondock Saints

#134 Chrysophylax



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Posted 06 November 2004 - 09:47 PM

...The person who seems more qualified is not always the best choice. Have a nice day.

That was too awesome for words. I will have a nice day, thank you.
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#135 Nello



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Posted 08 November 2004 - 02:33 AM

You can't say that one's past has no bearing on how they will lead.

You're right. I can't. That's why I didn't.
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"The older you get the more and more like yourself you become." D. Krell

#136 Fuse



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Posted 08 November 2004 - 08:25 AM

GA Man Commits Suicide at Ground Zero
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Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.

#137 cxwq



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Posted 08 November 2004 - 11:18 AM

Man, I hadn't seen that.

A student at my university killed himself late on election night in a computer lab on campus.
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#138 Lemmypoo



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Posted 08 November 2004 - 06:31 PM

GA Man Commits Suicide at Ground Zero

Well, that's one way to avoid another 4 years of Bush.
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Conner MacManus: Jesus! He brought a six-shooter!

Murphy MacManus: There were nine of them, you retard! What were you going to do with the last three, laugh them to death? Funny man?

-brothers Macmanus, Boondock Saints

#139 AirApache



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Posted 08 November 2004 - 08:02 PM

Hey, the reps survived 8 years of Clinton, I'm sure the dems can survive another four of Bush.

For all you tards who took this seriously, I was joking.
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Indiana '11

#140 Lemmypoo



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Posted 09 November 2004 - 02:05 AM

Hey, the reps survived 8 years of Clinton, I'm sure the dems can survive another four of Bush.

Well not necessarily, I got that self-immolation pire-boat I had stashed away for my funeral when I die a proper viking death, but it could do fine!
  • 0
Conner MacManus: Jesus! He brought a six-shooter!

Murphy MacManus: There were nine of them, you retard! What were you going to do with the last three, laugh them to death? Funny man?

-brothers Macmanus, Boondock Saints

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