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George Dubya, And 9-11

Are we turning into a Nazi Germany?

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#1 Grinch



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Posted 27 October 2004 - 11:24 PM

For anyone that is interested in politics, and the rumors that George W. Bush planned out 9-11/allowed it to happen, read the following articles:



They're pretty long, but if you just skim through, it's not bad.

So, what do you think? Pretty scary stuff. I don't know how true it is, but I was already against Bush.
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#2 IronRhino



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Posted 27 October 2004 - 11:35 PM

Those are from liberal propaganda sites, what do you expect? I could post things from the KKK about how gays are taking over the world, and just because it's an article online it wouldn't be true.
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#3 cxwq



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Posted 28 October 2004 - 12:01 AM

Yeah, as much as I despise Bush (and I truly do hate the man) that stuff is pure bullshit. He ignored the terrorist threat (as did Clinton, largely) and he was buddies with a bunch of Saudis but that's the extent of his responsibility for 9/11.

Less than a week to go.
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#4 Lemmypoo



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Posted 28 October 2004 - 12:06 AM

Reverend Loveless tells me the liberals are all devil-woshipping communist faggots.

Print that on a t-shirt and sell it!
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Conner MacManus: Jesus! He brought a six-shooter!

Murphy MacManus: There were nine of them, you retard! What were you going to do with the last three, laugh them to death? Funny man?

-brothers Macmanus, Boondock Saints

#5 Crankymonky


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Posted 28 October 2004 - 02:02 PM

Showing the true bigotry of fascist ideaology now, wouldn't it?

Ya, there is a reason my politicol ideaology has the same root as the word Liberty.

For those that could't pick it up: Ideology isn't party.
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#6 AirApache



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Posted 28 October 2004 - 04:38 PM

Ah..can't wait till nov 3rd...no more of this political bullshit.
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#7 GeneralPrimevil



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Posted 28 October 2004 - 05:09 PM

Ya, there is a reason my politicol ideaology has the same root as the word Liberty.
For those that could't pick it up: Ideology isn't party.

But the Libertarians have such good views:

I believe that the best form of capital punishment is that performed by the potential victim a few moments before their death.

Gotta love CCWs.
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#8 Oroku Saki

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Posted 28 October 2004 - 05:54 PM

I'm with Cx on this one. Bush's involvement with the Saudis is the only thing that he is responsible for when it comes to 9/11. Personally, I'm more pissed off about Bush's domestic views, as well as his "go it alone" Iraq invasion, which really screwed up our foreign support. It may have worked over a hundred years ago, but invading a country mainly on your own will just cause problems nowadays. who here remembers when Saddam invaded Kuwait?

On top of that, can anyone explain why Bush is cutting taxes in a time of war? If the administration would have been ambitous enough, Bin Laden would have been captured or dead by now.
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#9 Grinch



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Posted 28 October 2004 - 05:59 PM

Yeah, when I read the articles I thought that they were a bit radical.

However, I do think it is Bush's fault for not taking more actions against 9-11. I think it's pretty common knowledge that he ignored the terrorist threats.

So, who else has a Kerry/Edwards sign in front of their house? :o

For anyone that wants a good laugh, check out this hilarious video. After watching, I can safely say that money can buy you anything...including an acceptance into Yale.
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#10 Oroku Saki

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Posted 28 October 2004 - 06:01 PM

I don't have a sign on my lawn, but I do have a sticker on the back of my car.

Of course we all know that money can buy acceptance into practically any university. I'm not suprised about that.

Found this funny clip of W giving the one-finger-victory salute. Enjoy.

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#11 cxwq



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Posted 28 October 2004 - 06:14 PM

So, who else has a Kerry/Edwards sign in front of their house? :o

I live 2 houses from the end of my cul-de-sac so I don't think it would be very useful.

I have one of these on my bumper. In my town it's dangerous to put a blatantly dem sticker on your car. It's kind of amusing to watch the republican crowd around here look at it and see their expression go from fucker! to huh?!.

Julie is about to trade in her Civic for a Prius so she's risking the scratches and putting a Kerry/Edwards sticker on her car.
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#12 Fuse



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Posted 28 October 2004 - 06:20 PM

Hah, Im with CX here. Far too risky at my school to put on a Kerry sticker, especially since cars already get smacked in the parking lot all the time. College kids dont know how to freakin park, and I dont want to put a target on my car to encourage them. haha
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#13 Alexthebeast



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Posted 28 October 2004 - 09:09 PM

Ah..can't wait till nov 3rd...no more of this political bullshit.

You wish.
And I.

Kerry wins:
the reps complain for a year.
the reps get colin powell and jeb to duke it out for rep throne
colin runs
w00t reps won.
colin is shot, (he's a black prez!)
Cheney is prez
the world blows up, and cheney's last words:

Bush wins
the dems complain for 4 years.
dems get hillary to run
reps have colin run
hillary is elected
she gets shot for being a woman
gore is prez
he invents the "outernet"

Nader wins
What the fuck?
The world dies in a mass of confusion

Edited by Alexthebeast, 28 October 2004 - 09:09 PM.

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<Fooz> In a perfect world... spammers would get caught, go to jail, and share a cell with many men who have enlarged their penisses, taken Viagra and are looking for a new relationship.

#14 Oroku Saki

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Posted 28 October 2004 - 11:20 PM

Actually, I heard McCain may run for the Republicans in 2008, not Powell (unless they pass an amendment for immigrants to run, therefore letting Arnold run for office). Let's just hope Hillary doesn't get the Democratic nomination in the next election.

Reverend Loveless tells me the liberals are all devil-woshipping communist faggots.

And the reverend has some choir boy abuse allegations against him, so does that make him right?

Just kidding.

Since when were liberals devil worshippers? I am yet to hear of a satanist liberal. The ones I know of are christain to some extent, or non-religious. On top of that, the gay community only makes up a fraction of liberals. Gun control is a step towards communism, so I guess you may be slightly correct on that. The thing is that communists are completely athiest, so how can a communist be free to worship the Dark Lord Satan™?

Personally, although I agree with many liberal ideals, I see myself as more of a libertarian, but the one running for office has less of a chance at getting elected than Nader. This election, I am nore concerned with getting Bush out of office, so I can live with Kerry for 4 years. After this election, the libertarians have another 4 years until the next election to grow in support. The Dems and GOPers have gotten too large, and it is only a matter of time before they start to collapse.

Edited by Oroku_Saki, 28 October 2004 - 11:50 PM.

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#15 cxwq



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Posted 29 October 2004 - 12:00 AM

Let's just hope Hillary doesn't get the Democratic nomination in the next election.

If Bush somehow manages to win another 4 years, I assure you that Hillary will get the Dem nomination and the presidency in 08.

The sad thing is that it would almost be worth it to me...

...nah, nothing is worth Bush for 4 more, but Hillary would rock as prez.
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#16 AirApache



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Posted 29 October 2004 - 12:29 AM

Oroku...Bush's involvement with the Saudi's was an attempt to create a relationship with Middle East. That relationship with the saudi's was cool. Plus...he had the prime ministers of russia, germany, poland, and UK all telling him that Iraq was a big threat and had wmds, and/or potential to make them. Don't forget the mustard gas incident 12 years ago.

I'll tell you what I don't like about Bush.

He semi-invaded Iraq. You know the stuff about not enough troops, etc.? I'm agreeing with that.

Umm...and other than the fact that he just strikes me as arrogant (from what I've seen in the debates), I think his choices are not all that bad (I mean cmon, put yourself in the prez's spot...prime ministers of all those countries plus your own CIA pointing toward Saddam having wmds...hmmm)


His ideals are excellent. I just don't trust that he can somehow carry out his plans. His contradictions don't raise my support of him.

Going to pull troops out of Iraq and at the same time double the amount in Iraq? Doesn't make sense.

Going to put big tax cuts on all cept 200k and up? Sounds cool...except 5% of the nation can't support the whole nation.

I dont know...he should be a little more realistic.

What's your view on homosexuality?

You know...the reason why all our candidates suck this year is because nobody who is actually eligible enough wants to run for office anymore. These people are going into businesses and coming up with great ideas and such, but don't want to get too involved in politics. Too damn smart for their own good...or for own good...
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#17 Lemmypoo



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Posted 29 October 2004 - 02:51 AM

Actually, I heard McCain may run for the Republicans in 2008, not Powell (unless they pass an amendment for immigrants to run, therefore letting Arnold run for office). Let's just hope Hillary doesn't get the Democratic nomination in the next election.

Reverend Loveless tells me the liberals are all devil-woshipping communist faggots.

And the reverend has some choir boy abuse allegations against him, so does that make him right?

Just kidding.

Since when were liberals devil worshippers? I am yet to hear of a satanist liberal. The ones I know of are christain to some extent, or non-religious. On top of that, the gay community only makes up a fraction of liberals. Gun control is a step towards communism, so I guess you may be slightly correct on that. The thing is that communists are completely athiest, so how can a communist be free to worship the Dark Lord Satan™?

Personally, although I agree with many liberal ideals, I see myself as more of a libertarian, but the one running for office has less of a chance at getting elected than Nader. This election, I am nore concerned with getting Bush out of office, so I can live with Kerry for 4 years. After this election, the libertarians have another 4 years until the next election to grow in support. The Dems and GOPers have gotten too large, and it is only a matter of time before they start to collapse.

Hahahahah! You know I was being facsticious, right? (facstici- fuck how do you spell that...) The Kerry-Edwards bumper sticker spread on my hood isn't there for pretty you know!

I agree with AlextheBeast on this one:


Gonna bring back FDR some day, gonna have him run for office, gonna go to Russia and piss all over Stalin's grave for fuckin' up socialism.

Those will be the days, pint in one hand, my best girlie in the other!
And I will sing! Sing! Sing!

Ohhh I'm with the CCC and I'm ok,
I build public schools and get a livable wage!
I pay few fees, I eat my lunch,
I go to the lavotry!
On Wednesdays I live in a shanty town \
and have grits, oats, and wheat!
I pave interstates, I smooth the lumps,
I like to opress non-followers!
I put on Women's clothing
and accept the budget cuts!
I feed the poor, give them meals
FDR said it, it's the law!
I wish I'd not been born in the '20s,
like my dear grandpa!

I am so, so, so sorry for that. To the folks who proudly worked for the Civilian Conservation Corps and transvestite road workers.
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Conner MacManus: Jesus! He brought a six-shooter!

Murphy MacManus: There were nine of them, you retard! What were you going to do with the last three, laugh them to death? Funny man?

-brothers Macmanus, Boondock Saints

#18 Oroku Saki

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Posted 29 October 2004 - 03:01 AM

Let's just hope Hillary doesn't get the Democratic nomination in the next election.

If Bush somehow manages to win another 4 years, I assure you that Hillary will get the Dem nomination and the presidency in 08.

The sad thing is that it would almost be worth it to me...

...nah, nothing is worth Bush for 4 more, but Hillary would rock as prez.

I suppose you may be right, Cx. There are a few things I may find questionable about Hillary, but I also would rather have her in office instead of Bush. I wonder why she didn't run in this election. Who knows, maybe if she does run and get elected, our country could take a turn for the better.

AirApache, the Saudi-Bush connection existed way before Bush was even president. How did he get these connections so early on, and why? I am pretty sure it was more than just politics.

Although many countries were speculating about Iraq's WMD, and they were agreeing with us so far, why did Bush decide to jump in right away? There are several other countries in the world that hate us, violate many human rights, and have WMD that the CIA directly confirmed. Why didn't we attack those countries? They seemed to pose a greater threat.

When it comes to the war on terrorism, I think that Bush is doing a terrible job. Al-Queda attacks us on 9/11, and we send a handful of troops in Afghanistan to go after Bin Laden. The old fuck has bad kidneys, so he needs to use a dialysis machine. If a wanted criminal is in poor health, why is it taking authorities 3+ years to capture him? I doubt Bin Laden is able to move too far with his illness, so it must be something else preventing his capture. Maybe because there aren't many troops there to begin with? We have the resources to take out the central spine of Al-Queda, yet why the fuck aren't we pulling it off? In reaction to 9/11, what Bush probably should have done is bomb the shit out of Afghanistan, and send a shitload of troops to flush out and kill off the Taliban and Al-Queda. If we needed to, we could get international support to pressure Pakistan to help us out. Problem solved, and a major battle won on the war on terror. The good part is the majority of the world would be on our side, we would kick some ass, and the nation would be safer once again.

Reverend Loveless tells me the liberals are all devil-woshipping communist faggots.

That was pretty funny, Lemmypoo. I was just poking some more fun at the hardcore white-supremist christians out there (like Jerry Falwell) who think they are always right about everything.

Speaking of which, I remember Bush said that "God told him" to invade Iraq. What the fuck kind of reasoning is that? That is a type of defense psycho murderers use when they are on trial.

Edited by Oroku_Saki, 29 October 2004 - 03:49 AM.

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#19 Fuse



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Posted 29 October 2004 - 06:46 AM

Bush's involvement with the Saudi's was an attempt to create a relationship with Middle East.

This is wrong. Bush was financially involved with the Saudis long before he became president, and politics had nothing to do with that relationship.

Plus...he had the prime ministers of russia, germany, poland, and UK all telling him that Iraq was a big threat and had wmds, and/or potential to make them.

The only two intel agencys who said anything about that were us and MI5. Russia was busy keepin an eye on it's own ass. The Israelis, the most likely target for any weapons in Iraq's posession, never said anything about Iraq having WMDs either.

I mean cmon, put yourself in the prez's spot...prime ministers of all those countries plus your own CIA pointing toward Saddam having wmds...hmmm

When George W. called for the vote to invade Iraq the original reports saying that Saddam had WMDs/the capability to build them had already been refuted. The CIA had told the president that the intel he was basing his campaign on was wrong. And like I said, most of those you listed werent even gathering intel from Iraq. The President made that decision all on his own and supported it with nothing but his own convictions.

Edited by >Fuse<, 29 October 2004 - 12:07 PM.

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#20 Lemmypoo



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Posted 29 October 2004 - 11:20 AM

Speaking of which, I remember Bush said that "God told him" to invade Iraq. What the fuck kind of reasoning is that? That is a type of defense psycho murderers use when they are on trial.

God tells him to do many things, possibly including what he eats for his National Sexurity brunch. (EDIT: You know, I made a typo in that sentence, but I kinda like it, I'm just gonna leave it there.) But yeah, he sees this as a holy war, no wonder the middle-east hates us (I assume Israel secretly hates us). And people say the Pope will rule John F'n Kerry!

Part of the reason Hillary doesn't run is she hasn't been nominated, polls show she would get fuckin' elected. People criticize the Clinton years, but the majority of people want the Clintons back in the White House. Even if Kerry does a good job, I think he should step down, let Hillary get the nomination, and then come back after her 8 years are up and have a batshit crazy surplus to sit on.

What I wanna know is, why the hell didn't Russia tell us "Afghanistan sucks ass you guys!" I mean they went there in the '80s and said, "fuck this," after 10 years. That's right folks, the Soviet Union waged a full-blown military campaign against Afghanistan for 10 years and now we're invading Afghanistan looking for one guy with a 10th of our active troops. I'm sure most of you knew that, I just kind of felt like venting.

Fuck my monitor is fuzzy, hold on, DEMAGNETIZE! Arg! Piece of CRT shit, an LCD screen by the name of Samsung is probably gonna replace your ass.

Edited by Lemmypoo, 29 October 2004 - 11:21 AM.

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Conner MacManus: Jesus! He brought a six-shooter!

Murphy MacManus: There were nine of them, you retard! What were you going to do with the last three, laugh them to death? Funny man?

-brothers Macmanus, Boondock Saints

#21 AirApache



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Posted 29 October 2004 - 11:36 AM

Although many countries were speculating about Iraq's WMD, and they were agreeing with us so far, why did Bush decide to jump in right away?

Yet another reason why I'm undecided.
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#22 ompa



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Posted 29 October 2004 - 11:51 AM

Undecided my fat ass. You argue on Bush's side every fucking day in school. You and Sam.

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#23 AirApache



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Posted 29 October 2004 - 12:08 PM

I argue pro-Bush because I think he's doing better than kerry right now, and I trust him more, but if I were to vote...(which I can't yet), then I'm undecided.

Edited by AirApache, 29 October 2004 - 12:11 PM.

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#24 cxwq



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Posted 29 October 2004 - 12:19 PM

I argue pro-Bush because I think he's doing better than kerry right now, and I trust him more, but if I were to vote...(which I can't yet), then I'm undecided.

You trust the man who changed his mind twice about the reason he started the first war this country has ever entered into unprovoked?
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#25 AirApache



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Posted 29 October 2004 - 12:30 PM

I trust a man with convictions who can do what he feels is right and stay with the cause. He changed his mind? I was under the impression that he went to war to topple Hussein's rule and find WMDs.

Nobody disagrees with our invading Afghanistan, and disbanding the Taliban, so what in God's name is wrong with toppling a dictator who kills his own people and has a potential threat?

I agree with his invasion of Iraq, but I don't agree with WHEN he did it. It was kinda rash.

See, if somebody else was running instead of Kerry, with the exact same ideals but a more trustworthy past...I'd be pro-democrat right away.
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