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#1 Fuse



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Posted 26 October 2004 - 07:11 PM

Just wondering what everyone plans on dressing up as this year.

I wasnt able to come up with anything better, and Ive got to have a costume by thursday for the first of the partys, so Ive decided to just go old school with a ninja costume. Samurai would be cooler, and I might do it for some of the stuff, but without a sword it is kind of pointless, and I can think of very few clubs that would let me in with my Iaito or Bokuto. ;)

Edited by >Fuse<, 26 October 2004 - 07:13 PM.

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Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.

#2 Blaster



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Posted 26 October 2004 - 08:19 PM

I'm going as the lead singer of Slipknot. I'm still working on the mask but I think I found a place that could sell me a jumpsuit at a better price than the places I've been to so far. The costume should look something like this
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"The voice of the American people has been heard; and, I won't imitate it, out of respect for the retarded."
— Lewis Black (concerning the 04 election results)

#3 The Large Moose

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Posted 26 October 2004 - 08:26 PM

Me and my friend are always some sort of appliance or something of the like. Last year he was a Filing Cabinet, and I was a fridge, now this year, he is going to be a toll booth, and I am going to be a trashcan. I have no idea how either of these tie into appliances, but whatever.
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QUOTE (Arcanis @ Apr 8 2005 @ 04:02 PM)
When I insert a dick, nothing happens. Wierd.

"Ever have deja vu and amnesia at the same time? I think I have forgotten this before." -Unknown

#4 Half Newb Half Nerfer

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Posted 26 October 2004 - 08:36 PM

Damn, I gotta think of a costume. Well I might be going as a terrorist. Or something like a bag of dog food.
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#5 Fuse



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Posted 26 October 2004 - 09:15 PM

Well I might be going as a terrorist. Or something like a bag of dog food.

That is one of the best replies ever.
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Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.

#6 CustomSnake202



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Posted 26 October 2004 - 09:26 PM

I'm going to be Trinity this year. I'm so freaking glad I finally got this costume:
Posted Image
The only thing I have do is tape down a couple areas because I don't have a breast to fill the dangling cups. This is the best costume I've ever thought up.
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#7 nerfspecialforces



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Posted 26 October 2004 - 09:37 PM

I'm going as a nerfer!
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QUOTE(Arcanis @ Apr 8 2005, 05:02 PM)
When I insert a dick, nothing happens.

Call me NSF
N erf
S pecial
F orces

#8 rawray7



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Posted 26 October 2004 - 09:41 PM

Lobster Johnson, bitches.
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You, nerfboi, are the suckest gun. -neonerfer

#9 ompa



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Posted 26 October 2004 - 09:50 PM

Custom, you're a boy, going as a girl. Crossdresser? Alright, I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion... I'd just go as Neo if I were you, as you're a guy. Yeah. Just my 2 cents, no need to heed my advice or to listen to me.

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#10 CustomSnake202



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Posted 26 October 2004 - 09:59 PM

Custom, you're a boy, going as a girl. Crossdresser? Alright, I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion... I'd just go as Neo if I were you, as you're a guy. Yeah. Just my 2 cents, no need to heed my advice or to listen to me.

I totally understand Ompa. I was thinking Neo, but then I was like "Neo's costume is just some plain ol' cotton trench coat" and I saw that Trinity's costume was that sweet shinny (fake) leather. So I decided to go Trinity. Besides the breasts, which will be taken care of, it really isn't a feminine costume if you ask me. So I really don't care about it and I am not a crossdresser. Just to clear things up.
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#11 TheHaze



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Posted 26 October 2004 - 11:22 PM

Two of my friends and I are going as the characters from Penny Arcade. They have Tyco and Gabe and I have Charles.
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When you die, if you get a choice between going to regular heaven or pie heaven, choose pie heaven. It might be a trick, but if it's not, mmmmmmm, boy

#12 ShatteredDreams



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Posted 26 October 2004 - 11:54 PM

I will go as a drunk-irish-exotic-strip-dancer, named Joe.
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"Diplomats are just as esential to starting a war, as soldiers are to finishing it."- Will Rogers.

#13 AirApache



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Posted 27 October 2004 - 12:20 AM

I'm going as a nerd with zero self-esteem and friends who think I'm a freak.

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Indiana '11

#14 Ender



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Posted 27 October 2004 - 11:43 AM

I was thinking about a priest, but that is only if I can convince the girlfirend to be an alterboy.
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#15 duce



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Posted 27 October 2004 - 12:05 PM

I'm definately going as some sort of food, I always do. I've been a Waffle, piece of Pizza, Ritz Bitz cracker (with cheese of course), a bowl of fruit loops and a banana. I think I may go with a Cheeseburger but I'm still undecided. Tell me any ideas you have let me know but keep it simple becuase I gotta make it.
This reminds me of something. Lasr year, I went of a boycott of Little Caesar's because I walked in wearing the Pizza comstume and they wouldn't give me a free pizza. The jerks. The sad thing is the boycott only lasted for about five minutes (I decided to buy a Pizza anyway). I think eventually they will have to give in. I tried again last month and they gave me, get this, FREE RANCH DRESSING! :w00t: If thats not good progress, then I don't know what is.
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"Thats so good it makes me want to kick my mom in the face." -Halfling

#16 leftnut



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Posted 27 October 2004 - 02:04 PM

I'm going as a lazy ass that doesn't feel like dressing up.
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"You are obviously a megalomaniacal insecure little boy stroking your faltering ego with your own hairy palm in order to prove your suedo-alpha male status..."
-BadAssReptileFarmer to Talio

#17 Inferno



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Posted 28 October 2004 - 01:18 AM

I'm going as a lazy ass that doesn't feel like dressing up.

Ohhh, that's creative. I'm going to be a sailor and then I'm gonna go TRICK OR TREATING!!! No, I will be visiting my brother at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, TX. He's in a fraternity, so I'm sure I won't remember this weekend when I get back home. My bro said last year there were a lot of girls dressed up as Victorias Secrets models....this will be fun.
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"I figured out what was wrong with your vacuum. Turns out a half-eaten meatball was clogging up the intake."
"Oh...well, did ya save it?"
"...You bastard."
-Family Guy

#18 Fuse



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Posted 28 October 2004 - 08:39 AM

I'm going as a lazy ass that doesn't feel like dressing up.

Ohhh, that's creative. I'm going to be a sailor and then I'm gonna go TRICK OR TREATING!!! No, I will be visiting my brother at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, TX. He's in a fraternity, so I'm sure I won't remember this weekend when I get back home. My bro said last year there were a lot of girls dressed up as Victorias Secrets models....this will be fun.

Yeah, that sounds a lot like what Im doing tonight. Costume contest at a club down town, THE club actually. Halloween is an excuse for girls to wear nothing but underwear and call it a costume... What a great holiday.
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Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.

#19 Half Newb Half Nerfer

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Posted 28 October 2004 - 09:07 AM

Well, I'm going as a Terrorist. Cause' my mom doesn't want to buy a new bag of dog food. Hopefully I can be one of those Phenix Group or whatever there called guys from Counter-Strike. Go but some fake guns, some used cloths, put it together and WHAM! I'm a Terrorist.
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#20 Dark1337



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Posted 28 October 2004 - 12:41 PM

I'm going trick or treatin' as a zombie chef, with an apron a chefs hat, and a meat cleaver, of coarse the apron will have blood on it.
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#21 Black Wrath

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Posted 28 October 2004 - 12:55 PM

Well, I'm going as a Terrorist. Cause' my mom doesn't want to buy a new bag of dog food. Hopefully I can be one of those Phenix Group or whatever there called guys from Counter-Strike. Go but some fake guns, some used cloths, put it together and WHAM! I'm a Terrorist.

Don't forget your skimask and bad attitude! You might also want to go shoe-less.

As for me, I haven't figured it out yet. I haven't gone out in 2 years now, so I think I'm pretty much done with it... I'd much rather scare kids instead. I have an old, bloody white shirt though; it's here somewhere.
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Xx_Black-Wrath_xX of The Canadian Foam Militia

Not in the game anymore, but it was great while it lasted. Thanks for the great years of fun, NH!
Resident "Spawn of Talio"

#22 leftnut



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Posted 28 October 2004 - 05:25 PM

Woo I just came up with a new one. I am not a big fan of baseball but I do have a yankees sweatshirt so when the yankees lost and now that the red sox won I don't really care and it doesn't affect me, so in the spirit of pissing off as many people as I can. I'm going wear my yankees sweatshirt tommorow and go around saying how the red sox cheated and all that crap and I will be a yankees fan. :o
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"You are obviously a megalomaniacal insecure little boy stroking your faltering ego with your own hairy palm in order to prove your suedo-alpha male status..."
-BadAssReptileFarmer to Talio

#23 Half Newb Half Nerfer

Half Newb Half Nerfer


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Posted 28 October 2004 - 05:27 PM

Oh holy shit, thats a good costume.
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#24 Dark1337



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Posted 29 October 2004 - 09:11 AM

Black wrath, I did that once, with my zombie mask, the littler ones scare alot better, I scared one and he was like "OhNo!AAAAGGGGGGhhh" At the topsfield fair, this this hauted house, that serioulsy sucks, well there was an 8 yr. old girl, and a 6 yr. old boy and they were screaming, so the staff RUNS in and says its gonna be ok, Tell jimmy not to jump out at the kids, I was behind, so I had my eyes flipped back so you could only see the whites, and the girl looks over, and says "Oh my god, AGGHGGHGHGGHGHGHHGGG" that made it loads better.

Edited by Dark1337, 18 May 2007 - 10:36 PM.

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#25 LDM



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Posted 29 October 2004 - 11:30 AM

I'm going to be a non-conformist for Halloween. That way, I get to go in regular clothes - I'll leave the conformists to do the dressing up.

Only one problem: If I was a non-conformist, I wouldn't be going trick or treating anyway. Hopefully people won't notice that. . . .

Edited by LDM, 29 October 2004 - 11:30 AM.

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