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New To Nerf

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#26 Oroku Saki

Oroku Saki


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Posted 22 October 2004 - 02:37 PM

As for LARP, no we don't, we do mostly Table Top RP, we've focused on Star Wars d20 lately.

Hooray! A fellow role-player as well! Most of my friends play D&D, Modern, and Star Wars. I DM'd for SW before, but I haven't gotten around to write new material for a while. Lately, I haven't been roleplaying too much, due my short attention span when most of us play late at night before I go to work the next morning.

As for finding other Nerf guns, my favorite place to shop for discontinued guns is eBay. Sporksboyofjustice also made an excellent writeup about acquiring Nerf guns a while back.
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#27 TimberwolfCY



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Posted 23 October 2004 - 12:34 AM

Hey Crimson. I live in Warrensburg, about an hour outside of KC on the Missouri side. There are a considerable number of Nerfers in and around KC; the "Big List of Nerfers" at NHQ (www.nerfhq.com) has some of them listed. Probably some time during Spring Break I am going to try and organize a Nerf-out in KC to get people together; I had a thread going, but I let it die since Spring break is so far away.

I also play D&D and Star Wars, though I got pretty tired of Star Wars after awhile. I love to play D&D; I'm currently in one game and getting ready to start playing another. I DM occasionally, but not too often.

If you want a good site to go to (you may already know about it), look up "Dagorhir" on Google or whatnot; you'll get a ton of responses. Dagorhir is actually a nationwide organization for foam fighting, and relatively realistic when compared to medieval times. We actually have a team here in Warrensburg, I believe. Their (Dagorhir's) main website (forgot the link, it'll come up though if you search it) has a ton of resources.

Welcome to the boards.
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of NH, NHQ, NO, NC

#28 Crimson Owl

Crimson Owl


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Posted 24 October 2004 - 02:47 AM

Wow, someone near-by, cool. I actually went to the store tonight with a friend, we grabbed some rubber cement to fix my nerfsaber before tommorow, that gal I mentioned is coming over.

In addition, I was pleasantly suprised to find several nightfinders there, I may just grab 2, size-wise that will be great for having in one hand, a nerfsaber in the other. Sorry... I like the ability to pop someone at close range for being foolish enough to let me that close.

Yea, she came up to me and said "Hey, you know those Nerfsabers you have? I want to use them against you." So I smiled, and agreed of course, I've got 3 on loan from a friend so that we both can dual-wield.

Should be fun. Played SW D20 today actually. As for Dag, I'm familiar, not overly, but it sounds familiar, I may have looked it up at a point or two.

And on a Nerf gathering in Spring, sounds cool.

Edited by Crimson_Owl, 24 October 2004 - 02:49 AM.

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