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December Yano

Inferior, But Otherwise Agreeable

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#1 ShatteredDreams



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Posted 13 October 2004 - 01:15 AM

Well, to start, I'm a little horny, or rather, I'm itching for the next nerf war.

We interrupt this regularly scheduled program...

Wednesday, December 22.



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"Diplomats are just as esential to starting a war, as soldiers are to finishing it."- Will Rogers.

#2 Spoon



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Posted 13 October 2004 - 04:45 AM

Oh man....

As you all may have noticed, I haven't posted in like for-fucking-ever. See, this is my last year in film school and I'm BUSY. I don't mean "washing my hair" busy, I mean "hardly eating and getting 3 hours of sleep a night" busy. From this coming weekend until the end of November, I am booked solid on a film shoot (mine or someone elses) every weekend. I'm writing/directing three films in about six months, finishing my feature script, finishing my advanced classes.....I would list all the things I'm doing, but I'm too tired.

So yea I'm not available until Christmas break, around mid-December. If you guys want to war before that go ahead, but I unfortunately won't be there.

It sucks too, because I NEED an outlet for frustration these days. We gotta have an awesome war in December when we're all on break.
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Two roads converged in the woods, and I took the one less traveled......and now I don't know where the hell I am.

#3 Gamefreak



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Posted 13 October 2004 - 08:20 AM

I know it's awefuly soon from know but how about Veteran's Day weekend?
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Gamertag : Corpseoftheyear

QUOTE(substance abuse)
No offense but soldat has to be the worst game ever made
Like anyone could even know that, GOSH.

#4 cxwq



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Posted 13 October 2004 - 10:51 AM

I'm down for a war before year end, but probably not this month. I won't, however, be going to a war until we find a new location that's relatively central. Irvine is cool, I'm just tired of getting thrown out of the best area at Venado. I will take any and all suggestions for possible war areas and will continue to look for one on my own. Maybe we were just spoiled at Venado but I want a location with a nice open area for CTF and a (relatively) close quarters area for 5 hit wars. I'm almost to the point of renting a church for the day or something - all we need is some buildings and a lack of people around.

All you people with a hard on for a SoCal war need to do some research and find us a good location.
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#5 TimberwolfCY



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Posted 13 October 2004 - 12:22 PM

Just out of curiosity, what happened to your guys' other location? I noticed in the video you put up that it was different as well, but I thought it was temporary.
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"Denial is the most predictable of all human responses. But, rest assured, this will be the sixth time we have destroyed it, and we have become exceedingly efficient at it." - The Architect, The Matrix: Reloaded

of NH, NHQ, NO, NC

#6 cxwq



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Posted 13 October 2004 - 12:39 PM

We used to use Venado regularly but got yelled at the last couple times we tried to use the 'urban' area near the portable buildings. The Armageddon location was in Shattered Dreams' backyard. It was swell except I want to nerf around buildings and he lives way down in SD and he probably doesn't want us to come back after The Ladder Incident.
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#7 ShatteredDreams



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Posted 13 October 2004 - 02:45 PM

We used to use Venado regularly but got yelled at the last couple times we tried to use the 'urban' area near the portable buildings. The Armageddon location was in Shattered Dreams' backyard. It was swell except I want to nerf around buildings and he lives way down in SD and he probably doesn't want us to come back after The Ladder Incident.

Damn Ladders. Actually, they ended up not caring, because I figured out where the hell it was supposed to be, and put it back around 1 AM-ish. Stupid uptight people.
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"Diplomats are just as esential to starting a war, as soldiers are to finishing it."- Will Rogers.

#8 rawray7



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Posted 15 October 2004 - 07:58 PM

So yea I'm not available until Christmas break, around mid-December. If you guys want to war before that go ahead, but I unfortunately won't be there.

It sucks too, because I NEED an outlet for frustration these days. We gotta have an awesome war in December when we're all on break.

pretty much the same story for me. i can try before december, but its probably not going to happen. i'm definately itching for a war, but i agree that we need to find a new spot. i can look harder around here for an urban area- but i wouldn't necessarily call pasadena a 'central' location for socal.
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You, nerfboi, are the suckest gun. -neonerfer

#9 cxwq



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Posted 15 October 2004 - 10:11 PM

Pasadena is central enough for me if it's a good location and we actually have permission to use it.

It's actually a really reasonable drive for everyone except the SD folks and I'm sure the Northridge guys would love you for it.

Everyone, seriously put some thought into the location thing. I will get bi-monthly wars back on track and drive people there myself as soon as we have a reasonable place to hold them.
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#10 neonerfer



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Posted 17 October 2004 - 03:38 PM

I'm driving now and can handle Pasadena. I just watched the video from A2K4 and I must say I'm rather aroused. I'm busier than usual but I'll probably be able to make it whenever. Christmas break would be ideal.
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#11 rawray7



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Posted 18 October 2004 - 08:50 PM

on the pasadena front: there is always the foresty area that we had RayNO, but that is a dart trap and sort of hard to find. not as much of a hike to civilization as Toj's place...but still about 200 meters from the road. I'd much rather an urban area for regular wars, which is why i'm looking into getting permission to use part of the caltech campus. the plus on our side is that we could probably get some students to play with us, the minus is that they might just veto the whole "guns" concept. I'm figuring out how to ask about that stuff right now, and i'll ask some people about how tight security would be if we did that without permission. There is also a less urban abandoned lot by my friends house that we could possibly use. I think Caltech would be an awesome place to play, so i'll seriously look into that next time i'm down there.
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You, nerfboi, are the suckest gun. -neonerfer

#12 Gamefreak



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Posted 18 October 2004 - 09:25 PM

Pasadenas a little far from IB, which is where I live, but I might still make it.

Edited by Gamefreak, 18 October 2004 - 09:25 PM.

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Gamertag : Corpseoftheyear

QUOTE(substance abuse)
No offense but soldat has to be the worst game ever made
Like anyone could even know that, GOSH.

#13 cxwq



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Posted 18 October 2004 - 09:42 PM

I know someone who works at Caltech. I'll bring it up with him.

From what he's said in the past, the security there has a bipolar view of the world. If you're a student you can do whatever you want. If you're not a student you shouldn't be there. If that's accurate then it would definitely be good to get some students interested.
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#14 ShortShit



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Posted 25 November 2004 - 01:10 AM

im down, anytime, anywhere *even though the transmission in my car blew out ahhahahaha....*
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#15 rawray7



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Posted 02 December 2004 - 08:54 PM

(cxwq @ Nov 17 2004, 06:14 PM)
In other news, if I don't get out and Nerf soon I will probably perish. 

What if you guys planned the next YANO for Venado over winter break? That creepy teacher can't possibly hang around his classroom all the time.

thank you julie. okay, winter break it is. i think we should just hid venado, i've had little luck (and frankly done very little) with the caltech possibility. lets try it on a weekday maybe, so we are in fewer people's way. show me your schedules dammit - let get this thing to happen. i'd be most up for something a few days after christmas.
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You, nerfboi, are the suckest gun. -neonerfer

#16 Gamefreak



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Posted 02 December 2004 - 09:16 PM

I get off the 14th. I plan to go to Disneyland that week and the 18th, Saturday is my birthday so that whole week isn't good for me. How about the First of Janurary? Which is also the first Saturday after Christmas.

Edited by Gamefreak, 02 December 2004 - 09:17 PM.

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#17 Spoon



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Posted 03 December 2004 - 12:07 AM

OMG I'm still here!

I am currently in various stages of production on three films, am writing a script, working on several other films, and completing my degree. Very busy.

I'm off of school on December 18 and will be (relatively) free until December 28, when I go out of town and then immediatly start school again when I come back.

Sorry guys, senior year of college does this to you. At least when you're a film major. Let me know.
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Two roads converged in the woods, and I took the one less traveled......and now I don't know where the hell I am.

#18 cxwq



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Posted 03 December 2004 - 04:36 PM

Allright, lets hear some other dates that people are good for. I will double-check tonight but I think I'd be fine for most of the days in the two weeks immediately surrounding Christmas. I need to decide which day soon though.

Is there a strong feeling for weekday vs weekend? How does that work out for people with jobs?

We'll do Venado and if fucktard is there we'll just roll over to the grassy CTF area and/or the Alamo.

Lets get this going!

I'm so excited about this I may actually mod a gun or two so I'm ready for the war!
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#19 rawray7



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Posted 03 December 2004 - 06:25 PM

let's do it before spoon leaves, like the 27th or 28th. that is assuming people with jobs could make it.
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You, nerfboi, are the suckest gun. -neonerfer

#20 cxwq



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Posted 03 December 2004 - 06:38 PM

How about Friday the 24th? I don't think it's sacreligious to shoot people with foam the day before Christmas. Pretty much everyone will be busy travelling, hanging out with family they don't like, or doing last minute shopping that day. The park should be deserted.
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#21 AnyaSeijin



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Posted 03 December 2004 - 08:21 PM

How bout 23rd? Much much better. I mean, we are all one christmas break by than for sure, and no freak Holiday. I mean, Christmas Eve is a big deal to some.
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#22 cxwq



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Posted 03 December 2004 - 10:35 PM

I work on the 23rd, though not any other days that week.

Before the 22nd we wouldn't be able to take advantage of free filming services courtesy of Julie. I'm also good with the 26th.

22nd, 24th, or 26th?

(Wed, Fri, Sun)
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#23 AnyaSeijin



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Posted 04 December 2004 - 03:37 PM

Hmmm, 26th is hard, Man, this is a mess well, maybe I can meet my girl down there, and she can come back up with me. That might work. How far is it to the feild from San Deigo?

And I need directions to where ever we are playing this too. So, if you guys could just get me the location, map quest can do the rest.
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#24 Spoon



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Posted 04 December 2004 - 06:25 PM

The 24th won't work for me, as my family opens gifts on Christmas Eve. The 22nd or 26th are both cool with me I think. If that guy at Venado is in his office the day after Christmas, I'm just going to laugh at him.
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Two roads converged in the woods, and I took the one less traveled......and now I don't know where the hell I am.

#25 Gamefreak



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Posted 04 December 2004 - 07:24 PM

26th and 24th seem pretty lame to me... if one of those is the final dates I most likely won't be there.
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Gamertag : Corpseoftheyear

QUOTE(substance abuse)
No offense but soldat has to be the worst game ever made
Like anyone could even know that, GOSH.

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