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Semi Auto Sniper Rifle

Yep, the titan

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#26 nerfspecialforces



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Posted 22 September 2004 - 09:58 PM

Two semi auto shot would be better than one, right? Besides, once the bladder's gone, you wuold be able to use it regularly.

Edited by nerfspecialforces, 22 September 2004 - 09:59 PM.

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QUOTE(Arcanis @ Apr 8 2005, 05:02 PM)
When I insert a dick, nothing happens.

Call me NSF
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#27 ompa



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Posted 22 September 2004 - 10:09 PM

No. Not with your plan how you described it.

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#28 Jlego


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Posted 22 September 2004 - 10:29 PM

I don't mind this idea because anyone who would consider using any gun that took that many pumps for 2-3(stretching it) shot needs their head examined.
However, I consider this to be a cool idea and a challenge that he's chosen to accept.
One other thing. I don't believe that this is really the place to bitch about the titan being too powerful. There were initial topics, and this topic isn't about opinions, it's about an IDEA for a semi auto titan.

All that having been said, I noticed one very difficult step. Using the hornet's trigger. It simply pushes a button on the hornet. It doesn't do anything to change the airflow.
If you get it to use the hornet trigger in just about any way, you deserve a big cookie.
My two or three cents
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~Jaxon of the LGLF

Gears: Ice9 and I have a relationship similar to that of myself and Jax.
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I've seen you use an arrowstorm!!

#29 ShortShit



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Posted 23 September 2004 - 12:10 AM

I like the IDEA of it very much, and would love to see what results one would get from such a mod.
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#30 nerfspecialforces



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Posted 23 September 2004 - 12:10 AM

I was just thinking about the idea.

Jlego: Right, but the hornet trigger pushes a little pin-like peice of plastic down. Attach a valve that opens by pushing a button were the hornet goes, and it should work.

Edited by nerfspecialforces, 23 September 2004 - 12:13 AM.

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QUOTE(Arcanis @ Apr 8 2005, 05:02 PM)
When I insert a dick, nothing happens.

Call me NSF
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#31 Ender



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Posted 23 September 2004 - 08:30 AM

This is a topic about the idea of a secondary bladder filling the tank for a second shot with out all the pumping, not to yell at a guy who has an idea of something he would like to try. You guys who have been on here a while should know better. This is a sport in which we shoot projectiles at each other of course there is an inherent risk to any such sport. Hell I had a friend throw out his shoulder playing badminton, granted we all laughed at him, after we knew he was ok, really who gets hurt in badminton? But the point is, now is not the time to argue over safety. I have 4 modded titans and a guy on my squad who doubles up on them when we play. I came up with a shoulder system set up with cords so they are in a hooked onto his shoulders so he can pump each one with only one hand. Oh yeah we play indoors too, granted it’s a freakin huge building. We also play with no shirts (women in sports bars) to really get a feel for the game also for credibility on hits, it does leave a little red mark. But honestly who here has ever gotten a scar from a dart? And I am not saying to go out and see if you can knock out a five year old, play responsible a loser weapon is exactly that, but what about a modded hornet at close range hitting the blast button. Why is it that no one is up in arms over that? And to NSF a wise man once said, “We are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams….Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple” - Willy Wonka
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#32 Bad Karma

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 08:51 AM

It would be great if you could get it to work. But I think it's wishful thinking. Good luck on it though.

As for pain, what's wrong with pain? Heck, I about took my little finger off nerfing (stupid concrete.) Point is, We can get hurt in just about anything. Why should a Titan be any different? Plus, wouldn't it be awesome to be bleeding or get a scare from that thing?
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Da BK 02: well...I just wanted to tell you...since your going to be dieing...I 've always hated you...and I mean that
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#33 Vintage



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Posted 23 September 2004 - 09:09 AM

I can imagine the reactions of Hasbro officials reading our Titan threads. ^_^
Maybe they made the gun this strong just to see our reactions.

Now, concerning the "semi-auto loser":
You will need a shorter barrel and a loose dart fit. Reason being that the pressure might not be as strong as a standalone Titan. It will also take twice the amount of pumps. Filling that bladder will take the extra effort.

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~Al Capone

#34 Bad Karma

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 09:15 AM

All I can say is you better have a handy side arm. Because if you are caught reloading and pumping that thing, your dead.

~Da BK~
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Da BK 02: well...I just wanted to tell you...since your going to be dieing...I 've always hated you...and I mean that
TheTalio: Fuck you...I still love you

#35 J cobbers

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 09:57 AM

Here is an idea for the quick recharging of the titan. what if you could adapt something like Alexthebeast's Wraith system Using a precharged air tank to reprime the Titan. Granted this may end up being complicated, and you still need a method to open the valve that goes to the Hornet to reprime the titan. The other issue I could see with this method is that the large titan air chamber may lead to only a few recharges, but isn't the idea to offer a quick recharge when the situation demands it?

Any way I think it's a cool idea.
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#36 NinjZ



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Posted 23 September 2004 - 01:40 PM

Ender, again, we are NOT yelling at him. Simply telling him it wont work and/or be impractical. My statemeant was in regaurds to him making a "semi-auto loser rifle". That word in quotes meant to me a high powered nerf gun that shoots 150+ feet and has multiple shots, ruining what NERF is all about. As you said its about shooting darts at people and having a fun time. I dont see how getting shot by a high powered semi-auto gun at 150' is fun, not to mention the pain. I think alot fo you are reading into the text wrong. I know in mine, and Thirsts text their is no intended tone, its just words on a screen. Dont take them to deep.

Also, in regaurds to your "who gets hurt in madminton statemeant". Shuttles/Birdies can be traveling up to 200mph in olympic games. I took a semester of it in college and let me tell you, playing singles is no easy game...

Edited by NinjZ, 23 September 2004 - 04:58 PM.

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Posted 23 September 2004 - 04:53 PM

You guys are simply not getting it. the pressure a bladder will give you, no matetr how much volume you have, will not get 150'. Calling it a "loser", and believeing it can get such ranges shows you dont know much about your talking about. If you dont trust me, there arent many other people to trsut. I made the semi-2k, so I would like to think I know a bit of what Im talking about. If you guys are just going to ignore my words, Ive done all I can do. Have fun wasting a Titan because you asked opinions on a nerf board and decided not to use them.

And I have a scar on my arm from a 2k.

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#38 ompa



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Posted 23 September 2004 - 05:07 PM

Oooo, I want to see the re-inforcement you'll need on ALL the hose connections and crap to get the pressure in the bladder to be anywhere NEAR high enough to get it to shoot that far. Fact is, to get the bladder to enough pressure to fire it that far, you're going to need a shitload of bike tubing, MAYBE 8 layers might do it. Have fun putting those on/looking for your bladder if it blows off due to faulty or insufficient clamping. THIRST is right, and he's had plenty of experiance with the stuff at this point. I've had SOME, but all bad, so I'd go with what THIRST has to say.

Sorry if I sound harsh, it's been a long day...


Edited by ompa, 23 September 2004 - 05:09 PM.

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#39 AirApache



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Posted 24 September 2004 - 05:00 AM

Did someone mention nerf guns not being losers?

Calling it a "loser", and believeing it can get such ranges shows you dont know much about your talking about.

You guys play waaaay to many video games. This is similar to watching DBZ and believing that you are strong enough to take down anyone who challenges you. Guess what: your wrong. loser rifles REAL metal bullets guys. REAL bullets that have a CHEMICAL reaction involving FIRE.

This topic is getting annoying. Semi-auto=cool, maybe less powerful titan with greater ROF. loser idea=go to hell.
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Indiana '11

#40 GeneralPrimevil



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Posted 24 September 2004 - 10:31 PM

I finally decided to add some fuel here. First off, use something I thought about earlier. This uses an old helium tank (empty). It was made to hold 500 psi, but it has a built-in regulator allowing it to reach down to about 4 psi. With minor high-pressure valve modifications, this could be filled to 200 psi with an air compressor (my craftsmen will hit 275, but that's too high for most applications). With that regulator set to where you need it, this could easily be used for a multi-shot weapon with a small airtank, its just really bulky. Mind you this tank is about the size of a 5 gallon propane tank. 5g. of 200 psi will last forever on a Titan....maybe. I have already started modifying the tank, all it needs is the fill-valve hole then it's done. I may post my results, if it doesn't blow up on me. :wacko:

AA: There is a way to make a .50BMG fire stefans. Take an empty casing, remove the old primer, replace it with a new on, then fill the casing with an aerosal of your liking. Install a small, heavily weighted dart after the bottleneck of the casing, then strike the primer. It should work, but I have no need to try this (yet).
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"Fear the man with one gun, for he probably knows how to use it."

#41 Ender



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Posted 25 September 2004 - 09:20 AM

Again I believe you are missing the point, this is a topic about an idea. So if you don’t have anything positive to say simply wish him luck. Or if you are trying to dissuade him from the practicality of trying this then don’t come off as some elitist snob, but rather as a knowledgeable friend. I’ve noticed this site tends to treat those who are newly joined as “newbs” and in most cases this may be applicable; however, the tendency is to shoot down most ideas or concepts that are not from the same dozen or so people on this site. So by having this mentality you are limiting your thinking and expansion of this site and the knowledge pertained in it. And for me being too deep, my apologies for thinking and having depth to my character.

And who said anything about ruining what nerf is about? Is the gun not made by Hasbro and say nerf on the side? Nerf is about being able to dodge the shots were as in other weapons (paintball and like) you are unable to do so. But when the WF came out people were like 20 shots in what 10 seconds or less, now how do you dodge this? Well it’s pretty hard so you develop nerf guns with more range and a lower rate of fire to counter this, right?

So why are you guys whining about this gun? The bladder will not fully refill the air chamber we all know this (thirst) but if it takes 20 pumps to fill it and with the bladder restocking the air it may only take as 8 pumps to get it to the same level or a shot at say half the distance. Is this not a savings on time and give you another shot sooner at max power?

And as to calling it a loser gun, is simply referring to the range this gun gets in comparison to other guns, no one is talking about bullets AA.

Edited by Ender, 27 September 2004 - 11:27 AM.

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#42 nerfspecialforces



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Posted 25 September 2004 - 01:37 PM

I was refering to the pin-point accurasy the titan has, and the range. A few days ago, I nailed my friend in the neck with the titan. It was from about 70-80 feet. I was aiming for his chest. Now, that is accurasy. But whats the point in have such a good gun? It kinda ruins the fun. We stopped playing with it after the 2nd round. So, I've toned it down by cutting slits in the barrel to let air out. This multy shot mod should help achive my goal of a gun with ok ROF and good range.
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QUOTE(Arcanis @ Apr 8 2005, 05:02 PM)
When I insert a dick, nothing happens.

Call me NSF
N erf
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#43 ompa



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Posted 25 September 2004 - 04:20 PM

So... Ender... you want us to let him do the work, and then watch it fail? That's like saying if you had an idea, and that we ALL knew it wouldn't work, that we should just let you fail and give you a pat on the back for trying. Point is, we realize that it's not going to work that well, and we want to have him know that so he doesn't expect miracles. I'd want someone to bash my idea if it really wouldn't work, because then I probably wouldn't waste time trying to fix it if people have proved that it won't really be worth the effort. We all know it'll work, but it probably won't be that effective and probably not worth his time. And... as I'm sure you're aware Ender, THIRST, I, and several other members HAVE tried this already, so it's not ruining any new ideas. Maybe THIRST and I were a little harsh on how we said it, but the fact is, we've tried it, with quasi-good success. THIRST knows what he's talking about, so he more or less has a right to criticize. And hey, look at me, I joined what, I believe LATER than you did, and I've survived all the bashing. You get bashed, you learn. It's how it works around here. I haven't had a very good day, which is why this is a fairly POed post.

NSF, I'm glad you've taken this well, and I wish you luck with your endevors.


Edited by ompa, 25 September 2004 - 04:21 PM.

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#44 AirApache



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Posted 26 September 2004 - 06:06 PM

Oh, a tip. It's easier to read posts if you separate your ideas into paragraphs. If you keep everything as one mass, people tend to skip over words/lines, and your ideas are more nebulous.

Oh, and:

I’ve noticed this site tends to treat those who are newly joined as “newbs”

Were you trying to make a point here?

Cool idea General. Note: I'm not bashing you NSF, just the idea that loser guns don't apply to Nerf (minus General...)

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Indiana '11

#45 GeneralPrimevil



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Posted 26 September 2004 - 06:35 PM

(minus General...)

Alot of people at my school say that same line...wonder why :lol:
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"Fear the man with one gun, for he probably knows how to use it."

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