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Water Balloon Launcher

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#1 BlueSmudge



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 04:43 PM

Hey, I'm BlueSmudge from the soaker comunity. Such sites as soakthis.com isoaker.com and sscentral.net.
I've been starting new WBL designs, and after finding this site, found that many nerf things can be put into them. I had a just a few quesions:

Mainly, what is the big reason that bass makes such a good barrel? And will it be as usefull in a WBL?
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#2 Avatar of WoeBrian

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 04:51 PM

Do you mean, brass, and will it be able to be used as a barrel for water balloons? If thats what you meant, I don't think so... Water balloons too big. Brass too small. I think so. <_<
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#3 CustomSnake202



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 05:43 PM

There's no way you can fit a water balloon in brass tubing. The largest brass tubing that you'll find won't be very much larger than half an inch in diameter. Plus, you want a barrel in which water balloons pass through it? Even if there was brass tubing wide enough to fit water balloons, the rubber would cause so much friction the ballon would either go two feet or just explode. I would just use some of that big pvc to make a barrel for your water balloons.

Oh, and the reason we use brass for a majority of mods is because it fit's homemade darts very well. If your gonna use stock darts, then you would use 1/2 inch pvc.
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#4 BlueSmudge



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 08:11 PM

Well, I do have brass large enough (I know where to shop). But if you guys think PVC (sch. 80?) will be better, I guess that makes more sense.
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#5 nerfspecialforces



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 10:02 PM

For shooting darts? Or waterballons?
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#6 Viper



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 10:21 PM

Did you guys see those homemades? Its like a parrallel to the nerf commmunity.
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#7 BlueSmudge



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 10:31 PM

We have always concidered you guys very close to the soaking comunity, since our style and type of weaponry is so close. Thats why I came here for a little design help with my next launcher.
I think I'm going to just use sch. 40 PVC for my launcher barrel. Csch. 80 might of been better, but the ID is too small for WBL's. If there are any better idea's, please continue to post them.
(This is still barrel materials for a WBL)
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#8 Gene-ious



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Posted 25 August 2004 - 10:39 PM

Hey i got a question.. have you people ever tried to modd nerf guns as water guns? because SS Liquidator is able to be modded as a NERF gun
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#9 Black Wrath

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Posted 25 August 2004 - 11:00 PM

There's no way you can fit a water balloon in brass tubing. The largest brass tubing that you'll find won't be very much larger than half an inch in diameter. Plus, you want a barrel in which water balloons pass through it? Even if there was brass tubing wide enough to fit water balloons, the rubber would cause so much friction the ballon would either go two feet or just explode. I would just use some of that big pvc to make a barrel for your water balloons.

Oh, and the reason we use brass for a majority of mods is because it fit's homemade darts very well. If your gonna use stock darts, then you would use 1/2 inch pvc.

Well, we use brass because it's a very low friction material because it's so smooth inside. The other reason is as stated by you; it fits nearly every FBR size we have come across in the 1/2" genre.

Well, I'm done re-illustrating points now...

Toodle Looh.
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#10 BlueSmudge



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Posted 26 August 2004 - 12:25 AM

Hey i got a question.. have you people ever tried to modd nerf guns as water guns? because SS Liquidator is able to be modded as a NERF gun

Pretty much any water gun can be turned into a Nerf Gun, and would probably serve as a exelent weapon.
I don't know much about how Nerfs work, but I'm prettty sure any nerf gun with an air tank can be easily modded to creat a water gun. Of course it would be a PR gun (pressurized reserve). So it wouldnt be any good. I'll take a look at more internal shots, and get back to you if there any models that would actually make a good soaker.

P.S. If Brass is so smooth, why would it be a bad barrel for a WBL?
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#11 LiKnSmAkScOmIn



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Posted 26 August 2004 - 01:27 AM

Water Balloons will not fit in brass.
Also, I'm not 100% sure most air pressure guns will work with water.Powerclips, Wildfires, and Rapid Fire 20's will, since they use chambers for the air similar to those of super soakers, but I am not 100% sure on this subject.
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#12 BlueSmudge



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Posted 26 August 2004 - 01:35 AM

God damnit they will! Most WBL are 2", and there is 2" brass tubing! I'm trying to make a 1" WBL for extreem range FPS and accuracy. I hace already tested it, and 1" balloons will break! If I can find 1" brass tubing (already have[its about 1") then how well will it work compared to PVC?
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#13 cxwq



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Posted 26 August 2004 - 10:26 AM

Given they're the same size, brass and PVC should work identically in a water balloon launcher.

The only reasons we use brass are the many precise size increments and the fact that we can nest it to adjust the fit mid-barrel.

As a point of minor amusement - I've pressurized my homemade and filled the SCH80 barrel with water. Creates a rather amusing 40' hemisphere of mist when fired upwards. Need something to direct it if I want a stream of course.
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#14 Doom


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Posted 26 August 2004 - 02:45 PM

I don't know much about how Nerfs work, but I'm prettty sure any nerf gun with an air tank can be easily modded to creat a water gun. Of course it would be a PR gun (pressurized reserve). So it wouldnt be any good. I'll take a look at more internal shots, and get back to you if there any models that would actually make a good soaker.

Actually, only you and blaze call it pressurized reserve (I think I should also mention that blaze was banned from my forums). It traditionally was called a reservoir, and still is. I don't know why you call it that. It is reserve water, but never was called the reserve.

To answer that question, if you felt like it you could, but it would be extremely craptacular. You'd be better off buying a small Max-D 2000.

Of course brass would work, but I think it wouldn't matter. WBLs are too slow loading, even if you can make one shoot 500 feet, it probably wouldn't work too well in a real war. When you can make a semi-auto WBL I'd really respect you (and you have displayed a lack of knowledge when it comes to projectile weapons). An idea that came to my mind would be using rifled PVC from spud tech to shoot it (the wadding will protect the WB). WBLs ARE spud guns, you can use the same exact stuff most of the time. Same concept except this time it's shooting a container of water meant to pop on contact. I would ask AquaTech about some of his thoughts on brass, he is on AIM a lot but rarely on the SSCentral forums.

I would stick with actual water guns, not WBLs. If you know me (and most of you don't) then you'd know I am writing articles to several of my homemade water guns, as well as homemade design articles. The reason I haven't released the ~15 completed and submitted articles on that is because of one word: redesign.

I also suggest that you stop leeching members from other forums, that is not the way to make your site or forum popular.
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#15 BlueSmudge



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Posted 26 August 2004 - 03:07 PM

First off, I have complete knowledge on how to creat a semi-aoutomatic WBL. I do not intend on doing so, since the costs would about double. And I find the rate of fire still worthy of being a loser rifle. Of course I would not use it as a main weapon. Itrs ment to be a loser's gun.

The term reserve was made by blaze, and I just use it. Don't ask why, it just seems cooler. Besides, whenever I tried to spell reservoir you would get mad at me for spelling it wrong. Reserve is easier.

I'm not leeching! Why would anyone here want to join my forums? If I was going to leech it wouldnt be here. (Whats your way to get people to your site?)
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#16 Guest_ALIENfromMars_*

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Posted 26 August 2004 - 03:14 PM

Did you guys see those homemades? Its like a parrallel to the nerf commmunity.

Like a Parallel Universe :lol:
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#17 Doom


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Posted 26 August 2004 - 04:53 PM

BlueSmudge, you act like I went on the offensive, I did not. I merely have noticed the amount of posts at forums including your site's URL in a link. It's a good amount of your posts recently at forums other than your own. Notice that iSoaker.com and SSCentral.net both aren't in links too.

You spelled reservoir fine there. And now since I "made fun" of you for saying reserve, you're not going to say that any longer right? Could you explain the Semi-Auto WBL design too?

To go off-topic and answer your question about what made SSCentral popular, it was several factors. A good webmaster will be able to make his site popular without depending on other forums and popular sites.
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#18 BlueSmudge



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Posted 26 August 2004 - 10:27 PM

Perhaps we should discuss all of this on aim. See you there...
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