This is a calendar of upcoming nerf wars and a directory of facebook groups and other resources for finding nerf wars near you. You can submit listings by replying to this thread. DO NOT submit a link to a facebook group (or other off-site resource) unless the group is SPECIFICALLY for planning and hosting nerfwars, and you've already been using it to successfully plan and host nerf wars.
Make submissions in the following format:
Nerf Wars
Name of War
Link to Nerfhaven Thread
Month, Date
State (country if not US)
Type (NIC, metal darts allowed, Superstock, Stock, HvZ, etc)
Apocalypse 2018
August 4th
Ocean Twp
NIC, Metal darts allowed
Facebook Group:
Name of Group
Links (one per line)
State (country if not US)
Region/City if applicable
Type (NIC, metal darts allowed, Superstock, Stock, HvZ, etc)
NJ Modified Nerf Wars
NIC, Metal darts allowed.
Directory is in next post