This is perhaps an extension of the highly controversial shields question (that is, ban/limit/have a piercing or destructive weakness/allow unrestricted), but maybe for some games, perhaps some specialized armour rules would be a good way to add a dynamic (and the light/heavy dichotomy) to the games you play?
If I may throw around some ideas:
- Perhaps wearing actual obvious armour like Captain Xavier's plate carrier or a helmet can't be "pierced" by Elites, but Megas/Stefans/rockets/Rival can pierce them. The logic here is shields are generally built much, MUCH thicker and heavier than body armour, both in Nerf and IRL, so the more specialized ammo types can pierce while the shields will stop them. Mostly because in armour you can see or feel if a specialized projectile hits you, but if someone spams a proton pack, a Rapidstrike and a Mastodon at you, you wouldn't really be able to keep track of whether you were hit, say, 16 times or 4. One pierce=1 tag is probably better. Also, stefans fire at a very high velocity, and in real battle, a higher-velocity projectile is much better at piercing armoured plates, and massive shields can, in fact, be pierced by super-powerful Longshot builds using half-lengths.
- Obviously fairly standard eye protection (IE safety glasses or goggles) wouldn't be a form of armour, and neither would a mask over the lower face, but a "closed" helmet (such as https://www.nfstrike...tml?sku=2458672 ) would count as a form of armour when the face is covered?
- If you're hit where you're not armoured, even an Elite will tag you, and possibly a limit on how much armour coverage you can wear (like shield size limits)? This may force players to really pick and choose where their armour coverage is and will provide some dynamic considerations to armour choices.
- Perhaps even a standard list of what counts as armour protection, which each group can agree on, so that someone doesn't strap cardboard to their back and say it's a form of armour?
Obviously I'm just throwing ideas out there, lemme know what you think.