Been a while since ive put any brain power towards Nerf and got itchy with an idea a few days ago. I worked through a few of the shortcomings of my previous design until I had a solid enough thing in my head to spill onto paper and this is where im at so far. Its evolved into a full function blaster with loading and an improved trigger and tank seal mechanism. The seal is placed outside the tank with a spring to control the max pressure as an OPRV, maximum pressure would depend on how strong said spring is. Spring loaded check valves for the rear tank seal and inside the pump head to maximise pump efficiency.
Expected operation as follows:
(1) Pump 2-3 times until seal cracks
(2) Pull front trigger and actuate breech
(3) Pull rear trigger to fire
Overall I think it is an improvement in function and aesthetics, as well as safety with a proper way to regulate pressures now. The new seal allows use of an ordinary trigger that should provide consistent valve openings (unlike 1.0's ball valve).
Edited by Azrael0987, 11 March 2018 - 04:15 AM.