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Worst Mods/Paint Jobs You've Ever Done?

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#1 ComradeSch



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Posted 25 October 2017 - 12:01 AM

We've all had our fair share of janky mods and bad paint jobs. What's the worst mod or paint job you've ever done?


1. Here's my old Stampede. 116152.jpg

Yes, I was a total noob at painting back then and had a budget of maybe $40 a month tops. I obviously tried to go for a more wooden-furniture look and some blood splatters that didn't work out.

#2, the Magnus Rifle. A product of function over form and outdoing the Centurion, this was done with a bread knife and a hot glue gun, just like the old days of Nerf.

Of course the hot glue would never last. Why should it?


And #3, my Rapidpistol "This Machine", what happens when you take a JLCustomsCreations Rapidstrike mod and use a bunch of hand tools and make a bunch of mistakes that prevent you from properly fitting a Rapidpistol kit from Blastersmiths UK on it.


Now to be fair, it's functionally just fine (getting ~110FPS and 75-foot flat ranges with a high ROF), it works on 3 trustfires and a dummy battery (I know, everyone hates them but they work just fine for me and I don't see why everyone bitches about them). The Rapidstrike didn't come with an N-Strike muzzle piece, so the front end is just a big orange block and the stock mount wouldn't sit properly so it's held in by a shitload of 2-part epoxy. And the rough detailing is all done with a silver marker to emulate battle damage. 

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Moar dakka iz best dakka ya gitz.

#2 meow121325



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Posted 25 October 2017 - 08:34 AM

the worst paint job i done was with my raven and paints that you use on those wooden christmas ornaments and i used different colors and none of the colors went well with each other and it looked horrible i later that week removed the paint the best i can

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#3 shmmee



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Posted 25 October 2017 - 09:43 AM

This guy. Never have I put so much into a mod and gotten so little in return. I was trying to make a pneumatic clip fed semi auto. Tried clippard mavo-3 and -4 valves, a valve from a big salvo with a custom designed 3d printed trigger (would of worked if it didn't leak),  pistons with enough length to cycle the breech and banded a rf-20 bladder to up the psi. I trashed 2 long strikes in the process.  The problem came in making the bolt cycle *after* the dart had fired. It'd pop open with the dart traveling down the barrel (the barrel pressure would assist the piston in opening the breech). After 3 years of setbacks, reworks, and failures... I think I've finally given up on the dream. 

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"and we should respect the people who make our blasters. Even if we do molest the hell out of them..."

#4 ComradeSch



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Posted 25 October 2017 - 08:35 PM

This guy. Never have I put so much into a mod and gotten so little in return. I was trying to make a pneumatic clip fed semi auto. Tried clippard mavo-3 and -4 valves, a valve from a big salvo with a custom designed 3d printed trigger (would of worked if it didn't leak),  pistons with enough length to cycle the breech and banded a rf-20 bladder to up the psi. I trashed 2 long strikes in the process.  The problem came in making the bolt cycle *after* the dart had fired. It'd pop open with the dart traveling down the barrel (the barrel pressure would assist the piston in opening the breech). After 3 years of setbacks, reworks, and failures... I think I've finally given up on the dream. 

A bit of advice for this idea: You could adopt the same idea as a gas-operated firearm, and have it primed by what would be the gas piston. https://gunsmagazine...9/AR14_2_17.gif and 


should give you a fair idea. That way, the gas, assuming a perfect seal, won't act on the bolt sled until the dart has passed the gas block. Sure, you're going to lose a little bit of power from the direct gas impingement system ad have to use Stefans and Stefan mags to stop the darts blowing up, but apparently, according to history, performance losses due to tapping the gas off of the pressure from firing aren't that substantial.



EDIT: I suggested this to Ryan of Make.Test.Battle but in a Retalicon, if the master of HPA blasters can't get this to work, no-one can. XD

Edited by ComradeSch, 26 October 2017 - 02:43 AM.

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Moar dakka iz best dakka ya gitz.

#5 ToadBrews



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Posted 28 October 2017 - 01:18 AM

Just gonna leave this here...



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#6 ComradeSch



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Posted 29 October 2017 - 01:10 AM

Just gonna leave this here...



Can it take a K-26~?

But in all seriousness, I can see what you were going for, but holy shit, that must be an ergonomic nightmare.

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Moar dakka iz best dakka ya gitz.

#7 Daniel Beaver

Daniel Beaver


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Posted 29 October 2017 - 10:44 AM

In terms of aesthetics, probably this thing:


Edited by Daniel Beaver, 29 October 2017 - 10:44 AM.

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#8 ToadBrews



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Posted 29 October 2017 - 01:29 PM

Can it take a K-26~?

But in all seriousness, I can see what you were going for, but holy shit, that must be an ergonomic nightmare.


The ergonomics are actually great, I optimized for those over looking good. It's a joy to shoot but man is it ugly.

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#9 Vim Fuego

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Posted 15 November 2017 - 06:40 PM

The orange didn't want to stick to the silver, and the masking for the yellow details pulled it all off.




I'm trying to remask, but my tears are preventing the tape from sticking... :(


edit: I finished it - quite a lot more of the orange came off, and there was way too much aluminium showing, so I used a burnt copper to separate the different areas more. I've posted it here.

Edited by Vim Fuego, 07 December 2017 - 05:03 PM.

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#10 ToadBrews



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Posted 15 November 2017 - 09:19 PM

That actually looks sweet to me, even though it was probably upsetting to not get the result you were hoping for.

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#11 nathanbd4



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Posted 15 November 2017 - 09:22 PM

It does look like it was meant to be like that. And it looks pretty cool in my opinion as well.

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#12 Lucian



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Posted 16 November 2017 - 11:06 AM

In terms of aesthetics, probably this thing:



Are you able to pump that thing while only holding the pump handle and pistol grip, or would that rip the tank away from the Nitefinder remnants? I think it looks great, it's a totally utilitarian blaster and I can see beauty in that! 

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#13 ComradeSch



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Posted 17 November 2017 - 03:51 AM


Are you able to pump that thing while only holding the pump handle and pistol grip, or would that rip the tank away from the Nitefinder remnants? I think it looks great, it's a totally utilitarian blaster and I can see beauty in that! 

Looking at the image, it looks like the tank is capable of being pumped without being ripped away from the pistol grip, due to the amount of adhesive.

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Moar dakka iz best dakka ya gitz.

#14 meow121325



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Posted 18 December 2017 - 09:49 AM

The orange didn't want to stick to the silver, and the masking for the yellow details pulled it all off.

that looks like a hammershot that has been though a lot and had seen the battle field a lot i like it

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#15 meow121325



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Posted 20 December 2017 - 09:45 PM

here is my raven it isn't done yet but i thought that i should share this with you guys when it is done i will post a final photo so enjoy and comment on how well i did

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#16 Ryderbike1



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Posted 04 January 2018 - 04:32 AM

My first attempt at painting a blaster was a stock barricade. It did not end well. So many drips and runs with layers upon layers of different paint. I eventually chucked the shell as it had gotten so bad. I thought I couldn't do worse until I came across a Deploy that someone had painted matt black without disassembly and then given to goodwill. That made me feel better and actually encouraged me to keep trying because at least I couldn't be as bad as that thing was.
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