We've all had our fair share of janky mods and bad paint jobs. What's the worst mod or paint job you've ever done?
1. Here's my old Stampede.
Yes, I was a total noob at painting back then and had a budget of maybe $40 a month tops. I obviously tried to go for a more wooden-furniture look and some blood splatters that didn't work out.
#2, the Magnus Rifle. A product of function over form and outdoing the Centurion, this was done with a bread knife and a hot glue gun, just like the old days of Nerf.
Of course the hot glue would never last. Why should it?
And #3, my Rapidpistol "This Machine", what happens when you take a JLCustomsCreations Rapidstrike mod and use a bunch of hand tools and make a bunch of mistakes that prevent you from properly fitting a Rapidpistol kit from Blastersmiths UK on it.
Now to be fair, it's functionally just fine (getting ~110FPS and 75-foot flat ranges with a high ROF), it works on 3 trustfires and a dummy battery (I know, everyone hates them but they work just fine for me and I don't see why everyone bitches about them). The Rapidstrike didn't come with an N-Strike muzzle piece, so the front end is just a big orange block and the stock mount wouldn't sit properly so it's held in by a shitload of 2-part epoxy. And the rough detailing is all done with a silver marker to emulate battle damage.