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Nerf Juggernaut Build - Can it really be done?

nerf juggernaut homemade

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#1 Patriot Contraptions

Patriot Contraptions


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Posted 31 August 2017 - 10:18 AM

Hey, So I have started work on building Juggernaut armor, you can check out this video for the latest model https://youtu.be/VsI6tqzybeU.  The Idea is to see if it really is possible to make a set of armor capable of taking on an entire team in a REAL game.  I have wondered about this concept for sometime and after finding very few juggernaut suits up to the task I started work on this project.  The concept has proven workable in indoor games, but still has along way to go before it gets to the level of the stuff you see in the movies(Like Live Die Repeat).  That said I thought I would share the build with all of you. maxresdefault.jpg









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#2 Meaker VI

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Posted 31 August 2017 - 09:09 PM

I think it depends more on your team size, rules, personal capabilities, and arena more than build. I've wiped whole teams before (20+ people) in multi-team rounds, but that was still with support. A high-ROF, high-capacity system would make you more self-reliant, but you're still not immune to being tagged out and not able to control multiple objectives.
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#3 ComradeSch



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Posted 01 September 2017 - 01:42 AM

Meaker is right, and you need to find a balance. Too much weight and bulk and you're basically a giant, slow target, and only one hit'll tag you out in an actual war. Lighter loadouts with high rates of fire and enough ammo to feed that high rate of fire is great.


However, one gametype that a juggernaut loadout would be great for it Humans Vs. Zombies. While having a pair of Stampedes or Vulcans mounted on your shoulders might be a terrible idea if you're fighting others that are shooting back at you, it's an excellent idea for shooting at hordes of zombies.

Edited by ComradeSch, 01 September 2017 - 03:19 AM.

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Moar dakka iz best dakka ya gitz.

#4 Maniacal Coyote

Maniacal Coyote

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Posted 01 September 2017 - 06:13 PM

Well, let's say you need larger projectiles or amounts to damage the beast. To bring him down, you'd need 16 Rival balls/Micro darts, 8 MEGA darts, 2 Demolisher/Buzz Bee grinaides/Ballistic balls, or a Titan rocket.


Complicated? Yes. But, boss battles tend to be a little tougher than standard enemies.

(Unless you're a stealth-archer that exploited the alchemy/enchantment loop to make a 10,000 damage Enhanced Dwarven Crossbow and over-capped Leather armor of Fortify Archery 4000% and Fortify Sneak 4000%. Then, you'll gib a boss as easily as a mudcrab.)

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#5 ComradeSch



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Posted 02 September 2017 - 06:12 PM

Well, let's say you need larger projectiles or amounts to damage the beast. To bring him down, you'd need 16 Rival balls/Micro darts, 8 MEGA darts, 2 Demolisher/Buzz Bee grinaides/Ballistic balls, or a Titan rocket.


Complicated? Yes. But, boss battles tend to be a little tougher than standard enemies.

(Unless you're a stealth-archer that exploited the alchemy/enchantment loop to make a 10,000 damage Enhanced Dwarven Crossbow and over-capped Leather armor of Fortify Archery 4000% and Fortify Sneak 4000%. Then, you'll gib a boss as easily as a mudcrab.)

I feel bad for him when my Rapidpistol gets involved at close range. 22 rounds with over 6 darts a second  would involve flanking him and dumping a mag in his back.

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Moar dakka iz best dakka ya gitz.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: nerf, juggernaut, homemade

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