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Crazy E-bay Guy Again

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#1 moosenukem



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Posted 21 August 2004 - 05:05 PM

Look, Okay so I was looking on E-bay and found that, :huh: now either that guy did a serious mod or he is full of it, shooting farhter than his Xbow? Well here is another one of thoe people who will do anything to sell something. <_< Just thought I'de post it.

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#2 LiKnSmAkScOmIn



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Posted 21 August 2004 - 05:10 PM

You never know, if he didn't fully mod his crossbow it could be true, seeing as rototracks modded can reach 70-80 feet.
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#3 moosenukem



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Posted 21 August 2004 - 05:19 PM

Ya well you could be right, I still think he's crazy.

(Maybe I could gwt his Xbow if he thinks its that bad. <_< )
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Posted 21 August 2004 - 09:44 PM

I personally think he streached(sp?) the truth alot. Or he just took the bow thing off and called it a mod.
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Don't worry about the things you don't know. Do sheep expand in the rain? Who discovered how to get milk from cows? And what was he doing in the first place?

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#5 Vintage



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Posted 21 August 2004 - 10:02 PM

Those look like Crayola barrels sticking out of the chain links. I don't know how accurate that gun would be.

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#6 Viper



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Posted 21 August 2004 - 11:19 PM

That's me actually and it will shoot farther than my modded x-bow, bceause its spring got replaced by an aco hardware spring and its modded to shoot micros.I drilled holes in the back of the chain also. I haven't brassed my modded xbow yet, but it still gets 97 feet max. You could try buying it and find out for yourself if you'd like. They are crayola barrels w/ tape on the back to seal them in well. It is very accurate, though it does shoot high( like a brassed arrowstorm does) and the crayola barrels can be taken out with pliers fairly quickly. My sold modded xbow got 120ft w/ arrows but I sold that like a few years ago after the plunger seal stretched and busted due to the stress ( I also broke the cocking mechanism)IN that case I just did the Stephen Mohr mod,taped up a better seal for the plunger and added a REALLY tense peice of surgical tubing. When I was little I used to use that modded xbow to shoot at birds around my neighborhood. I got one every so often, still I shot a few birds w/ a nerf gun.

Edited by Viper, 21 August 2004 - 11:31 PM.

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#7 Alexthebeast



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 01:20 AM


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#8 LiKnSmAkScOmIn



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 02:00 AM

That's me actually and it will shoot farther than my modded x-bow, bceause its spring got replaced by an aco hardware spring and its modded to shoot micros.I drilled holes in the back of the chain also. I haven't brassed my modded xbow yet, but it still gets 97 feet max. You could try buying it and find out for yourself if you'd like. They are crayola barrels w/ tape on the back to seal them in well. It is very accurate, though it does shoot high( like a brassed arrowstorm does) and the crayola barrels can be taken out with pliers fairly quickly. My sold modded xbow got 120ft w/ arrows but I sold that like a few years ago after the plunger seal stretched and busted due to the stress ( I also broke the cocking mechanism)IN that case I just did the Stephen Mohr mod,taped up a better seal for the plunger and added a REALLY tense peice of surgical tubing. When I was little I used to use that modded xbow to shoot at birds around my neighborhood. I got one every so often, still I shot a few birds w/ a nerf gun.

What's teh range of the Rototrack?I might be interested.
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#9 Viper



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 08:18 AM

Sorry fellas, I meant Stefan Mohr. Anyway, it shoots 102 feet angled, which isn't that great,but its a semi-auto repeater.
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#10 Illadar



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 11:54 AM

Or then there is the posiblity that he screwd his Xbow over, so that it shoots like 50'.
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#11 LiKnSmAkScOmIn



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 01:22 PM

Illadar, did you read Viper's first post?It explains why he says it shoots further than his crossbow.
Viper-Sounds good but sadly I'm broke.Good job with the mod though.
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#12 Viper



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 01:28 PM

Ya thanx, links.
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#13 Accord



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 08:20 PM

these ranges still seem fake. in your powerclip auction, you said it shoots 85 feet.




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Posted 22 August 2004 - 08:50 PM

Viper, nobody likes a con. Some people do buy things on ebay under the impression that the seller isnt a complete asshat.

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#15 Viper



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 10:18 PM

I tested it and it does shoot 85 feet max(angled). Nerfcenter has it at 78 feet, so I don't see the big deal( 7 foot differential). If you guys want to buy them I could guarantee these numbers. If you don't think I'm telling the truth then don't buy the guns, its that simple. As much of an "asshat" or "con" I am I can guarantee the ranges. My descriptions aren't inflated at all, and if you'd actually test these guns out yourself,you might figure it out. Just make a good seal w/ a crayola barrel using tape on the back end,stuff it in the track. Then you can use what is most likely a common stronger spring the same size as the rototrack's(length) or you can order one of these springs from me. 17/32 brass also works,but the only place I've received that is from past aucitons in which I bought a brassed gun. I didn't do any extra sealing on the plunger w/ masking tape, because I screwed up my chainblazer doing that.

Edited by Viper, 22 August 2004 - 10:33 PM.

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#16 bottlecap345



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Posted 23 August 2004 - 09:16 PM

Guess What Viper, Your full of SHIT
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#17 GeneralPrimevil



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Posted 23 August 2004 - 09:46 PM

Some things previously deemed as the impossible are now taken advantage of by many people around the world. My best example? I live in Michigan and can talk to people in Germany without having to wait the six months that the international mail system would take to send my letter there, then for me to get the German's response to me. Now it takes milliseconds for an IM to get there, then I get their reply immediatly after they sent it. So in conclusion, his rototrack could fire the

102 feet angled, which isn't that great,

he said it does, although later stated that it is 85 feet angled, unless that is the XBow he's talking about. So don't just go with what other people have said, experiment with stuff yourself. Now I'm off to go shoot skeet with my 2500 foot-per-second shooting BnA. B)
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#18 CaptainCC



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Posted 23 August 2004 - 09:51 PM

By Viper's explanation of the mod process, it seems plausible that it could achieve that distance. I think you people are just too damn sensitive. Any single fucking thing said here seems to set you off.

Edited by CaptainCC, 23 August 2004 - 09:51 PM.

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#19 Viper



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Posted 24 August 2004 - 01:32 PM

Why thank you captainCC. 85 feet angled was the powerclip. If you go to nerfcenter it has powerclip max range at 78 feet. 102 feet angled was the rototrack which I Meantioned earlier. All clear???
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Posted 24 August 2004 - 03:00 PM

Why thank you captainCC. 85 feet angled was the powerclip. If you go to nerfcenter it has powerclip max range at 78 feet. 102 feet angled was the rototrack which I Meantioned earlier. All clear???

I typed up a full response to all the crap your feeding us, and I deleted it all. All I need to say is this: You are not getting those ranges. All clear??? Yes, Im a stubborn ass. Your going to meet many of us in life, so I suggest you become accustomed to us before it matters.


A new spring, and crayola barrels? A new spring doesnt make much of a difference, and crayola barrels are just sloppy. Also, by drilling out the links, its making the seal worse.

Edited by THIRST, 24 August 2004 - 03:14 PM.

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#21 NerfKing



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Posted 24 August 2004 - 07:19 PM

Also, by drilling out the links, its making the seal worse.

Not true, if the holes are drilled to the same size as, for lack of a better word, the "barrel" it will increase the range.

Edited by NerfKing, 24 August 2004 - 07:19 PM.

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#22 Viper



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Posted 24 August 2004 - 08:15 PM

eeech... I got a few for me and a few against. Somehow the fact that a crayola barrel modded track gets almost 90 feet angled doesn't cross their minds. 12 more feet was added on by the spring. How do you know thirst? How do you know I didn't add on a titanium spring that was 4x as thick? based on my given information, you can't assume for certain I achieved or didn't achieve these distances. How does drilling a hole make the seal worse? How are crayola barrels sloppy? If you bore them out you have a plastic barrel and plastic is self-luricating unlike brass, so the resistance is less coming out of the barrel.

Edited by Viper, 24 August 2004 - 08:17 PM.

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#23 Crankymonky


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Posted 24 August 2004 - 08:28 PM

eeech... I got a few for me and a few against. Somehow the fact that a crayola barrel modded track gets almost 90 feet angled doesn't cross their minds. 12 more feet was added on by the spring. How do you know thirst? How do you know I didn't add on a titanium spring that was 4x as thick? based on my given information, you can't assume for certain I achieved or didn't achieve these distances. How does drilling a hole make the seal worse? How are crayola barrels sloppy? If you bore them out you have a plastic barrel and plastic is self-luricating unlike brass, so the resistance is less coming out of the barrel.

If you used a spring that was titanium and 4x as thick, your shell would be lacking integrity. Did you measure flat ranges? Because those are not rediculous for angled. Drilling the hole in the chain, allows more air to leak, unless it is done perfectly to the barrel. Also it may not be transfered in the way you drilled, I am not sure since I have never examined a rototrack. Crayola barrels are very short and don't provide good accuracy. Plastic is not self-lubricating, hence the reason Hasbro lubricates plungers, as well as we do and we lubricate barrels. Again, plastic is NOT self-lubricating. Where soes everyone come up with these crazy ideas?
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#24 Ice Nine

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Posted 24 August 2004 - 09:21 PM

How do you know I didn't add on a titanium spring that was 4x as thick?

This would probably, just maybe, not work. I highly doubt you could cock it if you did then. And if you actually could cock and fire it, the gun would probably, oh, i dunno, shatter when the plunger cap hits the end of the plunger.
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#25 Viper



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Posted 24 August 2004 - 10:14 PM

I just wanted to use that as an example(titanium spring) so as he understood that he doesn't own my rototrack and cannot therefore, by given information prove my ranges false. I was told by a guy in a machineshop that plastic was self-lubricating when asking about brass as a material. Has anyone actually tested these lubricants effectiveness? I am certain that a liquid lubricant on the inside of barrel would not be benficial and lubrication on the plunger would not either, I've tested both on my modded xbow. The only kind of lubricant that I could see as benficial is graphite lubricant, but I have yet to test that. No I do not have flat ranges on my modded rototrack,but since the powerclip gets 78feet max according to NC and 32 feet parrallel to ground an I measured a powerclip's max to 85 feet. That leaves an approximate 2.4375 ratio for max distance to flat distance(NC) and since the ammo type tested is identical,that leaves my flat range at approximately 42 feet.

Edited by Viper, 24 August 2004 - 10:23 PM.

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