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1995 Crossbow TEASER PHOTO

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#1 Silly



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Posted 24 March 2017 - 05:04 PM

So, this project has been in the works for about a year now, planning, getting parts, asking questions, and reading up on NH.


The plan is to cut out the gray grip of the Crossbow, cram the XBZ into the space, put a Raider priming grip on the front, and enjoy. (The pump will connect through the "scope" of the Crossbow.)


Then I will take a part of a Sledgefire stock and paste it onto the Crossbow stock, then slap some ammo holders on the side of the Crossbow. I plan to get a breach from someone for the XBZ and a second one for the Crossbow.


The Crossbow's internals are not built yet, so that is next up on the chopping block. I have the plunger tube material and the plunger head all chosen, but I still need to work on making a catch. This Crossbow came with no internals but the trigger and the plunger tube, so if anyone has a template for making a catch, a link would be GREATLY appreciated.




Thats all!

Silly, signing out.

Edited by Silly, 24 March 2017 - 05:04 PM.

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