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Hornet Mod!

Mostly done anyways.

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#1 ompa



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Posted 17 August 2004 - 01:51 PM

Alright, I can't say many people have been interested in a hornet mod, but what the hell. :D This is a basic mod, one that anyone with half a brain and a dremel can do. Yes, you NEED a dremel. Otherwise this may be very very painful... Ok for starters, you have your Hornet. Behold. My barrel-less hornet.
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Now, you have to open the stupid thing up, which took me forever because I was an idiot and forgot to get the screws underneath the slide. Make SURE you get those screws.
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After you have the thing open, just do your basic overpressure release valve plug with a hot glue gun, I don't think you guys need a picture for this one. Now, you're all done with the internal mods, so close it up, if you can. "That's it?? I opened the damn gun up for just that??" Yup, that's all you did it for. Go cry about it.

Ok now on to the barrels. Take a dremel/hacksaw/whatever you use to cut stuff and cut the barrels about this far.
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Then, take your dremel, and attach one of those round sander things to the end of it. The sander looks like this, and it worked best for me.

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Ok, now this is going to sound crazy, but just sand STRAIGHT down the barrel, yes, it'll be slow, and it'll be going perpendicular to the barrel post, but do it anyways. Eventually, you'll hit the air restrictor itself. If you did this right, you should have a pile of mushy plastic at the bottom now. Don't worry about drilling too far if you use the sander, as the little disk will pretty much protect the valve, unless you pound the thing in with a hammer. But still, be careful. As soon as you hit the disk itself, stop and pull out the remaining plastic with a pliars. Now comes the hard part. *Attempt* to grab the little disk on the side with your pliars, and pull. It should look like this if you ever manage to get it out.
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If you manage to get all 6 out in less than an hour, you deserve a cookie. Or my jealousy because you have thinner pliars than I do. Anyways, once you finish doing that to all 6 barrels, your hornet should look like this.
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Despite the fact that air chambers like the blastfire are quite fragile, I found that these can take quite a beating from the barrel end, as that white disk seems to protect the valve itself... You actually want to VERY CAREFULLY drill these out. When you're done, it should look something like this:
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Now, onto the barrels. Since the air chambers appear to be slightly bigger than a Blastfire's, I'd go with about 6-7 inch barrels. I'll go with 6 inch since I get 36 inch sections of brass and I have 6 barrels. Perfect.
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I managed to do SOME range testing outside, although I couldn't use my court and it was a bit windy. All testing is with 6 inch barrels.

20 pumps
AVG: 68'

25 pumps
AVG: 80'

30 pumps
AVG: 78.5

I don't know what happened to the 30 pumps one, maybe the wind picked up a bit or something...


Edited by ompa, 18 August 2004 - 05:35 PM.

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#2 Vassili



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Posted 17 August 2004 - 02:29 PM

Very nice, but you might want to rethink having 36 inches of brass on the front of your gun. I always didn't like Blastfires because they were so front heavy. Get some Petg if you can.
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#3 LiKnSmAkScOmIn



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Posted 17 August 2004 - 04:59 PM

I like those bedsheets :D

Anyway, nice.Think you could get a closeup on those white disks?
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#4 ompa



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Posted 17 August 2004 - 05:09 PM

Parents won't let me buy online, or I'd have tons of PETG by now. Plus, my AT3k has 6 brass barrels 6 inches long and it's fine for me.

Not much to see, they're just white disks at the end of the chambers. I think the air flows around them, but I don't want to risk breaking any sort of seal by drilling through them.


Edited by ompa, 17 August 2004 - 05:13 PM.

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#5 Vassili



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Posted 17 August 2004 - 10:01 PM

Parents won't let me buy online, or I'd have tons of PETG by now.

Yeah, that was me too. The cool thing is that PETG kinda came to me, so that wasn't ever a problem.
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#6 okto



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Posted 18 August 2004 - 01:19 AM

ompa, see this about the white disks: http://www.nerfhq.co...=asc&highlight=

they aren't essential. the valves are behind them a bit, they are to protect the valves. and they will restrict airflow.
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#7 ompa



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Posted 18 August 2004 - 12:11 PM

Yup, drilled them out last night. Found that you're going to need longer barrels than 6 inches, I'm only getting 60' flat with them, but the chambers are bigger than blasfire tanks. I'm almost positive longer barrels are needed, I'm going to see if I can try 8inch barrels on it soon. That's a crapload of brass unfortunately, but there's not much that can be done. So far though, accuracy is great, and overall I like the gun alot. Longer barrels are a must though, I'll get those results up eventually.. My ACE hardware is out of brass, so I might have to de-mod one of my other guns if I want to get ranges up soon...

The complete mod should be up really soon, although after searching my room I found I have really no pieces of 8inch brass on ANY of my guns except my x-bow, which I really don't want to use. But I should have the brass end of this week, until then, sorry.

Yet another thing I tried- for some reason, maybe it's just mine, but my Hornet can hold 30 pumps! It's probably pushing it a little bit heh.. But the pumps really aren't that hard. So I'm guessing 26 pumps is good. Also, You get more around 70' when you pump it about 28 times, and I still believe longer barrels will help considerably. So my final guestimation at the max distance of this weapon is 80' with 8 inch barrels and 28 pumps.


Edited by ompa, 18 August 2004 - 12:48 PM.

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#8 Vintage



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Posted 18 August 2004 - 01:05 PM

Ompa, could you describe the pump to me? Or at least compare its size with another nerf gun's pump? I just don't see how it would take so many pumps to fill up those airtanks. The RF20 takes 20 pumps to launch 20 darts. The Hornet takes 26 pumps to launch 6 shots.

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#9 ompa



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Posted 18 August 2004 - 01:38 PM

Don't ask me, the pump's pretty big- I'd say a few inches longer than a bf pump? I don't know why it takes so many pumps, but they're easy pumps anyways. Don't get me wrong, it confuses me too why it would take so many, but keep in mind how the box says that it takes 20 pumps, and it was 20 pumps before the overpressure release valve kicked in before I plugged it. So I don't think 25 is too unreasonable for a plugged pump hornet. I managed to do SOME range testing outside, although I couldn't use my court and it was a bit windy.

20 pumps
AVG: 68'

25 pumps
AVG: 80'

30 pumps
AVG: 78.5

I don't know what happened to the 30 pumps one, maybe the wind picked up a bit or something...


Edited by ompa, 18 August 2004 - 01:39 PM.

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#10 ShortShit



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Posted 18 August 2004 - 05:47 PM

thats exciting ;) yet another great assult weap. I bet now we will see lots of at3ks and hornets as peoples main weaps in future wars. Good stuff.

*me, I'll stick with my 14 shot at2k :wacko:
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#11 CustomSnake202



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Posted 18 August 2004 - 06:10 PM

Nice mod opma. It does sound like this will be a popular primary for many. With ranges like 80' on a six shot, I would use that as a primary. I wish nerf would sell these guns seperately; the scout looks so darn cool.
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#12 ompa



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Posted 18 August 2004 - 06:12 PM

This gun now pretty much IS my primary. Think of it- the AT3k takes 5 pumps between each shot, which totals 30 pumps for all 6 shots. The Hornet takes 25-30 pumps for all six shots, and you don't have to pump in between. I personally like the hornet better. The only problem I have with the hornet is that the velocity isn't the greatest. But it's enough to hit people at nerf-war ranges.

I should have an interesting Scout mod up by week's end.


Edited by ompa, 18 August 2004 - 06:12 PM.

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#13 okto



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Posted 18 August 2004 - 06:13 PM

how's the accuracy? six different muzzle positions kinda bothers me...
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#14 ompa



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Posted 18 August 2004 - 06:22 PM

Alot better than you might expect. It's a bit annoying, but you can get used to it.

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#15 Gene-ious



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 05:59 PM

Do the 6 inch brass barrels feel heavy?? I know that if you stick 6 inch on AT3K you probably have a strap. Or do you have a strap for your hornet?
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#16 ompa



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 06:02 PM

Neiter, I have an AT3k no strap. It's not that heavy man,

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#17 1313



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Posted 10 November 2004 - 04:53 PM

Im really sorry to post in a 2 1/2 month old topic, so please dont flame me. But I really would like to know, which order do the barrels shoot?

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#18 Ender



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Posted 11 November 2004 - 12:40 PM

Hey Ompa,
It is a nice write up on the Hornet, but if you use a 3/8 forstner bit you can avoid cutting the barrels altogether giving you a bit more stability for longer ones. The bit is used more for boring but I have found it to be quite excellent on mods. I can mod a whole n-strike set in like 40 using this bit. You still twist out the posts but then you take the bit and drill like you normally would. The length of the bit keeps it from ever reaching the tubes in the back and since only the tip is used for cutting it does not damage the barrels at all. Once you push through simply pump up the gun and fire, letting the pressure shoot out the spring and orange disk. Once they are removed you still have the white disk. Next you pull your bit out a tad from the drill and apply a bit of pressure so it just reaches the disk. Then you pump up the gun and fire it again and boom no more white disk. I recommend plugging the pump first but don’t bother opening it all the way just enough to pull the pump out. Also I find it immensely helpful if I tie the handle to a clothes line and drill upward into the gun and let gravity help me out.

And 1313 they shoot top, across, then down a row and repeat.
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#19 moosenukem



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Posted 11 November 2004 - 07:26 PM

Ender, wow, thnkas for that tip, I'm gonna go get me one of those bits right now! I broke my last Hornet because I drilled to far, but with the looks of this bit, I guess you can't hurt your gun. ^_^
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#20 Ender



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Posted 12 November 2004 - 09:31 AM

Glad to help just keep in mind you still need to take out the posts first, but yeah you will enjoy the bit it makes modding so much easier you would be surprised with how many mods I’ve done and managed to keep the original barrels intact.
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