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PCSR and 3D printed homemade parts? Aeromech, thoughts?

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#1 Safety2nd



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Posted 20 May 2016 - 01:41 AM

So I'm currently borrowing a 3rd printer. Its the Dremel Idea Builder aka a Flashforge Dreamer without the heated plate. Anyway, it only uses PLA not ABS. I was wondering if I would run into too many problems printing in PLA? There is also Polymax PLA which looks pretty nice and may be even better than ABS. I'm pretty sure it works in the printer I have, still waiting to hear back from Polymaker about their filament. So yea, what do you all think?
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#2 Meaker VI

Meaker VI


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Posted 20 May 2016 - 11:07 AM

I've got the parts for a PSCR printed in PLA sitting on my bench, and while I haven't finished building the whole blaster, I have put the mainspring in and it didn't explode. The stock cracked a little when I tried to put too big a screw through it without drilling it out more first. My understanding is that PLA may degrade more and that it is more brittle than ABS, but that they're roughly the same strength.


Your bigger question is whether the build area is big enough. The big PSCR parts required me to use nearly the full 8x8x8 volume of my printer. I'm not sure the Idea Builder is tall enough, looks like you could probably print the big guys lying down but that would require loads of support (you will need to support inside the parts designed to print vertically) which may or may not clean off well. You could also try adjusting the models to fit, but the biggest necessary one - the stock -  is the least amiable to that. The grip would be no trouble (just cut it to the parts needed to hold the trigger in place and attach the grip, then use plates to attach a full handle to the trigger mech. If that's too confusing I'll look into making such a part).


That polymax stuff looks good, but costs way more than I paid for filament. At this point I can't speak to durability of either, but I'd save the $$ upfront and either use the dremel stuff (~$30 on amazon) or use a decent name like Hatchbox (~$23). I used Hatchbox and some other brand (~$20) with my printer and my prints came out ok; most of the trick is getting the settings right for your machine, the part you're making, and your environment. Be aware: You'll use most of a roll doing this thing, especially if you use the printed foregrip.

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#3 Aeromech



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Posted 20 May 2016 - 03:50 PM

Oh yeah. You gotta drill that stuff out. And the paracord around the stock helps keep everything on there snugly. For the tall parts, a heated enclosure is a must. I'm thinking up some "smaller" parts that arent as tall, Like a two-piece stock that doesn't involve as much printing.


I've never used PLA so I really couldn't tell you the strength of it.

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