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whos darts?

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#1 Agles



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Posted 08 March 2016 - 09:03 PM

Idk if this should be here or in the war section. I just got a nagging question. 


Im thinking of setting up an event for just a couple friends and slowly growing it out. But, have this quesion... where do the darts come from? 

Should i have people bring their own or buy a bunch of cheap ones for the group to use?


If people bring darts, how do you know if your leaving with your darts. Id hate to bring new elites to leave with someones crunched up old ebay darts. 


On the other hand. If everyone is shooting the same cheap darts, everyone will have same issues. Also you know none of the darts are tampered with. Plus no one crays over lost darts.


Any input will be great. 

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#2 nerfsamurai



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Posted 08 March 2016 - 09:29 PM

Probably should be in wars as it may get better feedback. It honestly depends. Whats our budget? What darts are you allowed? FVJ's for example have the solid head but are really cheap and from China although they pop up with Amazon prime shipping occasionally. Stephans can be made in bulk for VERY little.  How many people and how much ammo do you want? I suggest others bring darts if they can. You usually can have community darts depending on the budget of the organizer. We have a dart cap for each person if they borrow ammo. Those who bring their own are allowed what ever. Bay has the best prices but they ship from China. Bottom line get sone ave everyone use them and if you want to bring some good for you. If you are bringing some mark them with sharpie or paint pen and don't freak out if you only get 50% back. 

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#3 shandsgator8



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Posted 08 March 2016 - 09:29 PM

Generally, each participant brings their own darts. Some clubs/groups will have a shared bin of darts (aka: a community bin, which can have several thousand darts in it) that participants may use if they pay a fee. Of course, the host doesn't have to charge a fee if he doesn't want to, but it's his call.


I feel the biggest problem with a community darts bin is that it requires a large upfront cost which someone has to pay. The cost can be spread out, but I wouldn't be surprised if people refuse to pay a fee for darts they're not allowed to take home, but rather, only use. The second biggest problem is that which dart works the best in which blaster? I like Gen3 Koosh darts, but some springer users may not and prefer voodberry or stock Nerf Elites.


I've only played in wars where everyone brought their own darts. It's nice in that people know what works in their blasters and can load up however and whenever they want. However, what often happens is newer or cheaper players will use your darts (point 1) during the game and accidentally take home other people's darts (point 2). Regarding this first point, it's a little annoying when you bring extra mags and darts, but your buddy only has two 12 shot clips/mags and 24 darts and he expects to play competitively. You will likely let him borrow some darts and/or mags, and this will increase your dart loss. It's a necessary part of playing, I get it (we were all rookies once), but it increase the cost of Nerfing of more seasoned players.


Regarding the second point, I played in a group where I started off with about 120 or so stock Nerf Elite darts. After about 2 wars, I literally had 30 darts left. Dart loss in the leaves and forest areas was part of the reason, but I'm pretty sure some of the newbies took a few, thinking my darts belonged to them.


The above two points are why a community dart bin can be a good idea.

Edited by shandsgator8, 09 March 2016 - 06:07 AM.

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#4 The2ndBluesBro



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Posted 08 March 2016 - 11:01 PM

Make a bunch of stefans or buy a large quantity of whatever knockoff chinese dart you like best.

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