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Raider stock hidden "pop shot" help

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#1 Rookie407



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Posted 10 February 2016 - 09:32 PM

So I have this raider and I was reading up on modding it when I came across a post where the writer mentioned using the stock as a hidden gun but never went on to mention whether he or anyone else has done it. Nor have I seen it myself after a few hours of searching so I set out to make one. I had the raider and some unknown little orange "DTB".

Hollowed out the grey part of the stock leaving about a half inch lip.

Removed the plunger and barrel from the "DTB".(did usual ar removal and tape on the gasket mod)

Glued the barrel part of the plunger to the tip of the barrel and sanded it done so everything was even and smooth.

Glued that orange barrel to the inside of the stock.

Now what I'm trying to accomplish is attaching the plunger to the blue section of the stock. Is there a way to drill a hole in the back of the plunger and bolt it in place and still keep it air tight?
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#2 Maniacal Coyote

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Posted 11 February 2016 - 12:57 AM

Pictures, pictures, pictures.

We can't help you if you don't show us what you're doing.

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#3 Langley


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Posted 12 February 2016 - 03:26 PM

Yeah, if you want help you need to post photos. Also, you could just get one of these.
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#4 RandomUser



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Posted 22 February 2016 - 04:25 PM

Yeah, the modulus stock is probably your best bet. The raider stock is really comfortable, and you don't want to change that. Plus, the modulus stock gets great ranges. I can't think off the top of my head how to make the raider stock into a gun stock without serious mods. If you want my opinion, get the modulus stock.


Wait, I just thought of something. It would require filling in the holes that you made, but you might be able to use a jolt handle. This would require locking the stock in one position though, and that may be annoying. If you cut stick a jolt in and extend the barrel, with a bit of drilling, you could turn it into a stock similar to the modulus one. Sorry if that's unclear. I can't figure out how to post pics.

Edited by Ice Nine, 22 February 2016 - 04:59 PM.

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#5 Rookie407



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Posted 23 February 2016 - 10:27 AM

Yeah, the modulus stock is probably your best bet. The raider stock is really comfortable, and you don't want to change that. Plus, the modulus stock gets great ranges. I can't think off the top of my head how to make the raider stock into a gun stock without serious mods. If you want my opinion, get the modulus stock. 
Wait, I just thought of something. It would require filling in the holes that you made, but you might be able to use a jolt handle. This would require locking the stock in one position though, and that may be annoying. If you cut stick a jolt in and extend the barrel, with a bit of drilling, you could turn it into a stock similar to the modulus one. Sorry if that's unclear. I can't figure out how to post pics.

Sorry I haven't replayed in some time been busy with life... Blah...

The modules stock is nice, however what I was trying to achieve with this is to take an ordinary stock someone wouldn't think was a blaster and make it one, something simple, cheap and easy to make, while maintaining the secrecy.

I've almost finished it when I was filling in holes to try and reduce leaks and filled in the wrong part now the collapsible part doesntvslide so good. Need a new stock. But I know exactly how to make it now and plan on getting the parts to remake and will be posting a full write-up on it. I think people will be impressed..
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