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What was your favorite war experience?

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#1 Ice Nine

Ice Nine

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Posted 07 January 2016 - 03:52 PM

With a fresh year full of Nerf wars ahead of us, I figured this would be a good time to jump in and ask for some feedback from everyone. Tell us about your favorite Nerf war; it doesn't have to be an NIC-hosted war. What made the war so good? What would you like to see at wars in the future to make them as good as, or better than, your favorite one?


When I was first starting out, one of my favorite things to do was to read the post-war reports that people would post in threads, and it was even better to check out pictures and video (this was 2003, so it predated YouTube by two years, which made online video content super uncommon). It's still fascinating to read those posts and hear about the cool things that happened. I'm looking forward to what people have to say.

Edited by Ice Nine, 07 January 2016 - 03:52 PM.

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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

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#2 The2ndBluesBro



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Posted 07 January 2016 - 03:55 PM

My favorite, although I've only been to two wars, was Canadian Winter War. Drac, Draculina, Vlad and Buff came up from the states and Angel and Dumpster came out of hiding to add to an already impressive turnout of Canadians. Really great war, but nobody but me has posted a recap yet :(

Edited by The2ndBluesBro, 07 January 2016 - 03:56 PM.

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Nerf, Gaming, knives: https://www.youtube....FjcObRZTl2KReDQ


#3 cheerios



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Posted 07 January 2016 - 04:20 PM

Anytime I got to Nerf with the Unholy3 and Kane is by far the best Nerf Experience.


Other than that Nerfing with all the dope people who decided to drive numerous hours out to the middle of Bumfuck Nowhere, IL to Nerf in an open field all day for Cataclysm 3 ie. LGLF, Beaver, Carbon, and the Minnesota Crew.


And definitely not all the war prep for Cataclysm 3: Crazy George


Edited by cheerios, 07 January 2016 - 04:21 PM.

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22:46- jakejagan :Ryan, did you hear that Zeke's BBBB made N9 bleed?
22:47- Zorn :BONUS

#4 Langley


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Posted 08 January 2016 - 12:57 PM

Having Vacc basically coach me through dismantling the other team with one of JLego's Arrowstorms at GnomeFEST in 2009.  Also it's been great every time I've had the opportunity to road trip with the LGLF and meet people in other parts of the world that I've been talking to online for years. 

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You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

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#5 hoongfu



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Posted 08 January 2016 - 03:05 PM

There are too many experiences to count. 


One of the top ones is definitely at APOC 2013 where I was selected to be one of the few siding with the LGLF and Magenta Mongols and friends against everyone else at APOC.  I believe we had about 8 of us versus 50 or so.  And Langley nerds out with a "I've always wanted to do this" Avengers speech bit.   I wish my camera angle was better but here it is:   https://youtu.be/MBY59Sp_Bgc?t=3m4s


The greatest thing is we ended up winning the deathmatch without losing anyone.  Many great stories were born from this round.  Just ask Koree. 


Pretty much every war (local, invites, & SoCal) I've ever been to has been a memorable, one way or the other.  Post war shenanigans are the best though. 

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#6 CaliforniaPants



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Posted 08 January 2016 - 03:18 PM

speed rounds at geddon XV is the purest and most fun experience i have ever had

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#7 Ice Nine

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Posted 08 January 2016 - 03:19 PM




I'll limit mine to one from each coast (East, West, Corn). Props to Langley for getting his down to just one. The consistent thing is, though, meeting cool people. That makes every war where it happens automatically excellent.


Deal 2010, where Ryan and Zorn and I drove to Talio's place, and then in the next morning had a war with the Horseman, the fragmented LGLF, Seoulman, and Captain Slug. We forgot our box of hoppers and barrels at Ryan's house so we made 20" speedloaders on-site and we won the three-man-team deathmatch round.


My favorite round of Nerf, maybe ever, was at Christmastravaganza 2012, where we had a small group in a giant jungle gym in a private park. I put a bag of carpe balls at the top of the structure and it was the most exhilarating and exhausting fifteen minutes of Nerf ever. My favorite wars were Armageddon X and Armageddon XV; huge turnouts of insanely cool people, tons of blaster variety, and excellent games. Armageddon V was cool but I was only able to make it for half of it.


I second Cheerios on Cataclysm 3. The LGLF were delightful and the Minnesotans were wonderful. I do have a soft spot for Chanos 2.5 and 3, though, which were the real last hurrahs of speedloader bullet dome darts, in forty degree weather on a field covered in goose poop.

Edited by Ice Nine, 08 January 2016 - 03:22 PM.

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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

Rnbw Cln

#8 Langley


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Posted 08 January 2016 - 04:09 PM

Props to Langley for getting his down to just one.

Dude, there are so many, I just picked one at random. Three beers into the next Geddon after party I make it out to, ask me again and they'll all start coming out.

speed rounds at geddon XV is the purest and most fun experience i have ever had

That was the most exciting set of speed rounds I've ever seen. The final showdown between Thorn and Spoon was amazing.  For those who weren't there, one of the speed rounds I ran after lunch divided everyone up by age.  There were about 15 people playing, but the clear MVPs on the younger team were Thorn and Summer, a couple of the newest and youngest players present.  They were darting around cover, power sliding across the grass, and generally fucking up the older team.  Ultimately Summer got tagged out, but she managed to take a big chunk of the other team with her in a mesmerizing killing spree.  By this time, everyone on the field was watching as though their home team were playing in the final game of the major league sportsball playoffs, with three downs and bases loaded.  As the remains of the two teams whittled away at each other, it came down to Thorn and Spoon, one of the original founders of NerfHaven and easily the most experienced nerfer at that war.   After a tense standoff, Thorn sprang out from behind his cover and made an erratic zigzagging charge toward Spoon.  Both players fired in unison, but Thorn's shot missed Spoon by the thickness of one of his majestic flowing locks.  Spoon's shot struck Thorn directly on the brim of his cap, and bounced off, landing an unambiguous headshot.  A sigh was heard as the crowd of onlookers collectively let out their held breath.  Thorn, ever the good sport, congratulated Spoon on the nice shot and they shook hands. 

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You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

2016 Nerf War Schedule
Bless you, my son. Now recite 3 New Members Guides and 5 Code of Conducts for your sins.

#9 sublimedom777



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Posted 08 January 2016 - 05:20 PM

I don't have a corn coast story yet, maybe I'll add one this spring.

My west coast experience is slim so far, but Geddon was super cool. Top memory may have to go to my team at Christmastravaganza though, for backing me up and making it possible to score a core hit with my Ultimator. Everybody put their glory aside for a moment to let me shine.
(Melting faces during freeze tag is a close #2, perhaps)

East coast is going to be way harder.

I know my low point might be when Vacc introduced himself to me for the 2nd time at the secret 09 invitational, because I had forgotten my Sex Dwarf shirt. (He revered the other guys, so it was almost definitely the shirt). T3T

Most of the high points are the extracurriculars (Maximizer baptism, subsequent Maximizer funeral, initiation into the Magenta Mongols) but I will say that getting to run Freeze Tag at Apoc is way up there.

#1 is for sure the New Jersey Slaughter (I was on the Vets team)

Frozen Coast (Canada)

Only attended Hb4H '12 (I think it was 2012). Getting to roll up there was awesome, and I recall doing well. Shirts v Skins round sticks out in my mind.

Steel Coast (Pittsburgh) we only ever had one war that attracted east coasters, but getting Lazer hits all day on the lglf was super tight. That 1500 was too OP.
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Last of the Sex Dwarves, Head of Waifu Relations, Fetishizer of Blasters, The Far Warring, Mini-Van Driver, Possessor of Mattels, and Warden of the Manongahela

We NERF ON all day, and FUCK OFF all night

#10 NerfMonkey



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Posted 08 January 2016 - 07:30 PM

The story about the Nerf Gods shaking hands after a well-fought battle made me smile. Nerfers are probably the coolest and classiest group of people I've ever been a part of.


One of my best war memories that Dom's post just reminded me of is when someone's Titan blew up. The noise level was probably comparable to a gunshot. Made my ears ring. Ever since then I've been less paranoid about plugging pumps and blowing tanks because nobody got hurt and it turns out it's damn impressive and funny when it happens.

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SexD Warves

#11 Langley


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Posted 08 January 2016 - 08:41 PM

Nerfers are probably the coolest and classiest group of people I've ever been a part of.

Hah, which nerfers have you been hanging out with?

One of my best war memories that Dom's post just reminded me of is when someone's Titan blew up. The noise level was probably comparable to a gunshot. Made my ears ring. Ever since then I've been less paranoid about plugging pumps and blowing tanks because nobody got hurt and it turns out it's damn impressive and funny when it happens.

I recall OMC's Clusterfuck blowing a 2k tank outside of the shell right next to his face. I think his ears were ringing for a long while after that.
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You can poop in my toilet anytime champ.

2016 Nerf War Schedule
Bless you, my son. Now recite 3 New Members Guides and 5 Code of Conducts for your sins.

#12 CaliforniaPants



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Posted 08 January 2016 - 09:24 PM

also freeze tag rounds and the conversations that happen between someone using a frozen person as cover and said cover are always enjoyable. same when you allow same team shots to unfreeze, the bartering across the field of "im going to shoot you" "okay where" "hopefully not the face" are always a joy

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#13 imaseoulman



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Posted 08 January 2016 - 11:25 PM

Gotta agree with Ice.  Deal 2010 was pretty slick.  The field was pretty good, it wasn't unbearably hot, everybody was having fun, and my sm1500 never ruptured an air tank.  I also felt hipster being one of the only folks not rocking a +bow/xbow.

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#14 Aeromech



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Posted 09 January 2016 - 11:44 AM

Babbage Park 5-0. Closely packed trees, where a high ROF rainbow variant is not-quite overpowered up close but can flex into the long/mid range shots too. We got some good people in the Northeast and I like the nerfing as much as the dicking around in between rounds.

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Watch my shitty videos

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#15 NerfMonkey



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Posted 09 January 2016 - 04:50 PM

Hah, which nerfers have you been hanging out with?


The only Nerf clan (to the best of my knowledge) whose name is tattooed on two of its members' ass cheeks. If that's not class I don't know what is.

I recall OMC's Clusterfuck blowing a 2k tank outside of the shell right next to his face. I think his ears were ringing for a long while after that.


I'll never forget the time he threw his gun and started yelling profanity after he got shot in the face for the 8th time in one day.

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SexD Warves

#16 jwasko



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Posted 09 January 2016 - 09:39 PM

I'll never forget the time he threw his gun and started yelling profanity after he got shot in the face for the 8th time in one day.

I was there for that. I think it was DCNO 2009, and my brother may have been the one to get that 8th faceshot.

Funny, all these years and although I've had so many fun times as a Sex Dwarf (both nerfing and afterward), I think my highlights are still in 2009:

At DCNO most of the day was cramped by a state-wide peewee girls soccer tournament, but the last few rounds of the day took place after that wrapped up and we got out of the constant standoffs inside the Labyrinth. Best hit of the day was an across-the field shot on Ryan with my BBBB as he ran left to right. I swear I watched my dart make a 90degree turn to the right and hit him square in the back.


Best sequence of the day was chasing the other team out of the field all the way back to the staging area. My brother and I were running at the forefront when the other team decided to turn and try to make a stand. My brother pointed at a path cut into the bottom of a slope and yelled "Sunken road!" Apparently it was a Civil war tactic, and after I realized what he meant we both crouched down on the path. Our opponents rained darts down at us, but the between steep angle and minimized target, we didn't take a single hit.


Later that same suumer my brother and I headed back toward Washington, DC for SuperNOVA. Slug should be a weatherman because he said the forecast of "40% chance of rain showers"  meant it would rain for like an hour, and sure enough it rained enough to nearly flood the field the first hour of the war, and then was beautiful the rest of the day.


Anyway, top moment ever was my brother and I taking out a lone opponent defending a play-gym, charging up the stairs, and then proceeding to take apart the bulk of the other team at long range while my brother covered our position from ground level. My first three shots hit three people who were taking cover from the rest of my team (but had their flanks exposed to the playset).


That was the last east coast war I played in where I was the only person (or at least one of only ~2) with an RSCB. Hoppers hadn't been invented yet.


Also, pretty sure I saw two darts collide in mid-air at that war.

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-Jwasko, STILL Sole Surviving member of Steel City Nerf and Sober Sister of the Sex Dwarves
We NERF ON all day, and FUCK OFF all night

#17 Snoop Doggy doge

Snoop Doggy doge

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Posted 10 January 2016 - 03:52 AM

This thread brings much enjoyment to read.

I didn't keep track of all my wars, but some things that I can remember straight off the bat (in no order) are
-Frozen Foam 2 and Bomberman push with an all Asian team winning in 20 seconds, and holding out for 8 minutes because great communication.  Also the WTF reaction from my rainbow, (don't ruin the surprise ;)  ) and 5-0 where AMR won and than I won. RIP Sams 4B, he raged and broke it because his options were shitty van darts or FVJs that kinda hop 

-Dartsmas stairs and clusterfucks, this was superstock that Rob Sam and I planned out 2 weeks in advanced, and modded throughout New Years to hold out for an hour, a 6-10 ratio, and than pushing back up and having to pick a lock to breech, and than clearing it out. 

-Private nurf and exploring that factory in fairfield, and falling in that hole. It was hiking and nerfing combined and that was great.


-GnomelessFest quotes : "AREE PEEE GEEEE" because of stock rounds using rockets, Griever : Stop swearing so much snoop, think of the children! Me : " I AM THE CHILDREN!"  "Gotta go fast!" Also lots of Bonzais. 


-Thankskilling stairs breach with a rainbow, indoors with homemades make it really easy to tell if people are hit, and the adrenaline rush along with the never seen victory of pushing up the stairs and winning was amazing, https://www.youtube....h?v=SZztjleptvU A lot of other stuff in Nams house was cool too, like the HVZ round where my USCs were great and showed their strength. 


-NENO 14 shenanigans and that intense 2V2 fountain round that took forever, communications and teamwork with Jon had got us through that round. There was an extreme firefight over a fountain, an intense push to retrieve the Jons snap because he had my ESLT. It was basically springers VS airguns. The rockets were also a lot of fun, and R


-NENO 13 the flanks using my ret because we didn't have enough homemades and nobody could use my ret too well because shitty building. I got Nick in the ass and wiped a whole team (5 guys) with 20ish shots


-Throwing a dart at Chicken during freezetag at APOC 2015, and the awesome push getting I believe blue team pinned down and than later splitting them off. The Carpe round where all the Asians were one team was great, we got a lot of balls and the other team had none, 

-Everytime I lit up anyone with my rainbow, particularly Rob. Really lighting anyone up with your shots is fun, 

Edited by Snoop Doggy doge, 10 January 2016 - 03:52 AM.

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