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Armageddon 2015 Tune-Up

23 May; Get your gear checked up.

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#1 Ice Nine

Ice Nine

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Posted 01 May 2015 - 06:39 PM

I wanted to put together a war in May to have a little fun before the big summer wars start up.

23 May 2015
10:00 to 4:00


Stanton Elementary School
725 S Vencino Dr
Glendora, CA 91740


Remember, using these locations is a privilege, not a right. Use the golden rule: Don't Be A Dick.


Slugs and safer darts only. No metal is preferred but I understand that to maximize attendance while keeping it safe I need to keep this restriction more open. If you do make slugs, use #6 washers and not #8 washers. Use Ryan McNumbers' excellent guide available here if you plan on making slugs. If you use larger ammo, like megas or similar, keep them soft-tipped by the same guidelines as above.

Everyone is welcome to come, veterans and newcomers alike. I'm not going to outright ban people younger than 13, but if you plan on bringing someone who is, you are responsible for them all day and you are especially responsible for them remaining safe (hydrated and wearing eye protection). I will be running this war with the assistance of others (including, but not limited to, Ryan and Apollo256).

What isn't allowed?
With dart restrictions, there isn't as much of a need for blaster regulations. Don't bring Titans shooting micro darts because that's just ridiculous. I and other war council advisors will spot-ban things if you are lasering dudes from a million miles away.

Blaster rules:
HOMEMADE AIRGUNS: Case-by-case basis. It is highly recommended that you talk to me beforehand (send me a PM or something).

TITANS: You may use them if they fire missiles (stock or Draconis or whatever) or balls. They must not be firing darts, of any size.

LBB/4B/UMB/SIMILAR: You may use them if they have the functional stock OPRV.

SUPER SOAKERS/SIMILAR: Do not bring them. If they shoot darts, they're too powerful. If they shoot water, people get mad.

SCEPTORS: If you want to use a Sceptor, make it colorful. Make it look as little like a paintball gun as possible. Wrap the tank in denim or something. If you replace the tank or pump, the OPRV must be kept at the same pressure and the tank volume may not be made any larger (stock is about 800cc).

SUPERMAXX 2000/5000/9000: Do whatever. I hope you don't blow up your tank.

MELEE WEAPONS: Don't bring anything larger than these (Mashoongas).

SHIELDS: Hits on shields count as hits on you if you plan to use them. I'm nostalgic enough to say that Manta Rays count as actual shields against 1/2" darts, though.

Anything else?
1.) To stop a round for safety reasons, yell out the word "HOLD". If you hear someone call "HOLD", STOP PLAYING IMMEDIATELY. At any time during a round, anyone can call "Hold", which will temporarily stop that round. Players should repeat the call of Hold so that all other players hear, until the round stops completely. If a pedestrian is walking through the field, if a player is injured or if there is some other threat to personal safety, you are obligated to call hold. You can call a hold to pause the game and sort out some issue that is not a matter of personal safety, but do not abuse it.
2.) No barrel taps allowed. Barrel taps are how you absolutely gouge someone with a brass barrel and take out a chunk of skin. Barrel taps are how you break the barrel and bushing off your blaster. You can shoot them from point-blank, or you can ask them to take the hit. Don't touch them with your blaster.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Edited by Ice Nine, 02 May 2015 - 12:52 AM.

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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

Rnbw Cln

#2 Ice Nine

Ice Nine

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Posted 16 May 2015 - 04:34 PM

This war is next weekend. A few people told me they were coming in channels outside of this forum so we'll have some people in attendance.

This is a reminder that we will be playing a round (probably carpe) without hoppers or RSCBs, so be sure to bring a blaster with a speedloader or a single barrel or whatever. It'll be a nice change of pace and it'll give flywheel stuff a little bit of a strategic advantage. Hope to see you next weekend.
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But Zeke guns tend to be like proofs by contradiction

Theoretically solid but actually non-constructive

Rnbw Cln

#3 mysterio



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Posted 22 May 2015 - 12:27 PM

I think I'll actually make this one. If I do, then I might be bringing a prototype homemade that will probably destroy itself/me on the field, as usual.
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If two powerful is a problem then just go with one powerful. I guess this style of hopper will work even beyond three powerful..

15:46 *** Buff is now known as TheGdiddler
15:51 TheGdiddler I'M GONNA GRAPE YOU"

#4 Cartaya



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Posted 22 May 2015 - 09:54 PM

I think I'll actually make this one. If I do, then I might be bringing a prototype homemade that will probably destroy itself/me on the field, as usual.

That's the spirit, no better time to make a built to spill blaster and test it out than now.

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....Fear of a Nerf Planet!

#5 baghead



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Posted 23 May 2015 - 10:15 AM

I'm loading up my car, see you gents there
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Don't call it a comeback, I never left.

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