Posted 25 March 2015 - 04:48 PM
Afterburners add ~20 fps, out of ~120. If the dart hits the flywheels anything but perfectly centered, energy is lost. So, theoretically, if you had a barrel that is perfectly pointed at the flywheels, tight enough that the dart would enter without touching anything but the sides, but frictionless that this perfect barrel wouldn't waste more energy than the afterburners would add and the flywheels eject it perfectly centered so the dart wouldn't waste energy on the sides of the barrel, and the wheels were exactly the speed that the slippage+RPM worked out to still contribute energy, you would STILL be wasting most of the air that the Longshot fired. You're not going to get an airtight seal between the spinning flywheels and the barrel. So, if you had the afterburners at the end of a perfectly sized barrel, sure. Enjoy that 10 fps gain.
Or, you know, add a nightfinder spring and call it good, because darts have a glass ceiling on FPS anyway. Point being, I can see the theory behind it, but until you translate that into a practical, demonstrably working model, I don't think it'll fly. (Pardon the pun.)