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Remove old spraypaint from a nerf gun?

without sanding?

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#1 ravetrooper



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Posted 15 January 2015 - 01:20 PM

Quick question, has anyone here found a way to chemically remove old rustoleum paint from a blaster without damaging the shell? I want to reuse an old shell I have but it was one of the first I painted so it looks pretty bad (I hadn't discovered vinyyl dye yet...) Thanks.
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Gut the electronics, drill a hole in the shell, and attach a crank to the gear. Bam, crank-action stampede that doesn't require batteries, or even a trigger.

...(also judging by your past posts, I would consider you pretty dang wise elder like in the modding community :lol: )

#2 Droid31



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Posted 15 January 2015 - 01:35 PM

I have used brake cleaner before, but it can make the shell warp if your not careful. And if you use brake cleaner when you repaint you need to wash your shell with soap and water first.
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#3 ravetrooper



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Posted 15 January 2015 - 02:04 PM

I have used brake cleaner before, but it can make the shell warp if your not careful. And if you use brake cleaner when you repaint you need to wash your shell with soap and water first.

Thanks! Good to know because I just happen to have some.
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Gut the electronics, drill a hole in the shell, and attach a crank to the gear. Bam, crank-action stampede that doesn't require batteries, or even a trigger.

...(also judging by your past posts, I would consider you pretty dang wise elder like in the modding community :lol: )

#4 Droid31



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Posted 15 January 2015 - 02:22 PM

Thanks! Good to know because I just happen to have some.

Yep just be careful. Sometimes it takes it off and sometimes it just loosens it up enough it will scrub off. I just spray it on a paper towel or a rag and start scrubing, but like I said it can make the shell warm so be careful.
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#5 ravetrooper



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Posted 28 January 2015 - 07:40 PM

Rubbed the blaster down with some brake cleaner yesterday, sprayed it off with the hose, then let it soak (disassembled) in soapy water overnight. I can now easily scratch the paint off with my fingernail. The brake cleaner was good to get the paint to start breaking (pun intended) up, but in the end the soapy water is what really killed it.

To any future readers:

If the blaster is clear-coated, I would scrub it [carefully, as Droid said] with brake cleaner first to remove the clear then follow with the soapy water bath for at least a few hours. If its just painted, the bath alone might do the trick.

Again this has only been tested on Rustoleum spraypaint, I have no idea if any of these methods will work on other brands or vinyl dyes. I seriously doubt vinyl dye will come off with soap and water though.

NOTE: I have noticed the the glossy painted areas are more difficult to remove than the flat/matte painted areas. The brake cleaner almost didn't affect it.
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Gut the electronics, drill a hole in the shell, and attach a crank to the gear. Bam, crank-action stampede that doesn't require batteries, or even a trigger.

...(also judging by your past posts, I would consider you pretty dang wise elder like in the modding community :lol: )

#6 meishel



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Posted 29 January 2015 - 12:25 AM

Did you happen to take before/after pics? :)
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#7 racer188



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Posted 29 January 2015 - 12:09 PM

I've seen and used paint stripper for plastics before at my local OSH. It was actually an environmentally friendly one too. All I remember is it like an orange gel.

You maybe able to get away with using brake fluid as well. Not sure what it will do to the plastic if left too long. I've seen brake fluid ruin car paint, I'm sure it will do wonders on spray paint.
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#8 ravetrooper



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Posted 29 January 2015 - 01:30 PM

I've seen and used paint stripper for plastics before at my local OSH. It was actually an environmentally friendly one too. All I remember is it like an orange gel.

You maybe able to get away with using brake fluid as well. Not sure what it will do to the plastic if left too long. I've seen brake fluid ruin car paint, I'm sure it will do wonders on spray paint.

If left to sit on bare plastic, the brake stuff makes the plastic "pruny"

@meishel, I will try to get some pictures up by tomorrow. However, I was dumb and forgot a before pic. I'll have to dig up one of the photos I took right after Iainted it 8 months ago...

EDIT: I did some more work on it and decided to just use what I have at this point for the Longstryfe MK I prototype. I found that it was impossible to get any paint off of areas that I had sanded before painting, and the glossy white that I used won't come off the stock at ALL. Lesson of the day: just don't do a crappy paintjob in the first place so I NEVER have to do this again.

Here's the before (looks a lot better NOW doesn't it?)
Posted Image

After (yikes)
Posted Image

If I ever decide to try and tackle the stock, I will try using that "orange gel" and see if I can get better results. At least now for this prototype I won't be worried about destroying the shell, cuz I already did... whatever

Edited by ravetrooper, 29 January 2015 - 05:18 PM.

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Gut the electronics, drill a hole in the shell, and attach a crank to the gear. Bam, crank-action stampede that doesn't require batteries, or even a trigger.

...(also judging by your past posts, I would consider you pretty dang wise elder like in the modding community :lol: )

#9 mrgunhed70



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Posted 03 May 2015 - 11:18 PM

Soaking the shell in brake fluid will remove most enamel paints, if you used lacquer then try 91 percent isopropyl alcohol, I have used both on plastic with good results.
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#10 CaliforniaPants



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Posted 04 May 2015 - 01:41 AM

you know what works a lot better without sitting there breathing in chemicals for an hour and gives you complete control? SANDPAPER
seriously though look look at the sandpaper section of the store and look for those 3M scotch brite pads. they come in different levels of "aggressiveness" and have worked very well in the past
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trans as shit because fuck you

#11 Meaker VI

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Posted 04 May 2015 - 12:37 PM

Also steel wool and wire brushes. The problem with chemicals here is that most that will remove paint will also melt or otherwise erode plastic. The best bet is probably to just level out and rough up the old paint to accept the new, not remove it to bare plastic.
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#12 ravetrooper



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Posted 05 May 2015 - 12:27 AM

Haha. Almost forgot about this thread! I already used this shell to test cuts (for fitting stryfe intrnals in) before diving in to my shiny new one I got from LGN. I appreciate the extra advice even though I hope I won't need it :)
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Gut the electronics, drill a hole in the shell, and attach a crank to the gear. Bam, crank-action stampede that doesn't require batteries, or even a trigger.

...(also judging by your past posts, I would consider you pretty dang wise elder like in the modding community :lol: )

#13 Dragon Demon

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Posted 05 May 2015 - 09:24 PM

I do this occasionally to prepainted things if I dont like the way it is painted. Haven't actually tried it on a nerf gun yet, but you could just go at it with sandpaper itself and just sand until you see the real plastic color beneath. or just sand until you feel it is smooth and then apply a thin but adequate layer of primer. the problem with this is when you get to places with ridiculous amounts of crevices or just taking off too much material that it weakens the plastic.
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