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Best Machine Gun

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#1 blackfoger



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Posted 12 July 2004 - 12:06 PM

whats better period unmodded or modded powerclip, wildfire, or rapidfire 20
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#2 Vintage



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Posted 12 July 2004 - 01:39 PM

I would say RF20 unmodified. I have all three and the RF20 has the highest ROF, the lowest sound output, and 20 pumps for 20 darts. I never use it on 'single fire', because it gets less range on that setting.

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#3 blackfoger



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Posted 12 July 2004 - 02:07 PM

really my rapidfire 20 sucks it takes 80 pumps for 20 darts and they go only like 30 feet so mine really sucks but i havent modded it yet
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#4 Arcanis



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Posted 12 July 2004 - 06:13 PM

really my rapidfire 20 sucks it takes 80 pumps for 20 darts and they go only like 30 feet so mine really sucks but i havent modded it yet

80 pumps...Have you ever heard a "hisssssss..." :)
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#5 okto



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Posted 13 July 2004 - 10:54 AM

its an automatic weapon, man. you cant hold it steady enough to hit anything past thirty feet anyway.
i agree with RF20, but one simple mod: take the regulators out. snap off the spikes and cut out the crosspiece in the regulator. that will give you about 10-15 more feet without any added stress to the gun, and it lets you use stefans.
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#6 blackfoger



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Posted 13 July 2004 - 02:03 PM

PC all the way with extra clips
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#7 blackfoger



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Posted 13 July 2004 - 02:48 PM

sorry my friend worte pc is best i think that wildfire is best rof
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#8 Renegade



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Posted 13 July 2004 - 03:27 PM

I think the rapidfire20 is the best. I've never tried a wildfire though.
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#9 Vintage



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Posted 13 July 2004 - 03:41 PM

The wildfire has the SLOWEST rof of the three. It is also the noisiest. And it takes the most pumps to fire.

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You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone
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#10 CheeseNerfer



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Posted 15 July 2004 - 03:00 PM

Powerclips are the smallest lightest and best if you have multiple clips. Also modded it has the best range and next to best rate of fire. I hate my RF20, love my PC and don't like the WF.
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#11 okto



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Posted 16 July 2004 - 12:24 AM

mags decrease your rate of fire. an RF20 has 20 darts loaded, whereas the PC has 10+10 (+10+10 etc), with loss of time in between. the PC isnt going to be able to hold enough air for more than maybe two mags, so your RoF, already hit by the mag reload time, is going to go in the toilet with the extra pumping. sure, you can carry like 4 mags around and get a slightly better RoF than the RF20, but A thats a massive bulk and B is it worth stripping and rendering useless 3 weapons to slightly better a fourth one?
and remember kids...RoF is number of rounds fireable per unit of time, including reloading and repumping.

Edited by okto, 16 July 2004 - 12:25 AM.

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#12 TimberwolfCY



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Posted 16 July 2004 - 03:23 AM

I love my PC. I haven't done anything except mod the clip to come out, and tightened the screws. The ROF is perfect for me: not too fast or slow, and I can time it perfectly for 3-round bursts. Pumping and reloading are not a big deal to me, and my technique with it is really rather refined. The Wildfire is too bulky for me. Haven't tried the RF20; the PC just fits me too well.
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#13 Vintage



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Posted 16 July 2004 - 10:46 AM

I also like the balance of the RF20. When you hold a PC with one hand, all the weight is in front, making it very front-heavy. When you hold an RF20, all the weight is balanced in front and back, making it extremely comfortable for one-handed firing.

TimberwolfCY, you should try an RF20. You will love it.

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You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone
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#14 seirus



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Posted 16 July 2004 - 09:32 PM

I think that in general autos suck hairy monkey scrotum, but, as Maurice Chavez of GTA: VC would say, "that's me, a man of contradictions as my thediddler says..." But, I'd have to agree with the populas on this one. The RF20 would be the best.
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#15 okto



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Posted 17 July 2004 - 01:54 PM

agree with the RF20 balance. with the front plastics off (too bulky), i carry it by the pump and its balanced such that i can flip it into my hand. if only the grip were longer...i can barely fit my hand between the body of the gun and the pump.

whoa whoa whoa, seirus. you're comparing yourself philosophically and psychiatrically to a video game character. step back and take as objective a look as you can at all that you just posted, and (hopefully) notice something.
i am curious, though, as to why you think automatic weapons suck.
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#16 NinjZ



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Posted 17 July 2004 - 03:34 PM

Because teh autos arent accurate or have enough velocity (for speed or distance) for most peoples taste.
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#17 okto



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Posted 17 July 2004 - 08:20 PM

*nod* i figured, but i wonder what his reason is. the thing is, thats a case of misplaced expectation. an auto weapon isn't supposed to be accurate or long range, its a 'destroy a group of people' weapon. i use my RF20 in single-shot mode most of the time anyway, cos im stingy with ammo. i dont want to waste more than one shot per kill. s'more efficient :P
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#18 XxCoMmAnDoxX



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Posted 17 July 2004 - 08:27 PM

The RF20 and Wildfire are just to damn big. The PC has the best range, and is the most comfotable...

Vintage, why does sound output matter? It's Nerf! It's still going to be quiter than real guns!
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#19 Worlds largest bed race

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Posted 20 July 2004 - 10:43 PM

I own all three and I would acctualy go with the WFWith micro darts,um-modded I can get about 40-50 ft. out of it.10 more then my RF20,and my PC bladder has a leak so I don't like that.On a side note I'm working on what it would take to make a RF20 trip wire booby trap type deal.

P.S.Does any one have a link that would help me and my aformentioned PC bladder leakage problem.
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#20 Silencer32



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Posted 21 July 2004 - 12:25 AM

It depends on where the leak is. It could be leaking in one of three places. First of all, it could be leaking where the rubber bladder attaches to the rest of the internals of the gun. Second, it could be leaking where the bladder has that little cap thing with the pressure release valve on it. Or three, it could actually have a tear in the rubber bladder itself. When you figure out where it's leaking, that'll determine what you should do.

Oh, and as far as the best machinegun goes, I would say it depends on what you use it for. If you're strictly doing stuff like raiding where you're shooting at lots of people at close range, go with the RF20. If you're doing more varied work, I'd say a PC with an extra clip and maybe a bladder restriction mod (makes it shoot harder and less pumps to prime, but it runs out of air faster). Because if you're running around and such, you may have time to slap a clip in and run while you pump, whereas if you're just raiding, you need as many shots as you can get before reloading and re pumping.
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#21 Vintage



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Posted 21 July 2004 - 11:53 AM

The RF20 and Wildfire are just to damn big. The PC has the best range, and is the most comfotable...

Vintage, why does sound output matter? It's Nerf! It's still going to be quiter than real guns!

Hey, have you ever compared the sizes? Guess not. The PC is just as big as the RF20, just slimmer by 1.5". As I said before, the PC is all front-heavy, making it harder to fire one-handed.

Now about sound. Playing indoors amplifies any sound that comes from the gun. I am not worried about the competition hearing you, I just find the loudness of the wildfire to be annoying when the sound ricochets off the walls, ringing in my ears.

Yes, it all eventually comes down to which of YOUR guns performs better. Maybe your RF20 sucks out of the box. Maybe you have learned how to fire a PC one-handed accurately. Maybe your wildfire isn't broken yet.

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You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone
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#22 Tinkerer



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Posted 21 July 2004 - 01:26 PM

I like the RF20 the best. (too bad it's leaking for me) For those of you who find the rf20 quiet, if you rip off the black case, it makes one hell of a racket, louder than a Powerclip, more like a razorbeast.
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#23 okto



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Posted 21 July 2004 - 04:14 PM

amen to that. decased its hella loud. i like it ^_^

i dont like the PC cos i dont want nine inches of plastic sticking out the top of my gun by the time im done firing. it makes it impossible to aim along the top of the gun, and it changes the balance as you fire, making it progressively more inaccurate.

the WF is just too bulky. i mean, the RF is pretty big, but its not huge and bulbous and weirdly balanced like the WF.
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#24 CheeseNerfer



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Posted 21 July 2004 - 04:39 PM

i dont like the PC cos i dont want nine inches of plastic sticking out the top of my gun by the time im done firing. it makes it impossible to aim along the top of the gun, and it changes the balance as you fire, making it progressively more inaccurate.

I know what you mean but for one you should know your gun well enough that you shouldn't have to sight along the top and two rapid fire guns are generally pretty inacurate but Ive found that out of my modified PC my modified RF20 and a modified WF I used once that the PC is by far the most accurate. I think it may have something to do with no having rotating barrels. But It doesn't really matter this is all opinion and I can kick Black Fogers ass better with a PC than with a RF20 but Its not hard either way heh, heh ^_^
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#25 okto



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Posted 21 July 2004 - 04:48 PM

use periods. they make sentences, so that your ideas don't run together. you'll find the button that creates them in the lower right-hand corner of your keyboard, just above the end of your spacebar.

back to nerf: you cant aim by feel past about ten feet. after that, the change in aim required to miss is so minute the human hand and arm cant hold it steady enough, and with no sight picture you have no way to correct for that.
really, it may come down to shooting style, accurate vs. high volume of foam. i prefer accuracy and limited shots. some people may find strafing more effective.

Edited by okto, 21 July 2004 - 04:56 PM.

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