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Looking for a good wooden handle blueprint

homemade parts templates

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#1 LordGiratia



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Posted 18 June 2014 - 11:48 PM

I am looking for a comfortable wooden handle blueprint to give to my friend so he can make my wooden handles.

Edited by Aeromech, 23 November 2015 - 02:56 AM.

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#2 Exo



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Posted 19 June 2014 - 08:50 AM

Well, if you're going to make your own handles for your own hands, then it's pretty easy to customize what you want. Personally, I love a good S shape on the palm-side or "backstrap", so that I've got a good thumb-relief and a nice palm-swell. You don't see enough of these these days, people always throw on those ugly stick things half-assedly. The finger area is always challenging, there are a lot of things you can do there, but a simple line works pretty well. I'd do this in 3/4" or 1" wood, that will give you some good hand-filling volume. Then, round over the edges with a router, sand the living fuck out of it, then put either a paint or some stain and sealer on there. Done right, sealer makes for a very unique and striking blaster.
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#3 Asamere



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Posted 20 June 2014 - 12:19 AM

A simple trick would be to get some balsa wood. This way you have an easy wood to personalize to your hand. Simply take a block that feels comfortable and slowly round it into the desired shape. Then you have something to go off of.
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Steel or foam, it makes no differance. We settle this like nerds...

#4 Naturalman7



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Posted 15 July 2014 - 10:52 PM

I don't think this is old enough to be considered a necro.

This basic design I threw together in a few minutes and should suffice as a start, but nothing that can't be improvised on one's own. Rough measurements made on a Rampage. The real problem is how to sand it. I'll keep working on it and try to make it more precise and rounded.

Posted ImageRaider Handle by Naturalman_7, on Flickr
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#5 LordGiratia



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Posted 15 July 2014 - 11:09 PM

I don't think this is old enough to be considered a necro.

This basic design I threw together in a few minutes and should suffice as a start, but nothing that can't be improvised on one's own. Rough measurements made on a Rampage. The real problem is how to sand it. I'll keep working on it and try to make it more precise and rounded.

Posted ImageRaider Handle by Naturalman_7, on Flickr

Looks great, just what I was looking for.
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#6 Daniel Beaver

Daniel Beaver


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Posted 15 July 2014 - 11:49 PM

I don't think this is old enough to be considered a necro.

Just to clarify:

It is a necro...
...but necros are okay if you add new content (which you did)

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: homemade, parts, templates

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