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Bunker Construction

a good obstacal construction pack

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#1 jrbill2006



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Posted 20 March 2003 - 01:52 PM

I was trying to think how i could set up a paintball field at a local park without heavy and expensive wood or air barrles(air bunkers) and i came up with this.
You will need the following things to set up an outdoor nerf warzone:
a field of some size
lots of duct tape
lots of 5/8" or 1/2" conduit
pipe cutters
a few rolls or packs of painting plastic cover
scisors or knives

I will tell you how to make a basic bunker but it is up to you to use your imagination and build on top of it.

cut 2 5' pieces of conduit
drive 1' into ground w/ hammer
tape 1 or 2 layers, wrapped around the pipes, of plastic. dont go over board on tape, just mainly around the pipes.
tape the tips of the pipes or cap them(if they make such a thing) for safty reasons.

you now have one bunker. expirement with how to tape, how many layers, to paint or not, what strucktures you can make.

The best part is, is that it is cheap, cleans up easy, can be reused, and does not destroy to ground you are on(except a couple holes in the ground).

now go make some fields.
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#2 jon



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Posted 20 March 2003 - 02:00 PM

i could be posible if we nerf on a area that does not have a black top or cement. but last time at the nerf war we mostly nerf on those surfaces
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#3 jrbill2006



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Posted 20 March 2003 - 02:27 PM

Ok i can see where you are coming from. I usually nerf in fields and parks on grass and play a more stock paintball style of nerf( use stock class tactics) and that is why i came up with this idea.
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Thats the beatuy of Global History, or whatever the hell we are doing in here.
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#4 Inlitned1



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Posted 20 March 2003 - 05:49 PM

Cardbord boxes. Big ones... you can colaps them, put them in the back of your car/truck and when you get to the war un-colaps them. they are cheep and you dont have to worry about them staying together. Get them at any plumbing store, they get a bunch of them...
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#5 ItalionStallion



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Posted 25 March 2003 - 08:18 PM

My friend came up with a great idea for paintball and nerf bunkers. And this is it:

Get a large piece of plywood and cut it in half.
Then get a door henge and screw it to both of them, Add a handle or thing on the end. Thus you have a large, perfect, and easily stored bunker.

There you go.
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#6 Atticus



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Posted 25 March 2003 - 08:25 PM

We actually have basically what ItalionStallion was saying. They cost about $15 to make each, but probably could be made for less than ten. We took a 4 by 8 sheet of plywood, and just cut it into 3rds, with hinges between them. They work fairly nice, I'd reccomend them to anyone who wants more of a portable base.
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#7 jrbill2006



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Posted 25 March 2003 - 08:45 PM

I like that idea about using card board boxes. They are light and easy to store. Altthough they could be abit flimsy. Big fridge boxes would be good to set up like a village field. The plywood is a good idea, but it might get costly to set up a whole field for one day and they might be a little heavier. With mine, I said, they would cost about 3 dolars a piece and be light and durable, yet making them is a little harder. If they get wet they can develope a nasty mold too. If i put them all together though, It would be a sweet azz field. And you could change it to an almost urban or castle field with out a lot of dough.

Door companies get these pieces of 2" card board that doors are shipped on. They are very duable and easy to work with. Most companies throw them away. I shoot paintballs at them and only sometimes do they actually go through the first paper thin layer. They hold up much better than regular box cardboard, i can shoot about 1000 balls at a 3x4" at 300fps piece in a small area before it wears out and starts breaking down. darts might get stuck in there, but then you can find them easier.
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Thats the beatuy of Global History, or whatever the hell we are doing in here.
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#8 GunnedDown



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Posted 25 March 2003 - 09:06 PM

I had a really cool idea called Fort-In-a-box, but since most people say "shit" to forts, I never really got it out.

Fort in a box is just a small box with a bunch of pieces of 1/2inch PVC and a shitload of couplers and connectors and such. You also get a few mini-tarps. Basically,you just run up to your location, throw out all of the PVC and shit, and build whatever the hell you want, and then snap some tarps over it (the tarps would need to have those buckle on snaps at the ends), and, voici un fort de schmuckola!
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