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Lan Games

Whadda ya think?

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#1 Ragornocks



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Posted 04 July 2004 - 09:29 PM

Well, me and a friend decided to host our first LAN party...I, for one, am really excited. We're still in the planning stage, and one of the things we are considering is: Games.

We want to have a little bit of everything for the night. Here's what we have rounded up so far.

FPS (First Person Shooter): Unreal Tournament 2004
RTS (Real Time Strategy): Starcraft
RPG (Role-Playing Game): Either Baldur's Gate or NeverWinter Nights (If it's the latter, I DM. Bitch.) Possibly could be Diablo II.

Figure we mix it up with some kind of Table-top RPG, and we may dig up the old Magic Cards. We'll probably set up a few PS2s with Tekken 4 and Soul Caliber 2, also. If that's not enough for everyone, I dunno what is.

(No one owns a copy of Halo or CS, and no one has the money or the motivation to buy a copy. We'll stick with UT:2004.)

May we experiance a full 24-hours of gaming, with nothing to keep us going but Mountain Dew and chips. It's been a long time since I've been at one of these...I need to get my gaming in. Needta show these guys how you play a video game.

May the Games live on!
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hug the fuck out of 'em, philippe!

#2 ompa



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Posted 04 July 2004 - 09:47 PM

Man, HALO lan parties are the greatest... sat there for 5 hours playing in one of those, and we STILL all wanted to play, but we had to go due to the fact we're high schoolers and it was 11pm at night. Starcraft, such a great game to play over a lan, but I find that alot of bickering starts up fast. I wish I could go to a full-fledged all-day lan party, that sounds so incredibly awesome. Too bad I'm still in high school and nobody hosts these kind of things... Unless... Time to make some phone calls :rolleyes: :rolleyes: . By the way, try Bawl's, it's the true nerd's energy drink. I say that because they sell the stuff at computer stores, and gaming stores.

Rags, kick some serious ass at that party, eh?
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#3 Ragornocks



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Posted 04 July 2004 - 09:59 PM

Don't worry. I'm a beast at UT, I 0\/\/n at Starcraft, and I play with D&D nerds all the time. I'm r0><><0r5 at Tekken and Soul Caliber. Not to brag or anything.

I need to start up on online gaming again. I miss the Zergling rushes...and still hate them at the same time.

In the words of Ethan:

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While I'm at that, Cx:

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Edited by Ragornocks, 04 July 2004 - 10:09 PM.

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hug the fuck out of 'em, philippe!

#4 ompa



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Posted 04 July 2004 - 10:05 PM

Hm... God I suck at starcraft... Well not as bad as some people, but I just can't seem to build as fast as everyone else.

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#5 Accord



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Posted 04 July 2004 - 11:37 PM

why not just start friday night poker games with low stakes in texas holdem. That way, you feel good winning only 5$, and you dont care that much when you lose.

#6 TimberwolfCY



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Posted 04 July 2004 - 11:57 PM

My parents play "penny poker" every other weekend or so with friends, they say its a blast (and cheap too).

I would kill to get my hands on UT2004. I played the demo for it and it was awesome. Its like UT2003 on steroids and crack; a lot better. Reminded me of PlanetSide, but it actually ran well on my comp. StarCraft is also fun, but I've only done multiplayer once or twice. I heard that hackers and stuff are really common on the internet.

Have fun with that, it sounds awesome.
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#7 Katachi



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Posted 05 July 2004 - 01:47 AM

Man, HALO lan parties are the greatest... sat there for 5 hours playing in one of those, and we STILL all wanted to play, but we had to go due to the fact we're high schoolers and it was 11pm at night. Starcraft, such a great game to play over a lan, but I find that alot of bickering starts up fast. I wish I could go to a full-fledged all-day lan party, that sounds so incredibly awesome. Too bad I'm still in high school and nobody hosts these kind of things... Unless... Time to make some phone calls :rolleyes: :D . By the way, try Bawl's, it's the true nerd's energy drink. I say that because they sell the stuff at computer stores, and gaming stores.

Rags, kick some serious ass at that party, eh?

Bah, you kids and you X-boxes...

Why, when I was your age, we'd play Goldeneye on the N64 for 16 hours straight. Perfect Dark was awseome too. Plenty of 16-20 gaming with that one.

Wait, when Goldeneye came out....lemme see..... I was probably still older than you, so "when I was your age and then some :rolleyes:"

Drink lots of Red Bull!
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#8 Crankymonky


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Posted 05 July 2004 - 09:30 AM

Timber, it's not the mad hackers on Starcraft, its the lack of talent for the average player, may I assure this to you. There are some hackers, who end up being banned.
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#9 JSkater



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Posted 05 July 2004 - 10:11 AM

Why, when I was your age, we'd play Goldeneye on the N64 for 16 hours straight. Perfect Dark was awseome too. Plenty of 16-20 gaming with that one.

Bingo! Goldeneye was the shit back then.
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#10 Groove


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Posted 05 July 2004 - 10:42 AM

I've hosted about a dozen or so LAN parties. Maybe I can give you some insight.

I wouldn't get a specified list of games to play. The more relaxed, the better. Just have everyone bring what they want to play, and a couple of people should have CD burners. Everyone puts in $4 and that'll get you enough blank CD's to last you the night.

However, you should mix it up. If you're hosting it then you should call what games you are playing. It's your house after all, right? Do votes or something. Mixing it up is good. Keep in mind RPG's take a long-ass time, and I wouldn't do it unless you have a couple of days to play. My friends and I had a week-long LAN and we played Dungeon Siege for a couple of hours each night. It was fun to level up with your friends and see how everyone sort of went their own direction character-wise.

FPS's like UT2K4 and Call of Duty will do well, depending on how many people are going to show up. As for RTS games, everyone around my area seems to like WarCraft III, and StarCraft (but only every now and then). Whatever works for you, I suppose.

Yeah, the all-nighter LANs are always the best. With a few Dews, and a couple bags of Cheetos, you can pull through. I've only done it twice or three times. Its rough. We usually hit the floor around 5 or 6AM to get a couple hours of sleep.
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#11 reversedracula



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Posted 05 July 2004 - 01:16 PM

I recommend eight player Halo CTF or UT2k4 Onslaught/CTF/Assualt/UT2k4 has such a sweet sytem it doesn't matter LAN parties. The problem with Halo maps is that they are either too small or too large. It takes forever to play Blood Gulch or Sidewinder without vehicles. UT2k4 fixed this problem in Olslaught because you never respawn at a power node under attack, always respawn at one you control that isn't at the back of the damn map (unless that's the only node you control) and allows for teleportation between power nodes. Vehicles are powerful, but not so much as to not be countered by an ArVIL. You can't steal vehicles right away and assault the base, but can if the enemy discards them. In summation, a much more combat-oriented system rather that ridge-loser camping the bamf point and the running playing the bunnyhop. Halo's still fun though on the LAN, but UT is amazing.
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#12 UpGraD3



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Posted 05 July 2004 - 02:23 PM

Another fun fps is tribes 2. Its only 10 dollars so its very cheap. Nothing like watching ten people fall from the sky :P . This is just a cheap game if you get bored of ut2004.
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#13 Mantis



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Posted 05 July 2004 - 03:46 PM

I love small games of texas hold'em that end up with one guy winning all the money; having $30 you didn't have 4 hours before is a good feeling.
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#14 NinjZ



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Posted 05 July 2004 - 04:02 PM

MY friends family went away to the shore for a week two weeks ago. We had a huge lan/gameing party also. We had 10 computers LANed up for some good old StarCraft ( Im a beast with marines, medics, goliaths and drop ships. My base defence is impenatrable ), and CS.

Note: Aslong as one person has CS1.5, you can install the same CS on everyones comuter regaurdless of the same cd-key, aslong as its LAN. You might be able to do it with the new version, but we hate steam...

We also had 16 player halo every night ! We prefer assault mode ( set to three ) instead of CTF, though we still do that sometimes to change it up.

We used to play SoulCalibor, but after many argumeants, we deemed the game un-balanced.
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#15 Ragornocks



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Posted 05 July 2004 - 08:59 PM

I don't think we're gonna have more than 8 people, but if worse comes to worse, we'll toss in some bots.

Yeah, we are going with the original list of games, though we still can't decide between NWN and BG. I think we are leaning towards NWN.

Oh, we can play some table-top RPGs. It's with my RPG group, so we'll just do a bit of what we've started.

I'm thinking of picking up a few Night Finders, and having some stock Nerf fun. Atleast that way we can have a bit of movement. And out eyes won't fucking bleed. Lessee...Oh, that's about $50. Eesh. Maybe I'll demand like $10 bucks each for food/drink, and use the rest for some NFs. They are fun to mess around with stock.

Just got me a fancy new USB/PS2 Mouse today. Optical, comfortable, and just enough buttons to be useful, but not too many to be hindersome.

I need to find a table big enough, now. Figure 8 PCs, maybe 2 Laptops. Ugh.
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hug the fuck out of 'em, philippe!

#16 TimberwolfCY



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Posted 06 July 2004 - 12:47 AM

AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! God I wish I could be there...

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