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Questions about replacement motors.

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#26 Sam-underscore



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Posted 29 November 2013 - 01:33 PM

Did you read the post? Haha, I already said what would be different. Overvolting is not just about the voltage, motors need current too. Trustfires can't supply that kind of current.
And no, parallel means same voltage, more current supply and higher discharge rate.
Overall RPM with a 3s is certainly higher than a 2s, but the difference is in recovery time, as in, how it takes the motors to spin back up to full speed after shooting a dart. With a choked current supply, motors will have less torque and take longer to spin up.

9v batteries are terrible, teribble current supply and discharge, just use diodes to drop it down. There was another topic here somewhere about this. Something from the 1N5400 diode series would be perfect. Just put a couple of the diodes in series, and then place them in between the pusher motor and battery.

Edit: Sorry for my ignorance and stupidity, but I'm asking just to make sure. Will running 3 eFests make the pusher mech go any faster than it would with 3 ultrafires? If so, will it be too fast? (I have seen people run 3 ultrafires with no problems)
Ok thanks for all the help!!

Edited by Sam-underscore, 29 November 2013 - 07:39 PM.

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