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#1 Lizard Messiah

Lizard Messiah


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Posted 17 September 2013 - 07:39 PM

WANO III (Washington Area Nerf Out) – Subtitle: My Bad

Woodland Park, Seattle, WA
Sunday, October 6th 2013 (rain or shine)
12:00pm - 6:00pm
* Newcomers please be on time so we are clear on rules. After-hours gameplay by popular request!

Posted Image


Same meeting place as last time: picnic structure in the northern part of the park. PLEASE DON’T GO TO THE ZOO. Preferred parking lot and meeting area are circled on the map. The parking lot is accessible from 99 if you are heading north. You can also drive through the park to get there, notice the road that cuts through. Sadly I think renting the area will make us no longer under the radar and thus in danger of outside interference so fingers crossed for no reservations.


Sorry guys, I got super busy with moving and other miscellaneous distractions. But the time has come again! Rally your troops and steel your nerves. Weather is gonna be funky but I will only cancel if it is supposed to reach absolutely catastrophic conditions. I've been to a 6 person war in the rain and we had a real good time anyway. As always, bring new blood and extra stuff for people to use. Please see updated rules and let newcomers have a gander.


- Good attitude. We are participating in a somewhat whimsical sport. Relax and enjoy. Sharing your stuff is certainly not required but is much appreciated.

- Lots of blasters! All you got! Modded or homemade preferred, stock acceptable. Loaners are very much appreciated.

- Extra eyewear if you have it. This was almost an issue last time. I will grab some more extras but if you have any that will be most helpful.

- Darts! Stefans preferred (preferably slugs or something with a safeish tip). We will have a stockpile of stock and homemade but would love to borrow yours for the day. If you want your darts returned to you, label them accordingly. If you have a question about darts, pm me.

- Water and lots of it. Food might be a good idea this time as there will be a break but not a huge one.

Don't Bring:

- 'Tude. Be prepared to follow the rules, not exploit them. Listen when I am talking, not because I am super important but because it means more time playing and I won’t have to explain things multiple times. Improvements will be made from last time in terms of preparation and gametypes, I promise.

- Melee weapons. There are other avenues for that sort of thing. This series is not one of them.

- Anything dangerous. Blasters that hurt are perfectly within expectations but don't bring anything that can do more damage than a welt and eternal shame. This includes weird darts and overpowered blasters. The field should not necessitate crazy ranges (150+).


- (RULE #1, of the utmost importance) Don't be a bitch – or put more positively, be a gentleman. We are all gentlemen here, treat each other with respect and play fair. Be nice. Play with honor. Don't try to cheat the rules or do anything untoward -- remember that this is a game! At the end of the day, being upset about something in-game is really not worth it. I am doing my best to keep balance and tweak gametypes as needed. But games will never be perfectly balanced, so I ask that everyone keep this in mind and remember that we are all here because we have this crazy hobby in common and we should treat each other well. If you are disruptive or unpleasant you will be asked to leave. Please don't make this necessary.

- Don’t waste time. If we are picking up darts, help out. If we are gearing up to start a game, get your shit together and get in line. I will do my best to not be long-winded in explanations of games/rules and I ask that you be ready to listen when asked.

- Dart sweeps will happen frequently and must be respected. You can load up and otherwise mess with your gear AFTER the sweep. If you are dying and need some water first, that is understandable. I WILL yell at you if you are not sweeping when everyone else is. I promise. Unless we are doing a thorough sweep, just keep the darts you want and throw the rest in the pool. This will save time in preparing for the next round.

- I have no issue with smoking at all, but other players might. Please be considerate and step away from those who may not want to enjoy your cloud. Alcohol is absolutely prohibited for what I think should be obvious reasons.

General Rules:

- Eyewear required by all players during the game. We have limited extras, please bring your own. If you are not wearing eye protection you will be considered out of the game. Please don't bring full face masks as they tend to freak pedestrians out.

- Age minimum is 14 years. We had some issues here. If you have come to the war already and are underage (you and I know who you are) you may come again. DO NOT bring new people that are under this age limit. If you are being chaperoned, your chaperones will have to stay so we know you can get home. Even if you are younger, you are still subject to the same rules as everyone else. Please be mature and cooperative, not disruptive.

- This is not a democracy, but it is also not a dictatorship and I am open to suggestions about gametypes/rules. The goal is effective use of time, so if you have a good idea that is simple and quickly executed I am open to that. I am also very happy to accept feedback afterwards that will factor into future games. But! I am the be-all-end-all authority for simplicity’s sake. I will totally listen to you guys but for the sake of organization if you attend this war, you accept that fact. Don’t worry, I’m not that bad of a guy.

- Everyone has the right to call a hold for any reason. If a hold is called, stop and spread the word. If you hear someone yell hold, you should yell hold. We stop for pedestrians or other unexpected eventualities that warrant stopping. This will happen in the area we are using so if anyone calls a stop just chill for a bit. PLEASE NOTE! I will call resumes. If we have multiple people calling resumes it will be confusing. If I don’t know what is going on yet, just wait a minute. We will get back in action soon.

- Flagging tape for team games should be placed on the head or prominently on the blaster as these things tend to protrude around cover. You can put it other places only if you are sure it is absolutely visible. No one should be confused about what team you are on.

- Boundaries are awkward for this field. In general, don't try to be tricky. Stay where everyone else is.


- Any part of your body counts as a hit (clothes, accessories, facial hair, whatever). Your gun also counts as a hit. No shields. No blocking. No exceptions.

- Shooter always calls the hit, so if someone says they hit you, you must take the hit. You will be back in the game soon enough and you will have your revenge. Shooters, call your hits because they are sometimes not felt. If you are hit and they don’t call it, be nice and just take it. There is no such thing as arguing over a hit. If you are seriously having an issue with someone, talk to me or one of my officers.

- Barrel taps are permitted if your gun is loaded and ready to fire. Please do not smack anyone with your gun. Give them a friendly pat on the back or just say "barrel tap." They should to an unaware opponent from behind. If you are attacking from the front, shoot them. If you know you are screwed and someone is approaching from the front, just put your hands up if you would rather not be shot. No bayonet action, kids. When in doubt, don’t barrel tap at all, they will survive.

- When hit, PLEASE get out of the way. Don’t reload/pick up darts in the middle of a firefight as it is confusing and irritating. Go somewhere away from the action to do that sort of thing.

- If you are not in the game, hold your weapon up above your head. If you are so far away from the action that no one would get confused, fine. I don’t ever want to hear someone ask “are you in?”


- Do not bring blasters that look like real guns. Bright colors are great. If your blaster looks scary we will ask you to put it away. Or we will put a silly bow on it. Most likely the former.

- Range limit is 150 feet or so. I reserve the right to ban terrifying weaponry on the spot for any reason at all. Modded blasters will hurt, but there is a point at which it gets to be a bit much.

- No melee weapons. Period.


- Bring lots of these if you have them, they are appreciated even if we don’t end up using them. All ammo types that are not dangerous are fine.

- Darts will be pooled at the end of rounds, so mark them if you want them back at the end of the day.

- Pain is fine and expected, but not injury. Homemade darts should have some kind of padded tip and no exposed metal. Don't know how to make them? Slugs are effective, cheap and easy to make. This link is your friend. http://nerfhaven.com...showtopic=21347

Gametypes (some TBD, send me ideas!):

Team Deathmatch (3:15)

CTF (Unlimited Spawn)

FFA Pistols (Continuous)

King of the Stopwatch

Thanks to Gunther, Dayko, FlamingHilt and the people at the last one for rule/gametype inspiration!

Please reply to confirm!

LizardMessiah + a bunch probably
namm + the banner of Hoksmoor, flying proudly
Darth Freyr
ooontrprzes +2
that dude who showed up at the last one +5ish


Edited by Lizard Messiah, 29 September 2013 - 08:35 PM.

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A man is scarcely a man without a handkerchief.

#2 nisaburo



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Posted 17 September 2013 - 08:19 PM

Im not sure If i can make this one at all. Ill be having the mother-in-law in town and leaving the next day so we might be last minute doing things.
Ill do my best.
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#3 Darth Freyr

Darth Freyr


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Posted 17 September 2013 - 10:13 PM

I should be there.

I will have all the loaner blasters with me, and hopefully a better setup for hoppers and barrels. I don't have a whole lot of wyes though, so I'd be interested in any spares that people have sitting around.

I don't think I will have nearly as many new darts as the past couple wars, unless they really needed, as I have used up most of my foam.
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Please email me rather than sending a PM. I am DarthFreyr at gmail dot com

#4 ooontrprzes



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Posted 18 September 2013 - 10:56 AM

Well, I still haven't managed to get anyone else to sign up so they can RSVP for themselves, but I'm sure I'll be there with the usual 3 or 4 meatshields in tow.
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The only thing worse than stupid is lazy, at least an idiot will try. And its usually entertaining.

#5 Namm



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Posted 18 September 2013 - 05:27 PM

I suppose it is my duty to attend and once more fly the banner of hoksmoor proudly.
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#6 FeFish



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Posted 19 September 2013 - 02:31 AM

You can count me in
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It's Fe Ferris as in Iron the element

Selling pair of steampunk hand painted Mavericks 40$ and Steampunk Barricade with stock and scope 50$ PM me if interested. get them while you can

#7 iModify



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Posted 20 September 2013 - 09:58 PM

I'm in!
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Air guns go bang bang


#8 ooontrprzes



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Posted 27 September 2013 - 04:21 PM

I'm forced to cut my original RSVP short, as it's come to my attention a member of the team's spouse is about to pop, It will now likely be me plus 2 instead. Few things will stand as obstacle to a good war, but newborns are one of those things. His punishment shall be lax.
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The only thing worse than stupid is lazy, at least an idiot will try. And its usually entertaining.

#9 Lizard Messiah

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Posted 29 September 2013 - 08:36 PM


Yeah, I guess babies are important. Or something. Whatever.
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A man is scarcely a man without a handkerchief.

#10 ooontrprzes



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Posted 01 October 2013 - 12:14 AM

Well this is a delicate time, when they must be assessed for their merits and flaws so the decision can be made whether to cast them to the pits or rear them as true sons and daughters of war. Plus they poop a lot and no one wants that.
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The only thing worse than stupid is lazy, at least an idiot will try. And its usually entertaining.

#11 Lizard Messiah

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Posted 06 October 2013 - 12:14 PM

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. See you all soon.
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A man is scarcely a man without a handkerchief.

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