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#1 Katachi



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Posted 28 June 2004 - 01:52 AM

I sawed the dart holder off my Night Finder and I was left with a couple holes in the shell... what do we do with holes? FILL THEM!

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Just mix up some Bondo and gob it on good and thick. Too much is better than too little. I didn't put enough on mine so now there's a couple little pock marks.

Let it dry, only takes maybe 30-45 minutes. Then take some files and sandpaper and just sand it down! No holes! Check it out:


Edited by Katachi, 28 June 2004 - 02:10 AM.

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#2 Jangadance



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Posted 28 June 2004 - 02:13 PM

Awesome! I've usually been apprehensive about shell modification because it can leave unsightly holes, but using Bondo seems quick and easy. Speaking of quick, how long does it take to dry, and is it easy to work with? I'm assuming there's just 1 type of Bondo; how much does it cost at the hardware store?
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#3 Alexthebeast



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Posted 28 June 2004 - 02:22 PM

It's cheap, but ityou have to buy a ton. You can find it by auto body repair.
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#4 Katachi



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Posted 28 June 2004 - 04:11 PM

Awesome! I've usually been apprehensive about shell modification because it can leave unsightly holes, but using Bondo seems quick and easy. Speaking of quick, how long does it take to dry, and is it easy to work with? I'm assuming there's just 1 type of Bondo; how much does it cost at the hardware store?

Takes about 25 minutes do try. Wal Mart has it in the automotive section. A can is under 10 bucks, and a little goes a long way so you probably won't be buying a second can for a long time.
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"If I want something pretty, Ill paint a picuture. Courtesy of Shortshit" -THIRST

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