New(er) Banner thanks to Ultranewt!
Special announcement: I am no longer doing wars that allow straight-up homemades, they will, however, be part of other Milwaukee wars that are hosted by other people within the community. We'll make sure that neither stock or homemade wars are ignored.
We also have a steam group now! http://steamcommunit...groups/MANONerf
Date: October 14th
Time: 11ish - 4ish
Where: Picnic Area #5
Address for your mapping site of choice: Park Dr, West Allis, WI 53227
In case someone ninja-reserves the site, we will Nerf in the same park, but at site #3
Also note, Park drive has been made into a walking trail in-between site #5 & #3. You would need to take 116th to Lincoln, then to park drive to get from #5 to #3
Relevant rule changes:
~ If big ammo hits a melee weapon, the melee is broken until the wielder respawns
~ Limit of 3 weapons/shields on you at anytime
~ No dodgeball rules for catching darts
What to bring:
+ At least 1 pistol for the pistol rounds.
+ Melee Weapon if preferred. Your melee weapon can only be 1-4 feet long and less than 1 ft wide. Any melee weapon may be disallowed if I deem it unsafe (this has only happened once, let's keep it that way)
+ Enough ammo. If you do not have ammo, don't worry, we have a community bucket going. (However, our bucket could always use a re-fill if you feel like donating)
+ Eye protection is mandatory
+ A bag lunch with plenty of water or some other type of drink
+ Appropriate clothing. Or inappropriate. We're not picky.
What not to bring:
- Slugs/Stefans/Glue domes. ESPECIALLY GLUE DOMES.
- Modified stock ammo
- Anything painted entirely black, silver, or any form of camouflage.
- Blasters that have any sharp or pointy objects on them. This is for Toaster boy.
- Douchy attitude
- Too much tactical gear. If you look like you should be in the military, you will be asked to remove it.
Relevant Information:
~ Homemades are only allowed if they shoot large ammo (Arrows, Balls ect. )
~ West coast rule-set
~ A hit is defined as the projectile in question changing direction upon the striking the player first. If there is a dispute, the host is right. This also means no dodgeball, sorry.
~ Don't be afraid to ask questions! The only dumb question is the one not asked.
~ Anybody is welcome to attend, including family and friends. Said people should be 13 years of age or older due to general shenanigans
~ If any guns have any sharp or pointy objects on it, try and duct tape it down. This is mainly for Toaster boy. Hopefully he'll show up for once
~ Barrel taps: if you think you have to barrel tap with something at a stock-ammo war, you're doing it wrong
~ If big ammo hits a melee weapon, the melee is broken until tagged
~ Limit of 3 weapons/shields on you at anytime
~ Classes will make a return for some rounds probably:
Medic: Respawn modifier; his effect has changed for pretty much every war. Sometimes limited in weapons, sometimes not. Has an inhibited respawn
Spartan: Only person with shield in class-rounds (provided). Limited to melee (provided if preferred). He laughs at large ammo that plinks off his shield and weapon.
Engineer: Movable mobstacle (provided) which is vulnerable to large ammo. Cannot be boom-headshot-ed on the helmet
~ Shields are allowed in rounds where classes are not involved, for primaries you may have a small shield, pistol; medium, melee...just don't bring a brick wall or something.
~ Blasters count as shields
~ Shields are broken by large ammo and count as a hit
Possible Game-types:
Chaos/Meatgrinder/Shenanigans/Immortal/Style/Pattycake round
Zombie/Killing floor
Freeze Tag
Capture the Flag
Attack / Defend
Swat vs Zombies vs Civilians
+ More
After party
We typically go to Pizza hut/Taco bell after wars, here's the address for it:
11011 West National Avenue, West Allis, WI 53227
Edited by hummer, 08 October 2012 - 04:59 PM.