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Red foam?

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#1 Elmo1234



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Posted 21 August 2012 - 09:37 PM

Where can you find red foam? I have always wanted it.
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#2 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 21 August 2012 - 09:52 PM

Red foam is no longer made. Samples of pink foam can only be acquired under certain conditions from here.
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#3 KaneTheMediocre


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Posted 22 August 2012 - 05:55 PM

Where can you find red foam? I have always wanted it.

There WAS a batch of red foam to be had a while ago, but it turns out the stuff was a type of polyurethane foam (most FBR is polyethylene) that was banned by the EPA. So if you do find RED foam, at the bare minimum go outside before burning holes in it. I don't know if the EPA trouble refers to the foam itself or chemicals involved in it's manufacture.
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#4 erich76



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Posted 24 August 2012 - 08:03 PM

There WAS a batch of red foam to be had a while ago, but it turns out the stuff was a type of polyurethane foam (most FBR is polyethylene) that was banned by the EPA. So if you do find RED foam, at the bare minimum go outside before burning holes in it. I don't know if the EPA trouble refers to the foam itself or chemicals involved in it's manufacture.

More about this red foam. The red foam was known as "Cera Rod" and was sold as a backer rod for concrete. I believe the manufacturer was W.R. Meadows.
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#5 Mod Man

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Posted 25 August 2012 - 07:58 AM

Hey info on cerra rod. CERA-ROD is a closed-cell, round, flexible, continuous-length, non-absorbent, non-gassing, non-staining and non-shrinking material extruded from a cross-linked polyethylene. Compression/deflection is approximately eight psi (55.2 KPa) at 25% deflection. I will be happy to sell, check trading forum, Thanks , Later Mod
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