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#1 Griever 2112

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Posted 19 August 2012 - 03:07 PM

To NerfHaven,

To those of you who know my friend John from Hero's NJ Wars. I have some bad news he wanted me to share with the NIC. He was at his doctors this past Friday and was given some bad news. His doctors have found nodes on his lungs. Which is the starting stage of Lung Cancer. His doctor is optimistic in that they caught it early. He will be undergoing chemo therapy and will hopefully be well enough to participate in the 2013 season. I will keep everyone updated on his condition and howeverything is. I ask you keep him in your thoughts and prayers. While I personally am Catholic, and he is agnostic, I don't think it matters what god you pray to. Any and all will help. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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Griever 2112 still plays with his alpha trooper quite often despite owning one of the scariest +bows.

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#2 evilbunnyo



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Posted 19 August 2012 - 03:16 PM

I'm sorry to hear that man tell him I wish him the best.

And if anyone but a moderator comes in here and says this isn't the place I will shove my foot up your ass.
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#3 HasreadCoC



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Posted 19 August 2012 - 03:39 PM

Maybe we should just have a "currently disabled, seriously ill, or fallen nerfer" thread, I know several other guys, prominent ones, who have been forced to leave/take a break from nerfing due to health issues.
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I'm the only respectable person here. The rest of the NIC are pretty much just child molesters.

AKA: ObiWonTwo on Nerfrevolution, and most of the rest of the internet for that matter.....

#4 proplus



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Posted 19 August 2012 - 03:45 PM

While I personally am Catholic,

I am also a fellow catholic brother. I will pray for him.

Edited by proplus, 19 August 2012 - 10:54 PM.

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#5 Elmo1234



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Posted 19 August 2012 - 03:47 PM

I am sorry to hear that, I wish him well!
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#6 DudeRadster



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Posted 19 August 2012 - 04:22 PM

And if anyone but a moderator comes in here and says this isn't the place I will shove my foot up your ass.

I may not be as cool as you, bunny, but I'll back you there.

I'm Catholic too. I'll pray for him as well.
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#7 spencerak



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Posted 19 August 2012 - 08:14 PM

I may not be as cool as you, bunny, but I'll back you there.

I'm Catholic too. I'll pray for him as well.

I'm with you too bunny.

He'll be in my prayers and I hope he gets better.
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Holy shit it's Captain Slug.

#8 Demon Lord

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Posted 19 August 2012 - 08:23 PM

I'll add him to my spinning prayer wheel. Hopefully he recovers quickly and will be back nerfing better than ever.
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#9 Langley


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Posted 19 August 2012 - 08:23 PM

Give him my best. Tell him we all look forward to shooting him with foam darts when he gets through the chemo and gets back on his feet, and I wish him the best of luck with his treatments and recovery.

To HasreadCOC and some others who reported this thread or sent PMs about it:
This is an unusual circumstance. Ordinarily, if someone posted a thread like this, I would offer my sympathies, but I would have to ask, "Why are you posting about it on a Nerf Forum?". I certainly don't think we need a special thread for people to make unsubstantiated claims about the whereabouts of people from the internet. However, in this case there are a number of people who know John personally and nerfed with him on a regular basis over the last year, and because he's a guest of Griever's and doesn't have his own account, it's fine for Griever to be the one to post about it here.

I would prefer if the thread were kept on-topic from this point on. Please don't post unless you know John and have something to say. Anyone trolling this thread will be suspended.
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#10 DICE134



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Posted 19 August 2012 - 08:37 PM

I'm sorry to hear that. I'll make sure to include him in my prayers. Hope he recovers quickly.
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#11 mcaustin1



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Posted 28 August 2012 - 12:24 PM

Hope he gets better!

~Mcastin1 Posted Image
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Keep on modding

#12 Griever 2112

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Posted 31 August 2012 - 07:31 AM


John is starting chemo therapy treatments on Monday. They are going to be in-patient procedures at Fox Chase in Philly. He's stays for a week for treatment is released for at home recovery for 2 weeks, and then back again for treatment. He's got 4 rounds of chemo, so we won't know anything for at least 3 months. I'll let everyone know how he's doing after at least the second treatment. Anyone who has known someone to go through this knows it's going to be a really rough road for him.
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Griever 2112 still plays with his alpha trooper quite often despite owning one of the scariest +bows.

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#13 makeitgo



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Posted 31 August 2012 - 09:17 PM

I've had the unfortunate experience to know more than a few people having to go through chemo, all for differing types of cancer, past and present. It's not pretty. I wish him the best.


John is starting chemo therapy treatments on Monday. They are going to be in-patient procedures at Fox Chase in Philly. He's stays for a week for treatment is released for at home recovery for 2 weeks, and then back again for treatment. He's got 4 rounds of chemo, so we won't know anything for at least 3 months. I'll let everyone know how he's doing after at least the second treatment. Anyone who has known someone to go through this knows it's going to be a really rough road for him.

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#14 Griever 2112

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Posted 21 October 2012 - 08:49 AM

Update: John has just finished his third round and is home for now. He has one more treatment in 2 weeks and then it is the waiting game to make sure he is good to go. He has been in good spirits, he sends his thanks for all the well wishes either posted or PM'ed to me... He has read them all. So next update will be once he is done and he gets his post-chemo check up. He is really looking forward to the 2013 season, and says don't go easy on him.
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Griever 2112 still plays with his alpha trooper quite often despite owning one of the scariest +bows.

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#15 Griever 2112

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Posted 09 November 2012 - 08:53 AM

Good News Update:

So this is John's last day of Chemo (hopefully for good). Doctors said that one of the nods is broken up (not spreading broken up, but chemo was working and it is dying.) And the other 2 had reduced significantly. Now it's a waiting game to see how those last 2 do, and hope that he will get a clean bill of health. He won't be considered "cured" as long as no recurrences happen for like 5 years. But as long as he stays cancer-free and gets healthy over the winter. I will bring him back out for wars... cause he is itching to get out, and even wants to start doing his own mods.

Thank you for all your prayers and support, and I'll try to updated this probably in December with how he is doing.
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Griever 2112 still plays with his alpha trooper quite often despite owning one of the scariest +bows.

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#16 Griever 2112

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Posted 10 December 2012 - 04:47 PM

Update: 12-10-12 (Very, Very Good News!!)

Well John has been done with Chemo for about 2 weeks now. He just got out of the doctors for his follow up and I just spoke with him. The news we all wanted to hear was said. Chemo worked, cancer is gone. Very happy about this. Unfortunately their is a downside. Doctors said that he had some of the nodes in his lungs. The doctor said his levels are are good and whatever the Chemo was going to kill it did that, the remains still in the lungs are either scar tissue or something called Terratoma (which is basically a now beguine (sp?) tumor. The scar tissue is no big deal but the Terratoma can grow if left, it may take years or decades, but the doctors don't want to risk that. So he is going to see a surgeon on friday to discuss options, since they are on the edge of the lungs it (according to the doctors) should be simple incisions on his sides to get to the lungs rather than the frontal approach.

God willing that goes well, John will be back in action next spring.
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Griever 2112 still plays with his alpha trooper quite often despite owning one of the scariest +bows.

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#17 Mully



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Posted 10 December 2012 - 10:45 PM

That's great to hear, please wish him the best of luck, and a full recovery.
Cancer is horrible.

Edited by Mully, 13 May 2013 - 10:05 PM.

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#18 Daniel Beaver

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Posted 11 December 2012 - 08:06 AM

Glad to hear things are working out okay. Fuck cancer.
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#19 Griever 2112

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Posted 10 January 2013 - 06:53 PM

OK. This is my final update on John. He had his first surgury today. The mass removed was a Terratoma, no more cancer. He had a tablespoon or teaspoon sized piece of lung removed. But the doctor said he started healing almost immediately and that while the size sounds desenct, he compared it to taking that would of a gallon of water.

He still has one more to go in February, but I'll let him fill you guys in. He is now (finally) on Nerfhaven. If you want to say hi or send well wishes he is Caboose247.
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Griever 2112 still plays with his alpha trooper quite often despite owning one of the scariest +bows.

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#20 therealnerfjunkies



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Posted 10 January 2013 - 10:19 PM

Great. I am extremely happy to hear that the surgery went well. Is his last one in February? I hope to hear more good updates. When do you think that he will start nerfing? Though I live in SoCal, I hope he is able to nerf a lot more for a very long while. :)

Edited by therealnerfjunkies, 10 January 2013 - 10:20 PM.

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#21 Griever 2112

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Posted 11 January 2013 - 08:40 AM

Yes the final surgery is in February. They took the mass out of his left lung yesterday, and next month they will do the right side. They wanted to give him enough time to heal between surgeries in case of complications. After talking with him, he is not going to rush himself. He's looking at a return for give or take May (give or take war scheduling) While, he can't get a "clean" bill of health for at least 5 years, I think, so far everything is looking good.

I, personally, just want to convey my thanks for everyone on this thread who has sent well wishes to John. It was moving to see the community rally for one of our own, even if you never met him. And thank you Langley for letting me keep this thread. I know there were a few in the beginning who questioned why I was doing this. I think if anyone reads the posts, you'll see why I did this. This was a very rough patch for my friend, and the kind words from everyone, definitely help to show him that we were all pulling for him.
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Griever 2112 still plays with his alpha trooper quite often despite owning one of the scariest +bows.

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#22 Griever 2112

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Posted 20 March 2013 - 07:38 AM

Final Surgery went well, and after his follow up yesterday, he is now Cancer Free... still needs periodical testing for a while, but God willing, this is finally over. Again thank you for all the prayers and support. If anyone wants to send any messages to John you can drop him a PM at Caboose247.

Langley, since the thread has now run it's course you can lock this if you want.
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Griever 2112 still plays with his alpha trooper quite often despite owning one of the scariest +bows.

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#23 Griever 2112

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Posted 03 October 2013 - 08:54 AM

I know asked Langley to lock this. and bunch of you guys have PM'ed me about John and he thanks you for all of them. I shared everyone with him and was moved at the support from the community. There was unfortunately a major setback over the summer, where they found lingering cancer cells after his final surgery. He wound up with cancer in his Abdomen. The doctors caught it at pretty much the infancy of it. And did extremely aggressive Chemo this go around. He is done with his treatments, and last Monday he saw the doctors. As of right now... he is in Remission. The prayer, and well wishes finally answered.

I wanted to extend a personal thank you too. I was very moving too see the community rally for him. And as long as his ass stays healthy, I will get him back into the field. I know he is itching to do so.
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Griever 2112 still plays with his alpha trooper quite often despite owning one of the scariest +bows.

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